A New SUSE SAP Business One installer image is ready

Tuesday, 10 November, 2020

Following our motto „We adapt you succeed“ together with our IHV‘s and SAP we have refreshed the installer image for SAP Business One.

First of all many thanks to all IHV‘s which have validated the new installer image. They went the extra mile with us and make this happen. I‘d like to say thank you again for the great cooperation between all parties during this validation period. The new SUSE SAP Business One installer image was validated by FUJITSU, Nutanix, Supermicro, Dell and Lenovo for their respective Hardware.

What’s new?

  • SAP Business One 10 requires and supports SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15

  • Base operating system including all patches until the October 2020 is “SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2

  • SUSE SAP Installation Wizard (partitioning and installation of SAP HANA and SAP Business One)

  • System optimization for SAP HANA® and SAP Business One® in place (sapconf 5) https://documentation.suse.com/sles-sap/15-SP2/single-html/SLES-SAP-guide/#sec-sapconf-5

  • tailored for bare metal deployments only (FUJITSU, Nutanix, Supermicro, Dell, Lenovo)
  • The pre-installed OS image requires a normal SUSE subscription for SLES and is a service from SUSE for the Business One partners without additional costs

  • System can be activated with SUSE Linux Enterprise Server or SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications with suitable subscriptions
    • in case of SLES for SAP Applications two migration steps are required:
    • technical migration (product change) and a business migration (new subscription)

  • SAP software for SAP HANA® and SAP Business One® is as before NOT part of the image
  • Installation documentation is provided by SAP

  • SAP HANA systemreplication automation based High availability setup is only supported with SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications (Best Practice)
    • needs suitable subscription

    • needs migration

    • additional steps to setup the cluster on top of the SAP HANA systemreplication

Where can you get the new image:

As always here -> https://www.suse.com/slesb1hana

(a SUSE partner login is required)

More information:

Please consult the SAP note for SAP Business One 1944415 and checkout our other blog post’s.


This is Bernd (SUSE) from the SAP technical alliance team normally “onsite” in the SAP LinuxLab Germany

SAP Business One® Powered by SAP HANA® on SUSE Linux Enterprise Ready to Run

Wednesday, 11 December, 2019

SUSE have released a new version of SAP Business One® pre-installed OS image for Business One.

20 Years of Partnership, Trust and Innovation

Since SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 we are happy to provide an pre-installed OS image which simplify the deployment process of SAP Business One®. The pre-installed OS image for Business One is a cooperation project between SAP, Hardware Partners and SUSE. Over the last three month we have developed,verified, fixed, verified and verified again. I’ve to say “Thank you” for all people who are involved in this project to make this happen. My great thanks to all Hardware Partners which are willing to verify the new pre-installed OS image for Business One and take care that this will work with their appliances.


Some small fact you should aware of:

  • Base operating system of the pre-installed OS image for Business One is: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4
  • SUSE SAP Installation Wizard (partitioning and installation of SAP HANA and SAP Business One)
  • System optimization for SAP HANA® and SAP Business One® in place
  • Made for bare metal deployments only
  • The pre-installed OS image requires a normal SUSE subscription for SLES and is a service from SUSE for the Business One partners without additional costs
  • Can be activated with SUSE Linux Enterprise Server or SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications with suitable subscriptions
    • in case of SLES for SAP Applications two migration are required:
    • technical migration (product change) and a business migration (new subscription)
  • SAP software for SAP HANA® and SAP Business One® is NOT part of the image
  • Installation documentation is provided by SAP (there is no difference to the existing SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3 edition)
  • SAP HANA Systemreplication automation is only possible with SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications (Best Practice)
    • needs suitable subscription
    • needs migration

News and outlook:

As a result the new pre-installed OS image for Business One is verified by two new hardware partners in addition. They started from scratch and did the SAP certification and image validation. Nutanix and Supermicro have validated and contributed to support there hardware platform for the new pre-installed OS image for Business One. I’m responsible in the SAP LinuxLab here in St. Leon-Rot to coordinate the communication and try to assist all parties during the process.

We already have started internally the planing for the new deployment method to support SAP Business One® version 10.0. Our new method will be based on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP1 and is mandatory for SAP Business One® 10.0. One last thing, we take care for SAP note 1944415 and do updates from time to time.

