An Early Adopters Story about SUSE Cloud Application Platform


At the recent SUSECON conference in Nashville, Nicolas Christener and Lucas Bickel from our partner, Adfinis SyGroup AG, talked about their experience deploying and running SUSE Cloud Application Platform at the Swiss Federal Office of Information Technology, Systems and Telecommunication.

They talk about the journey from containers to Cloud Foundry and what Cloud Foundry offers for developers on top of Kubernetes before explaining the requirements their customer had. Next, they describe the various use cases for the platform and how those map to the various types of users. The real meat of it in the lessons learned in using the platform, and the challenges in integrating it into an existing environment. Then they wrap it up with a discussion of how the platform can help enable devops.

In addition to this presentation, I also had the opportunity to sit down with Nicolas and Lucas to learn more about their company, dig a little deeper into the services they offer, how cloud platforms can help enable a devops culture, and much more.

SUSE has posted all recorded talks from SUSECON on YouTube. Check them out if you want to learn more about what SUSE has to offer. We’re not just Linux anymore! I’ll be posting more SUSE Cloud Application Platform talks here over the coming days. Watch Nicolas and Lucas’s talk below:

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Brent Smithurst Brent has been involved with Cloud Foundry since 2012 when he was responsible for product management and marketing of ActiveState's Stackato. He now focuses on product marketing of the SUSE Cloud Application Platform.