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By: Chris Lentricchia

May 17, 2019 4:44 pm


What is a Kubernetes distribution, and why would you want one?

Kubernetes (or K8s, if you want to be cool) is currently one of the fastest growing technologies in the world of open source. These days the technology in, and associated with, Kubernetes seems almost endless – and the innovation comes just as fast. Kubernetes was first introduced in 2014 as a brainchild of the citizens […]

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By: Chris Lentricchia

April 22, 2019 5:15 pm


SUSE CaaS Platform at Open Infrastructure Summit

If you’re attending Open Infrastructure Summit this year and have in previous years as well, you might be noticing something a bit different; this year it’s not called OpenStack Summit. While we expect much of the talk will still be about OpenStack, we thought it might be a good idea to include other […]

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By: Chris Lentricchia

December 21, 2018 6:57 pm


SUSE x KubeCon; a Post-Mortem.

Socks were handed out, interviews were recorded, Rubik’s cubes got solved, SUSE chameleons proliferated the masses; and now we are very tired. KubeCon taught us all a lot of new things from sessions on new projects like Envoy and Harbor, to discussions on the intersection of technology, society, and the future. We saw some […]

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