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By: dmair

April 16, 2009 8:39 am


iproute2 Traffic Control

Linux has very cool network filtering capabilities, I've written about them in a couple of articles. One of the comments made about the first article was this: "...add advanced routing (iproute2) in order to handle bandwith resources" I didn't know anything about iproute2 then. I did a little research before writing my follow-up iptables […]

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By: dmair

March 27, 2009 11:58 am


Accessing File Systems on Disk Block Image Files

You probably know how to mount CD or DVD iso images on Linux using the loopback block device. The loopback device can be used for a whole lot more. As a programmer I find virtual machines very useful. I use them so much now that I often need to access files in them...even when […]

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By: dmair

November 24, 2008 11:14 am


Making Sense of Hexdump

I often work with binary data that has a format I could interpret if only I could see it in a human readable form. Most text editors aren't much use. One way (of many) to solve that is to use the hexdump utility. hexdump is very versatile and allows you to look at the structure […]

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By: dmair

November 22, 2006 12:00 am


Simple Firewall Configuration Using NetFilter/iptables

Most major Linux distributions, SuSE ones included, feature some user interface for firewall configuration. There's nothing wrong with them but I couldn't get quite the configuration I wanted and chose to create configurations manually. The iptables man pages are really a documentation of syntactical detail of the iptables command line and don't provide guidance on […]

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