This is Bernd (SUSE) from the SAP Alliance team onsite in the LinuxLab

Ensuring Business Continuity Post-CentOS EOL

Wednesday, 3 July, 2024

CentOS 7 has reached its end of life (EOL), and businesses that have relied on this robust and popular operating system now face the daunting task of migrating to a new platform. The stakes are high: any delay in transitioning away from CentOS 7 can leave systems vulnerable to cyberattacks, business disruptions, outages, bugs and non-compliance. 

Migrating to a new OS involves major disruptions in your daily operations, threatening the continuity of your business-critical Linux. 

But what if you didn’t have to migrate? SUSE Liberty Linux offers a seamless solution that allows enterprises to maintain their current CentOS environments and still receive the updates, patches and support they need to thrive—zero migration required. 

In this blog, we’ll discuss: 

  • CentOS EOL challenges
  • Migration complexities
  • Benefits of avoiding migration
  • How to ensure future stability


Understanding the Challenges

CentOS 7’s end of life brings several significant challenges that businesses must address to maintain stability and security. From cybersecurity risks to potential business disruptions and compliance issues, these obstacles necessitate immediate action to safeguard operations.

  • Cybersecurity Risks: With CentOS 7 no longer receiving official updates and patches, systems running this OS are increasingly susceptible to cyberattacks. Hackers exploit vulnerabilities in outdated software, and attacks can result in enormous revenue loss for your business.
  • Business Disruptions and Outages: The absence of ongoing support means that any issues arising within CentOS 7 could lead to significant downtime. This not only impacts productivity but can also tarnish a company’s reputation.
  • Bugs and Non-Compliance: As software bugs surface, the lack of updates means there’s no recourse for fixing these issues. You’ll be left on your own to address bugs, taking away developers’ focus from other revenue-generating projects. Additionally, businesses in regulated industries may find themselves out of compliance, risking fines and other penalties.

Given these obstacles, taking immediate action is necessary. With every passing day, unsupported CentOS environments become increasingly out-of-date, vulnerable and unstable. 

However, many enterprises face the tough challenge of not having the time or resources to undertake a full migration to a new operating system, making it difficult to ensure their systems remain secure and compliant. This predicament underscores the urgent need for a solution that can bridge the gap without necessitating an extensive and resource-intensive migration process.


The Complexities of Migrating from CentOS to Another Distribution

Migrating from one Linux distribution to another is a complex and multi-faceted process that requires meticulous planning and execution. Each step, from assessing the current infrastructure to deploying and monitoring the new system, plays a crucial role in ensuring a smooth transition. 

Here are the key steps involved in a successful migration:

  • Assess Current Infrastructure: Inventory all systems running CentOS and identify critical applications and services that must be preserved.
  • Compatibility Checks: Ensure hardware components and software, including custom applications and third-party tools, function correctly in the new environment.
  • Data Migration: Perform thorough backups and develop careful transfer plans to avoid data loss or corruption.
  • Configuration and Customization: Recreate existing system settings and tailor the new environment to specific operational needs.
  • Extensive Testing: Ensure all applications and services function as expected through comprehensive testing.
  • Training and Documentation: Train IT staff and end-users on the new distribution and update documentation to reflect changes.
  • Deployment and Monitoring: Deploy the new system with minimal downtime and closely monitor post-migration performance to promptly address any arising issues.

The complexities of migrating from CentOS to another distribution can be daunting and resource-intensive, making it a challenging endeavor for any enterprise. Fortunately, SUSE Liberty Linux offers a viable solution to avoid these migration hurdles entirely.


The SUSE Liberty Linux Alternative

To address the complexities and challenges of a full migration, SUSE Liberty Linux provides a streamlined and efficient CentOS 7 alternative. Most importantly, SUSE Liberty Linux does not require migration. 

This unique solution allows businesses to maintain their current CentOS environments while receiving necessary updates and support. This ensures business continuity and security without the disruptions typically associated with OS migrations.

