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By: Andrew Gracey

January 6, 2022 5:59 pm


Path To Rancher Desktop 1.0.0

Rancher Desktop has been in development for just over a year with the open question, when do we have a 1.0.0 stable release? Along the way the scope has expanded, it was ported to run in more places, and the development team has grown. All of this happened as we worked out if […]

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By: Andrew Gracey

April 30, 2019 5:25 pm


Do you really need to scale to zero?

In the FaaS space, there has been a big push to allow the ability to scale down to no workload running. I want to ask: Is this something you actually want or need?  Scaling to zero allows containers to be run only when there is demand. For certain workloads, this gives a lot lower […]

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By: Andrew Gracey

March 29, 2019 3:28 pm


Six First Impressions of SUSE Cloud Application Platform

While I’ve been developing for Kubernetes for a few years now, I am pretty new to both SUSE and Cloud Foundry. I’ve got to say that both have been great experiences! SUSE is a fantastic place to work and our Cloud Foundry distribution (SUSE Cloud Application Platform) makes my development life easier. &[…]

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