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By: David Byte

July 13, 2018 2:17 am


Consumability – What Does It Mean?

Consumability, it's an odd word that I like to toss around in regard to SUSE offerings in the market.  Given that it's not well defined, I thought I'd try to help you understand what I mean when I say it. Rather than being some narrowly defined term, I believe that the phrase consumability encompasses […]

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By: David Byte

December 15, 2016 1:20 pm


SDS Appliance? SoftIron says YES!

While at the SC16 show in Salt Lake City, SoftIron, a storage startup and SUSE partner,  launched their HyperDrive storage platform.  There are several aspects of their offering that on which I would like to provide comment. The first is that SoftIron bridges a gap between the proprietary storage arrays from the traditional […]

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By: David Byte

January 22, 2016 7:39 am


Building Your Home Lab

Ok, I admit it, I am a geek.  I have enough hardware in my home lab to run a fairly good sized business if I so desired.  I thought others might appreciate having some of the information and ideas on how to build a lab on the cheap (or relatively so). First, we'll […]

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By: David Byte

November 9, 2015 9:51 am


Tuning IPoIB for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12

As a serious technology geek, I have a rather significant home lab environment.  While the environment is sizable, I'm not just oozing extra cash and consequently I looked for alternatives for high speed networking for my SUSE Enterprise Storage setup.  What I ended up with is a cluster furnished with dual port QDR […]

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By: David Byte

June 29, 2015 11:53 am


Why Free May Hurt Your Appliance or Cloud Business

In my role, I work with a lot of prospective partners who ask the question "Why should I pay for Linux when I can get XYZ distro for free?"  My answer to this involves several facets. Security - When a major security issue comes along, the commercial distributions are on the embargo […]

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By: David Byte

June 5, 2015 8:37 am


Software Defined Storage Trajectory and SUSE

All of the analysts are predicting big things from Software Defined Storage (SDS) over the next several years.  In fact, some analysts are even predicting some very hard times for some of the traditional storage vendors.  This is all based on the tremendous pushback that is occurring against expensive, proprietary hardware based arrays […]

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By: David Byte

November 8, 2014 9:31 am


SUSE at Super Compute 2014 in New Orleans

Once again, SUSE will be present at the Super Computing event of the year.  This year we are focused on innovation and what SUSE is doing that provides a positive impact in the HPC community. We will have SUSE Labs personnel around all week to discuss some of the great new features and kernel […]

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By: David Byte

May 19, 2014 7:28 am


I know I sound like an infomercial…

Working with OEMs and IHV partners, I get a lot of opportunities to share our unique story.  One of the most exciting parts of our story is around what we do to enable rapid development and deployment of partner solutions.  As we all know, time to market is a key factor in the […]

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By: David Byte

May 2, 2014 8:08 am


Go Forward! with Mission Critical Consolidation

Unisys has been releasing some information around beta test participants using their Forward! platform with SUSE Linux Enterprise for SAP.  The testing showed a clear distinction between the performance variability of a regular hypervisor and the Unisys s-Par™ technology.  I know this may not sound like something to get excited about, but in […]

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