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By: coolguys-suse

June 27, 2016 9:50 am


During the Trial Period: How to put the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Eval to the Test

Editor's Note:  We recently held an essay contest to gather insights from the most experienced power users of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server in the world.  We wanted to know what they would tell people who were brand-new to SLES, and just in the process of evaluating it, to make their experience easier.  […]

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By: coolguys-suse

December 8, 2013 2:14 pm



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By: coolguys-suse

December 8, 2013 2:08 pm



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By: coolguys-suse

June 3, 2013 1:50 am


SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Configuration For Windows Azure

Windows Azure Linux Agent Windows Azure Linux Agent (waagent) manages VM interaction with Windows Azure Fabric Controller. It provides the following functionality for SUSE IaaS deployments: Image Provisioning Creating user accounts Configuring SSH authentication types Deploying SSH public keys and key pairs Setting the host name Publishing the host name to the platform DNS Reporting […]

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By: coolguys-suse

June 3, 2013 1:06 am


How to create a custom virtual machine running SUSE Linux Enterprise by using Azure Management Portal

In this article you will learn how to create a custom virtual machine From Gallery in the Management Portal. This method provides more options for configuring the virtual machine when you create it, such as the connected resources, the DNS name and network connectivity if needed. Sign into the Windows Azure Management Portal. On the […]

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By: coolguys-suse

May 21, 2013 7:48 am


Be SUSE's Guest at the 2013 Cloud Expo in NYC

The Cloud Expo in New York City on June 10-13 will be a great event to check out what's new and innovative in cloud computing. Our own Business Development Manager Frank Rego will be joining Chris Haddad, VP of Technical Evangelism at WSO2 for a talk on "Bridging IaaS and PaaS to Deliver the […]

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By: coolguys-suse

March 23, 2012 8:08 am


Installing Oracle PHP extensions in SUSE Linux

We work a lot with SLES, Oracle and PHP. When installing SLES on your server there is an option in software selection under “Primary Functions” that says “Oracle Server Base”. This copies the scripts required to get Oracle up and running once it has been successfully installed. Unfortunately it does not include the […]

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By: coolguys-suse

August 29, 2008 2:17 pm


Linux Command Line II

By Damian Myerscough/ Originally published at https://www.novell.com/communities/coolsolutions In part two of "Linux Command Line" we are going to look at managing SUSE Linux Enterprise from the command line. This article is aimed at novice users of SUSE Linux Enterprise. In this article we will cover some more basic commands such as setting […]

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By: coolguys-suse

June 21, 2007 3:47 am


Remote Management using SSH and X-Forwarding

Our web server runs SLES 10. Initially we would always remotely control it from VNC, however this used up all of screen real estate and we could not cut and paste code snippets or other information between the local Windows computer and the remote SLES server. I started using X-Forwarding and found it much easier […]

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