A Mile High In Denver

Not associated with Open Infrastructure Summit

The Wrong Denver *

The OpenStack Foundation have just released the session agenda for the inaugural Open Infrastructure Summit, which will be taking place in May in Denver, Colorado. As you’ll no doubt already know, the OpenStack Summits are no more, so we’ll instead be getting together to talk about all the different open infrastructure components that businesses are using to build their infrastructures.

Whether you’re a die-hard OpenStack fan, if Kubernetes is more your bag, maybe Kata Containers floats your boat or if Ceph is more your bag, then there’s something for you in the Mile High City this May.

Paint it black (well, green actually)

Of course, SUSE will be there – we’re founding members of the OpenStack Foundation, and were the first to release an enterprise-ready OpenStack distribution way back in the mists of time (2011 if you want to be precise). We’ve been planning the theme for our booth for a while now, and it’s going to stand out as always – over the years you’ve met the SUSE Pit Crew, the SUSE Surgical Team and the SUSE Flight Crew, so you’ll have to wait and see what 2019 brings. Rest assured, the colour green will be very evident, and there will of course be chameleons.

Some of the team from SUSE will be presenting through the week, so be sure to come along to say hello to the team at the booth, and check out some of our sessions:

Monday 29th April

2:50pm – 3:30pmKnow more about your Ceph cluster with ELK stack! – Cameron Seader

2:50pm – 3:30pmRook: A new and easy way to run your Ceph storage on Kubernetes – Blaine Gardner & Dirk Muller

Tuesday 30th April

9am – 10:30amScaling should be easy and automatic: Heat and Monasca – Sumit Jamgade, Witek Bedyk, Joseph Davis


1:40pm – 2:20pmWorking backwards: Using upstream content downstream – Alexandra Settle

1:40pm – 3:20pmIs troubleshooting OpenvSwitch and its flows a nightmare? Let’s make it simple. Swaminathan Vasudevan and Hardik Italia

3:20pm – 4:00pmWorking with Documentation, The OpenStack Way – Alexandra Settle & Stephen Finucane (Red Hat)

Wednesday 1st May

11:40am – 12:20pmBridging Cloud with Keystone to Keystone Federation – Colleen Murphy & Vishakha Garwal (NEC)

1:40pm – 3:10pmOpenStack Troubleshooting ToolBox – Climbing the version upgrade peak – Keith Berger, Nicolas Bock

Calling all the (OpenStack super) heroes

We’re also running our ever-popular and always over-subscribed free OpenStack training courses, with the Oracle of OpenStack, Ron Terry. Come along to gain your OpenStack superpowers, and maybe even some new, limited edition SUSE swag…

Don’t forget to register now for the Open Infrastructure Summit, as prices go up on the 27th February. We look forward to seeing you at the Colorado Convention Centre – we’ll be the ones surrounded by chameleons wearing something green. What was your favourite OpenStack Summit, and your favourite SUSE theme from past Summits? Tweet me, or add a comment below to let me know.

*Note – John Denver is not associated with the Open Infrastructure Summit. John Denver does not promote SUSE nor the Open Infrastructure Summit, but was probably a big fan of chameleons**. Other Johns are available, all rights reserved, no copyright infringement intended.

**Note – purely conjecture.

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  • […] The OpenStack Foundation have just released the session agenda for the inaugural Open Infrastructure Summit, which will be taking place in May in Denver, Colorado. As you’ll no doubt already know, the OpenStack Summits are no more, so we’ll instead be getting together to talk about all the different open infrastructure components that businesses are … Continue reading “A Mile High In Denver” […]

  • Avatar photo Jackie says:

    Perfect, and in my city, too! That’s a great lineup you have planned. Will be there for sure for the summit.
    <3 Jackie

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    Matthew Johns I have over 20 years' experience in the IT, cloud and hosting industry gained in a variety of roles spanning project management to product release and product marketing. I’m responsible for product marketing for SUSE OpenStack Cloud, and have been working with OpenStack since it was released in 2010. Outside of work, I enjoy running, cycling, great beer (craft, cask, keg - call it what you like as long as it tastes good), spending time with my family, playing the piano and charity fundraising – I’ve been supporting the Movember Foundation since 2006, and have run multiple races, climbed mountains and cycled around the UK for many charities over the years.