  • Seamless Transition: SUSE Liberty Linux offers a unique solution that allows enterprises to continue using their existing CentOS environments while receiving ongoing updates, patches and support. This eliminates the need for a full-scale migration, thereby saving your business in time and resources.
  • Zero Migration Required: Unlike other solutions that necessitate a complete overhaul of your current systems, SUSE Liberty Linux enables you to maintain your existing setup. This means no disruptions to your operations, no retraining for your staff and no compatibility issues with your existing applications.
  • Continued Support and Updates: With SUSE Liberty Linux, you receive the necessary updates and patches to keep your systems secure and compliant. This CentOS 7 support ensures that your business remains protected against cyber threats and continues to meet regulatory requirements.


Overcoming CentOS Migration Hurdles

Migration can be costly and risky – and they require a lot of resources to ensure they are flawless. Here’s how SUSE Liberty Linux helps overcome them:

  • Cost Efficiency: Full-scale migrations often require substantial financial investment in new hardware, software licenses and staff training. SUSE Liberty Linux mitigates these costs by allowing you to retain your current infrastructure.
  • Minimized Downtime: Transitioning to a new OS can cause significant downtime as systems are reconfigured and staff are trained on new processes. By avoiding migration, SUSE Liberty Linux ensures that your business operations remain uninterrupted.
  • Resource Allocation: IT teams are often stretched thin, and balancing daily operations with the demands of migration only exacerbates bandwidth issues. SUSE Liberty Linux alleviates this burden, allowing your IT staff to focus on strategic initiatives rather than troubleshooting migration issues. Additionally, since you continue running your existing CentOS setup, no new training is required for your staff, further reducing resource strain.



The time to act is now to safeguard your systems and secure your CentOS 7 future. With SUSE Liberty Linux you can maintain your existing CentOS environments with ongoing support and updates, ensuring business continuity without the need for disruptive and costly migrations.

Consider SUSE Liberty Linux as your solution to maintaining operational stability – so you can focus on your core business objectives, confident in the knowledge that your systems remain robust and resilient against emerging threats.

For more information on navigating CentOS EOL and exploring SUSE Liberty Linux, visit SUSE’s comprehensive guide.

Business and operational security in the context of Artificial Intelligence

Tuesday, 17 October, 2023

This is a guest blog by Udo Würtz, Fujitsu Fellow, CDO and Business Development Director of the Fujitsu’s European Platform Business. Read more about Udo, including how to contact him, below.


Deploying AI systems in an organization requires significant investments in technology, talent, and training. There is a fear that the expected ROI (return on investment) will not materialize, especially if the deployment does not meet business needs.

This is where a reference architecture like the AI Test Drive comes into play. It allows companies to test the feasibility and return on investment of AI solutions in a controlled environment before committing to significant investments. AI Test Drive thus addresses not only technical risks, but also commercial risks, enabling companies to make informed decisions.

The field of data science is rapidly evolving, and many professionals are looking for a reliable platform to effectively evaluate AI applications. However, such architectures must support a range of cutting-edge technologies. So let’s examine each technology component and its importance in this context.

  1. Platform and Cluster Management with SUSE Rancher:

Kubernetes has become the gold standard for container orchestration. Rancher, a comprehensive Kubernetes management tool, supports the operations and scalability of AI models. It allows the management of Kubernetes clusters across multiple cloud environments, simplifying the roll-out and management of AI applications.

  1. Hyper-convergence with Harvester:

In contemporary AI environments, which are usually cloud native environments, the capacity for hyper-convergence—integrating computation, storage, and networking into one solution—is invaluable. Harvester offers this capability, leading to enhanced efficiency and scalability for AI applications.

  1. Computational Power through Intel:

Intel technologies, notably the Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors, are fine-tuned for AI applications. Additional features like the Intel® Deep Learning Boost accelerate deep learning tasks. In particular, the Gen 4 has separate AI accelerators on board, which makes this type of Processor significantly different from the previous ones and delivers incredible performance. In a project involving vehicle detection, the Gen 3 had an inference of 30 frames / s. This was a very good performance. Gen 4 of over 5000(!) frames/s, due to the accelerators inside the chip.

  1. Storage Solutions with NetApp:

Data is the core of AI. NetApp provides efficient storage solutions specially designed to store and process massive datasets, which is crucial for AI projects.

  1. Parallel Processing with NVIDIA:

The parallel processing capability that NVIDIA GPUs bring to the table is invaluable in AI applications where large datasets must be processed simultaneously. 

