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By: Joachim Gleissner

February 7, 2023 1:03 pm


Create SUSE Linux Enterprise images for OCI from keg-recipes

This article describes how to generate SUSE Linux Enterprise Server image descriptions from keg-recipes and how to use those to build binary images for use in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, either using KIWI directly, the Open Build Service, or SUSE Manager. Keg-recipes is a GitHub repository that contains the source for public cloud images SUSE builds […]

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By: Joachim Gleissner

December 6, 2019 8:09 pm


Potential pitfalls with multi-NIC and cloud-netconfig

Most SUSE images in AWS and Azure come with a system called cloud-netconfig pre-installed. The cloud-netconfig implementation handles automatic configuration of network interfaces in those Public Cloud frameworks. See https://www.suse.com/c/multi-nic-cloud-netconfig-ec2-azure/ for the initial announcement of cloud-netconfig and details on what it does. Multi-NIC and routing policies In case a system has more than […]

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By: Joachim Gleissner

January 17, 2018 7:31 pm


Multi-NIC with cloud-netconfig in EC2 and Azure

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server recently had support for multiple network interfaces added in Amazon EC2 and Microsoft Azure. Having more than one interface in an instance can be useful for example if you want the instance to be in multiple subnets. The package cloud-netconfig available from the SUSE Linux Enterprise Public Cloud Module contains scripts […]

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