Analytics In The Cloud: How and Why it is important for your organization?


Guest blog by Shripad Prakash Hegde 

In the last decade, business complexity has skyrocketed, as have the related risks of disruption. In several study reports, SAPinsiders have stated that expanding their data and analytics portfolio can help them better address and manage these complexities and resulting disruptions while also assisting them in building customer-focused organizations. The following SAPinsider benchmark report concluded that the cloud has the capability to transform the data and analytics capabilities of an organization in the following ways:

• End-to-end enterprise visibility
• Data-driven culture
• Drive innovation
• Increased collaboration

Required Actions

From the recent survey, we see that the organizations should make some plans around their analytics in the cloud strategies. At first, it is important to understand how analytics fits within the dimensions of your cloud strategy. The goal of investigating and implementing cloud data and analytics capabilities should be to develop new capabilities rather than to implement new technologies.

It is very important for your organization to build an upskilling strategy around Data and Analytics in the cloud. Read the Benchmark Report to have a roadmap for your organization on implementing analytics in the cloud.

How to Approach Building Analytics Capabilities in The Cloud?

Whether the goal is to achieve enterprise-wide visibility or to create a customer-centric organization, both require internal capabilities to execute. SAPinsiders are looking at their data and analytics portfolio from this perspective. Digital tools, particularly data and analytics tools, are thought to have the ability to assist in the development of the capabilities required to execute the strategies. And it’s at this important moment in the analysis that SAPinsiders are discovering that putting their data and analytics infrastructure in the cloud can help them build these skills faster.

Download the Analytics in the Cloud Benchmark Report to get a better insight on:

  • What drives the need for analytics in the cloud?
  • What are the top analytics in the cloud requirement?
  • Which technologies do you use for analytics in the cloud?
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Sabine Soellheim Sabine is Global Director of SAP Solutions at SUSE, the world's largest independent open-source company. She has 15 years of experience in collaborating with SAP and the SAP partner ecosystem to uncover co-innovation opportunities and accelerate growth. Sabine lead GTM initiatives that generate double-digit lead and revenue growth as well as market leadership.