  1. Network Infrastructure by Juniper:

The backbone of every AI platform is its networking. Juniper delivers advanced network solutions ensuring efficient, bottleneck-free data traffic flow. This is vital in AI settings where there are demands for low latency and high bandwidth.

Now You Can Evaluate Your AI Projects Practically & Technically:

The Fujitsu AI Test Drive amalgamates tried-and-true technologies into a cohesive platform, granting data scientists the ability to evaluate their AI projects both pragmatically and technically. By accessing such deep technological resources, users can pinpoint the tools and infrastructure that best align with their unique AI challenges.

Share your idea and we share knowledge and resources.

What is your vision for a business model that fully exploits the possibilities of innovative IT concepts? Do you already have a vision that you are implementing concretely? Or do you still lack the necessary resources on the way from the idea to realization, for example technical expertise, budget and sufficient test capacities?

We’re pleased to introduce the Fujitsu Lighthouse Initiative, a special program, designed to foster prototyping and drive technological endeavors, ensuring businesses harness the full potential of emerging technologies.​ The initiative isn’t just about gaining support for your Digital Innovation and prototyping projects; it’s a pathway to joint project realization. Selected projects can benefit from a project support pool of €100,000, to be used tailored to these project’s unique requirements. Together, we will leverage Fujitsu’s resources, expertise, and vast ecosystem to turn visionary ideas into tangible outcomes.

Register today for the Fujitsu Lighthouse Initiative.


Related infographic

About the Author:

Udo Würtz is Chief Data Officer ( CDO of the Fujitsu European Platform Business. In his function he advises customers at C level (CIO, CTO, CEO, CDO, CFO) on strategies, technologies and new trends in the IT business. Before joining Fujitsu, he worked for 17 years as CIO for a large retail company and later for a Cloud Service Provider, where he was responsible for the implementation of secure and highly available IT architectures. Subsequently, he was appointed by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology as an expert for the Trusted Cloud Program of the Federal Government in Berlin. Udo Würtz is intensively involved in Fujitsu’s activities in the fields of artificial intelligence (AI), container technologies and the Internet of Things (IoT) and, as a Fujitsu Fellow, gives lectures and live demos on these topics. He also runs his own YouTube channel on the subject of AI.

New Releases for Business Critical Linux With Enhanced Security and Advanced Function

Tuesday, 20 June, 2023

successful BCL Launch

Today, SUSE announces the general availability of the latest releases in our Business Critical Linux (BCL) family – the SLE family of products (including SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP5 and SLES for SAP Applications 15 SP5) and SUSE Manager 4.3.6.

These releases are optimized to host workloads across the widest range of environments.  And, they provide one of the world’s strongest security postures, giving our customers the essential ingredient in a secure infrastructure as businesses build better multi-channel experiences for their customers.  While the entire BCL portfolio has been updated, three solutions worth mentioning are:

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP5

Our flagship product, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server,  is now available with a brand new service pack. In this release, we focus on security – including driver refreshes to enable hardware features to enhance support for Confidential Computing.  In addition,  we updated extensions and tools for SUSE Linux Enterprise that help you run your infrastructure better.

For more details and all the updates, check out this blog by Jeff Reser and the documentation page here.  For technical details, please refer to the here.

SLES for SAP Applications 15 SP5

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications is an SAP Endorsed App specifically designed with features to deploy, configure, and manage SAP systems on-premises and in the cloud. The new release of SLES for SAP Applications includes enhancements to Trento to help prevent any downtime of your business critical SAP applications.  Trento provides proactive checks and monitoring – an essential piece of day 2 operations for HANA and S/4HANA deployments.

For more details, visit the SLES for SAP Applications documentation page here.   And, for technical details, please refer to the release notes  here.

SUSE Manager 4.3.6

While this is not a major release of SUSE Manager, it includes some major enhancements.  For instance, SUMA 4.3.6 supports not only SLES 15 SP5 but also supports RHEL 9 and all of its derivations.  Additionally, this release of SUSE Manager supports recurring salt states and enhanced CVE and openSCAP scanning.  SUMA 4.3 will also have extended support – all the way through June 2025.  This is particularly important because SUMA 4.2 goes out of support in October 2023.

For more details, check out my blog here and visit the SUSE Manager documentation page here. And, for technical details, please refer to the release notes here.

