Author: Andrew Steggles
October 19, 2018 4:55 pm
5,266 viewsDo you have a Cloud Strategy?
We are seeing more and more companies moving their workloads to the cloud. According to IDC, the worldwide public cloud services spend will double to over $141 billion in 2019. So what is driving this shift to cloud infrastructures? The term we often hear quoted is ‘Business Agility’, and the need for cost savings […]
Categories: Cloud Computing, CSP
October 2, 2018 1:03 pm
8,567 viewsSo what is Open Source really?
I met up with some old friends recently, and during lunch we got talking about what we have been doing and who we are working for. When it came to my turn I replied saying I work for an Open Source Software company. A puzzled look appeared, it’s a term we use so often […]