A new era in Cloud Native Application Delivery is here


Whether it is about seizing new market opportunities or proactively responding to competitive pressures or driving operational efficiencies that give you a competitive edge, organizations can no longer wait months on end to execute on any of those goals. Agility is indeed the name of the game.

And this is the era of the application economy. From your customers to your business partners to your employees, increasingly, applications are the vehicles through which information and services are being consumed, and critical business needs being addressed. As someone rightly said – “In this era of the application economy, every company is a software company.”

So it should come as no surprise that a key source of competitive advantage for most organizations today is the agility in delivering applications to production. At SUSE, we understand this need. We are continuing to enhance the delivery of modern containerized and cloud native applications through our application delivery solutions.

Launching SUSE Cloud Application Platform 1.5 and SUSE CaaS Platform 4

I am pleased to announce the latest updates to our application delivery portfolio, consisting of SUSE Cloud Application Platform and SUSE CaaS Platform. With these updates, we continue to provide and support solutions to create, deploy and manage workloads anywhere – on premise, hybrid and multi-cloud – with exceptional service, value and flexibility. The enhanced solutions provide exceptional experiences to both providers and consumers of Kubernetes-based application delivery platforms.

  • With SUSE CaaS Platform 4, we are the first to provide enterprises with advanced networking for Kubernetes based on the Cilium open source project. Leveraging Cilium, SUSE enables Kubernetes users to strengthen application security at scale with high performance packet filtering and network communication security policies that are easy to implement and control.

Check out this blog by Christopher Lentricchia to find out all the other innovations that SUSE has introduced with SUSE CaaS Platform 4.

  • With SUSE Cloud Application Platform 1.5, we introduce new application discovery and deployment capabilities that allow users to quickly and easily deploy applications and services that have been published as Helm charts, including hundreds of popular open source DevOps tools and ISV solutions as well as internally developed applications and services.

And there’s more – check out this blog by Troy Topnik to find out what’s new with SUSE Cloud Application Platform 1.5.

SUSE CaaS Platform 4 and SUSE Cloud Application Platform 1.5 will be available within 30 days.

If your organization is ready to leverage application delivery as a growth driver, SUSE can help you modernize and accelerate delivery of new and existing applications in your environment. For more information about these solutions, visit suse.com/solutions/application-delivery

Don’t forget to check out SUSE’s press release regarding the updates to SUSE Application Delivery Solutions.

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