Downloads Now Available

We’re pleased to provide new releases of our BCL portfolio.  We invite you to download them today!










  • https://registry.suse.com/
  • Covers SUSE Linux Enterprise Base Container Images 15 SP5 on AMD64/Intel 64, Arm, Power, and IBM zSystems & LinuxONE.


We look forward to seeing the adoption of these new releases in the market and we welcome your comments and input!





Building Digital Trust: A Holistic Approach to Securing Your Business in the Cloud Native World

Monday, 5 June, 2023

In our increasingly digital age, digital trust is the new gold standard. This trust isn’t something that’s just given—it’s earned, deliberately, through rigorous cybersecurity practices and robust data protection measures. As your business moves more of its operations into the cloud, the ability to build and maintain this digital trust becomes critical to your success.

At its core, digital trust is about the level of confidence your customers, partners and stakeholders have in your company’s digital operations. This trust is built on the belief that their data—both personal and business—will be handled with the utmost care, securely stored and used responsibly. It’s not just a promise; it’s a commitment that flows through every aspect of your business, from the core infrastructure right down to your customer-facing apps.

So, how do your customers really feel about you? Is their data safe with you? Are your digital operations secure? Is their information handled with respect and discretion? Can they really trust you?

At SUSE, we’re in the business of helping you answer these questions confidently. We help you protect critical data by staying ahead of potential threats, integrating security across all environments, and using automation to fill gaps—all while keeping the door open for innovation. Our ultimate goal is to nurture digital trust between you and your customers, strengthening it at every opportunity.

Navigating the delicate forces of digital trust, however, comes with its fair share of challenges:


  • Emerging Security Threats: Ever-evolving cybersecurity threats loom over our digital landscapes. Staying one step ahead is crucial, demanding a proactive strategy that includes threat intelligence, vulnerability management and continuous monitoring.


  • Incident Response and Recovery: Even with the best efforts, cybersecurity incidents happen. A robust incident response plan is your safety net, ensuring business continuity and maintaining digital trust when things go askew.


  • Budgeting for Security and the Security Talent Gap: Cybersecurity is a complex endeavor, and there’s not enough talent to go around. As companies grapple with balancing cybersecurity investments with other business priorities, affordable security solutions and third-party expertise become indispensable.


  • Security Integration: With today’s organizations operating across diverse environments, from core to cloud to edge, integrating security across the entire stack is crucial to protect sensitive data and maintain digital trust.


  • Regulatory Compliance: Adhering to regulations like GDPR and CCPA isn’t just about avoiding penalties—it’s a fundamental way to protect customer data and build a robust security posture that not only meets but exceeds these standards.


This disruptive business landscape requires a holistic approach to establishing, growing and maintaining digital trust. Here’s where SUSE’s suite of solutions comes into play. Here are just a few ways we provide integrated features that bolster digital trust:


  • SLES (SUSE Linux Enterprise Server) helps organizations run their critical applications as a secure, adaptable operating system.


  • Rancher provides a simple, comprehensive platform for organizations to securely manage their modern cloud native stack anywhere.


  • NeuVector, SUSE’s container security solution, offers advanced visibility, threat detection and mitigation capabilities and simplified compliance.


  • SLE BCI (SUSE Linux Enterprise Base Container Images) enables businesses to build with a secure base for their containerized workloads.


  • SUSE Manager simplifies, automates and secures the management of mixed Linux environments.


Digital trust isn’t a one-time thing—it’s an ongoing commitment. With SUSE, you’re not just reacting to the digital world; you’re defining it.

Click here to learn more about Digital Trust with SUSE.

Announcing SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP5 – One Linux, Limitless Innovation

Tuesday, 9 May, 2023

With SUSE Linux Enterprise you’re not just using one of the most secure platforms available, you’re joining a community of innovators who are transforming the world.

The next release of SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE), currently available in beta, is optimized to host workloads across the widest range of environments.  Known as having one of the strongest security postures in the world, it is an essential ingredient in a secure infrastructure as businesses build better multi-channel experiences for their customers.

While general availability is in approximately six weeks, the beta is providing a glimpse of many of the key features that the products in the SLE family will offer with 15 SP5.  We’ve grouped them into the following key areas:

Protect all your data

Build secure and compliant infrastructure that safeguards the operation of all your business-critical workloads.

