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By: Jason Phippen

October 19, 2016 8:07 am


Chatting about Software Defined Storage With Intel

Intel very kindly invited me onto one of their recent podcasts to discuss software defined storage and SUSE Enterprise Storage, based on Ceph technology. Please have a listen. https://soundcloud.com/intelcitc/suse-and-intel-bring-software-defined-storage-solutions-to-market Also check out Intel's new microsite on SUSE Enterprise Storage and their solution brief https://storagebuilders.intel.com/membership/suse/ https://www.suse.com/docrep/documents/kknpw8ets2/intel_suse_sb_hi.pdf Thanks for the support […]

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By: Jason Phippen

October 14, 2016 7:16 am


Transform your business with these top storage sessions at SUSECON16

With all eyes on the upcoming election in November that has the world glued to various news outlets watching and wondering which party will trump the other (pun intended), we could all use a break from the political banter that has dominated conversations.  While Republicans and Democrats alike are begging you to join them, […]

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By: Jason Phippen

September 28, 2016 7:33 am


SUSE Enterprise Storage Review by Storage Review Enterprise Lab

by Storage Review Enterprise Lab. SUSE Enterprise Storage is a software-defined storage solution powered by Ceph designed to help enterprises manage the ever-growing data sets. Further, SUSE aims to help by taking advantage of favorable storage economics as hard drives continue to get larger and flash prices continue to fall. While typically configured as a […]

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By: Jason Phippen

September 15, 2016 7:18 am


Seeking your feedback on the Ceph monitoring and management functionality in openATTIC

By Lenz Grimmer Lenz Grimmer Team Lead Product Management & