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By: Helen Tang

May 31, 2022 5:26 pm


Are You Ready for Some Time Travel?

Hey you, yes you there, step right up! I can spot a Sci-Fi fan a mile away! Was “Back to the Future” one of your favorite movies growing up? If so, then you are in for a real treat! SUSECON is launching in just a week, and this year the theme is Time Travel! […]

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By: Helen Tang

May 16, 2022 5:54 pm


Join Us in San Francisco, Boston and Chicago!

Migrating to SAP S/4HANA in the public cloud delivers many benefits – speed, flexibility, ROI, and more. But before getting this journey started - you’ll need a solid plan. Join us in our SAP Cloud Migration workshop to find out how SUSE, SAP and AWS can help you accelerate your cloud vision by efficiently […]

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By: Helen Tang

April 25, 2022 8:01 pm


We Can’t Contain Ourselves! NEW AWS Competency

Bad pun aside, we are truly excited about being a launch partner for this new AWS Competency – Enterprise Container Management! Containers are amazing for portability and a critical building block for modernization and digital transformation. This newly launched competency showcases partners – like SUSE that have products that integrate with AWS services to help […]

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By: Helen Tang

April 18, 2022 4:35 pm


AWS Summits Are Back!

AWS Summits are back! And I for one, can not be happier! Post-COVID, Post-Pandemic, we all would like to see more live, in person events. AWS Summits are free events that bring the cloud computing community together to connect, collaborate, and learn about AWS. It’s a wonderful opportunity to deepen your cloud knowledge and […]

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By: Helen Tang

March 8, 2022 5:40 pm


Top 3 Things To Know in 2022 About What’s New for SAP Customers on AWS

This actually should have been one of those beginning of the New Year blogs or even better published in Dec following reInvent. The topic summarizes all the oodles of goodness AWS announced that are highly relevant for any SAP customer. But for various reasons - it got delayed until now. But it's chock-full of really […]

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By: Helen Tang

March 2, 2022 7:29 pm


Migrating SAP to the Cloud? Top 3 Reasons Why SUSE Will Be Your Best Friend

There is so much cloud migration happening in 2022 that many providers like SUSE are seeing a dizzying array of activities right out the gate. Why? In a weird way – the pandemic. A strange side effect of the Covid pandemic is many enterprises got motivated to pick up the pace on digital transformation and […]

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By: Helen Tang

February 24, 2022 6:20 pm


Calling All Customers, Resellers, MSPs and SIs – Do You Know All the Different SUSE Buying Options on AWS?

Now that everyone is on the Cloud, Cost Optimization is a big topic. When it comes to AWS, there are actually myriad options for buying SUSE software. Do you know the differences between Pay-As-You-Go, RIs, BYOS and Private Offers? What’s the best option for you or your customer? If you don’t have 100% […]

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By: Helen Tang

January 19, 2022 8:53 pm


Tech Trends in 2022 – Your Customary January Predictions Blog

January is always a month for tech predictions. I cooked up a few of my own, in the main areas SUSE’s technology and solutions intersects with. So here’s my little list. Key Tech Area #1 - Cloud Continued growth Fully expect to see continued hyper growth in 2022, hybrid and multi cloud seems […]

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By: Helen Tang

March 26, 2021 4:45 pm


Top 5 Reasons to Migrate SAP to the Cloud

We’re sitting in March 2021, 1 year after COVID completely changed our lives, but also accelerated the move to Cloud for many enterprises and government agencies. Looking at a lot of industry surveys, many of you are no longer asking the question. The Cloud? It’s a done deal. However, there are still those […]

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