  • Prevent cyberattacks with secure software supply chain
  • Protect data with Confidential Computing (Virtual Machines)
  • Ensure security profiles with highest certifications available.

Run  anywhere

Run your mission-critical workloads from the core to the cloud and to the edge.

  • Increase uptime of services with user space and kernel Live Patching and High Availability
  • Establish a secure, reliable platform across core, cloud and edge architectures
  • Optimized for SAP environments.

Scale endlessly

Build security-hardened cloud-native applications.

  • Leverage scalability everywhere with virtualization and containerization
  • Start easily with security-hardened Base Container Images
  • Ensure greater cloud interoperability.

What’s new In the SUSE Linux Enterprise family of products?

The new service pack for the SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE) family of products includes these notable features:

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP5
    Designed to help organizations accelerate innovation, gain competitive advantage and improve productivity. SLES is available on x86-64, AArch64, ppc64le, and S390x hardware architectures.

    • Driver refreshes to enable new hardware features, like Confidential Computing
    • Updates from Intel, AMD, Arm, and IBM to enable new chipsets and machines
    • Updated virtualization, containers, High Availability, Desktop, and databases.
    • Updated language support for Python, Rust, and Go.
  • SLES for SAP Applications 15 SP5
    Designed to deliver improved SAP system availability and faster deployment through automation and tooling.

    • Trento, the “day 2” operations manager for HANA and S/4HANA deployments, prevents downtimes of an SAP landscape through proactive checks and monitoring
    • Saptune tunes an SAP host for SAP workloads
    • Intel performance counter package allows additional monitoring of Intel hardware and memory to help diagnose performance problems.
  • SLE Desktop & SLE Workstation Extension 15 SP5
    A complete desktop solution that provides office productivity, web, collaboration, and development capabilities.

    • Updates to the Gnome desktop environment
    • Enhancements of several stacks, including libQT, Bluetooth, and Audio
    • Improved interoperability.
  • SLE Live Patching 15 SP5
    Cutting-edge technology that improves business continuity and saves costs by reducing downtimes, increasing service availability, and enhancing security and compliance.

    • User land live patching has improved integration and flexibility, reducing the need for reboots even further.
  • SLE Base Container Images
    Freely available images and templates for building OS-based and language-based containers.

    • Base, minimal, micro images
    • Go, Node.js, Python, OpenJDK, Ruby, .NET, PHP, Rust images
    • Podman 4.4
  • SLE High Performance Computing 15 SP5
    A highly scalable, high-performance operating system designed to utilize the power of parallel computing for modeling, simulation and advanced analytics workloads.

    • Updated tools and libraries to latest levels
    • Addition of Warewulf4 for cluster provisioning
    • Popular HPC tools are separately packaged and supported.
  • SLE Real Time 15 SP5
    Specifically engineered to reduce latency, increase predictability, and improve the reliability of time-sensitive, mission-critical applications.

    • Updated kernel strengthens reliability with process and task prioritization
    • IoT and automotive enablement, increasing predictability of critical business process response times through real time scheduler classification and hierarchical priority schema
    • Identify and resolve bottlenecks in the system through deterministic results for applications and processes.


SLE 15 SP5 addresses your IT transformation challenges with one of the most secure OS platforms available today in support of your business-critical workloads.

For more details, please visit:

Thanks for reading!  I will have much more to share over the next couple of months as we get closer to general availability and SUSECON in late June.

Jeff Reser


Introducing SUSE support for the newest model of IBM LinuxONE Rockhopper and IBM z16 Platforms

Tuesday, 18 April, 2023

LinuxONE Rockhopper 4

The ground-breaking combination of IBM and SUSE security and sustainability initiatives pave the way to better choices for our customers.

This is exemplified by IBM’s recent announcement of the new IBM LinuxONE Rockhopper 4 and IBM z16 Single Frame platforms.  These latest systems:

  • Launch a new era of sustainability with a more cost-effective rackmount system.
  • Provide advanced security with confidential computing that leverages a galvanized Linux infrastructure.
  • Deliver choices to customers and developers on running the most ideal Linux environment for their business-critical workloads.

