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By: Chris Mertens

July 13, 2017 12:05 pm


The holy cluster. Part 2 HAE Setup

Welcome to part 2! Still not braindead after part one (Holy Cluster Part 1 ISCSI Setup)? Fantastic! So here we go. In part 1 I showed you how to setup ISCSI shared storage for the cluster. In this second part I will show you how to set up the HAE server, including creating the STONITH […]

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By: Chris Mertens

July 11, 2017 11:34 am


The holy cluster. Part 1 ISCSI Setup

Since I need to support quite some customers using High Availability Clustering I was quite often in the need to of having a test lab where I can try re-producing customer issues. Sometimes even trying to understand customer issues as well ;-). So I thought hey there must be a complete guide A-Z on how […]

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