“It’s great to see SUSE’s support for the newest members of our z16 and LinuxONE families”, said Matt Whitbourne, Director, Product Management – OS & Virtualization, IBM Z & LinuxONE Systems, IBM. “SUSE Linux on IBM Z customers continue to be amongst our most important IBM Z customers, and we follow an open approach for Linux distributions on IBM Z, including SUSE Linux. We continue to work closely with SUSE on development, testing and support of SUSE Linux on IBM Z, to benefit our joint customers.”

Sustainability:  It’s more than a word

The IBM LinuxONE Rockhopper is built from the ground up on the very principle of sustainability. Just by itself, the Rockhopper design delivers the highest level of utilization for maximum efficiency.  With its optimized architecture to meet the needs of today’s businesses, the Rockhopper design also embraces sustainability without compromise.

As an open source company, SUSE also lives in the world of sustainability.  The whole concept of open source is that it delivers timely, agile innovation that acts as a force for good. Open source, by its very nature, is about teamwork and collaboration.  It’s about focusing resources where they are most needed, sharing knowledge, and dedicating resources to where they are most needed.

SUSE as a company promotes sustainability through action — from our “GoGreen” employee network to our green operations, products, and solutions to our partnership with Eden Reforestation Project plant the SUSE Forest in Madagascar, supporting reforestation and battling climate change.

Security:  From data at rest to data in use

Security is no doubt a hot topic.  And from its beginnings in the 1960s, the mainframe has earned its place as one of the most secure hardware platforms made.  The IBM LinuxONE Rockhopper 4 continues this tradition by offering a trusted execution environment that supports confidential computing for data in use and pervasive encryption for data at rest and data in flight.   IBM designed the new Rockhopper to support 7x9s of resiliency which equates to just 3 seconds of downtime and quantum safe computing to protect encrypted data not only today but also in the future.

SUSE also takes security seriously.  From our SLSA-compliant secure software supply chain to our security certifications for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, SUSE builds all of our solutions with security at the core.  SUSE is one of a small group of companies that knows about critical vulnerabilities before they are published, resulting in fast responses for SUSE releasing fixes for security issues. And with the automation capabilities of SUSE Manager, your servers can remain up-to-date and compliant.

SLES is one of the very few OSs that have the highest level of certifications.  SLE uses a “certify once, use many” approach which means that all certifications and security processes are met/inherited from the common code base – whether you are using SLE Micro or SLES 15 SP4. In addition, SLE supports two different Linux Security Modules – SELinux and AppArmor – each with its own approach to securing access.  Supplying support for both SELinux and AppArmor gives customers a choice in how they want and need to manage security.

Flexibility:  At any scale

The new IBM LinuxONE Rockhopper 4 delivers flexible consumption options.  In fact, this new hardware platform is perfect for managing the demands of your digital business.  Rockhopper is a massively scalable system holding up to 16TB of storage.  And for the first time, you can order the Rockhopper as factory frame or rack mounted.  Now that’s flexibility.

SUSE also believes in the power of flexibility.  Starting with a secure common code base, SLE is a modular operating system that paves the way for business transformation.  From the same secure common codebase, SLE Micro for IBM zSystems and LinuxONE provides a hardened and lightweight purpose-built operating system for containerized and virtualized workloads. If cloud native deployments on IBM zSystems and LinuxONE are interesting, SUSE Rancher Prime provides the flexibility of deployment using containerized workloads.

IBM and SUSE have been partners for more than 25 years.  SUSE is pleased to support the new IBM LinuxONE Rockhopper 4.

Microsoft and SUSE help Transform Business Productivity with High Availability Solutions

Monday, 22 August, 2022

Microsoft and SUSE have been close technology partners for many years. We create innovative solutions that help customers accelerate the migration to SAP S/4HANA in the cloud environment. Recently there are key activities that will help customers transform business productivities.

Special Acknowledgement: the activities mentioned below are co-authored with Ralitza Deltcheva, Principal Architect Lead, Microsoft. 

  • A blog on the high availabilities solutions that help customers reduce downtime, increase service availability and reliability, thus increase business productivities.
  • If you haven’t checked it out, listen to what the experts have to say about the high availability solutions in this on-demand session: “Learn how to reduce downtown for SAP workloads on Azure with SLES for SAP Applications”. Register to access SUSECON 2022 Session BP-1265

We welcome your feedback and comments. Please feel free to reach out to azure@suse.com.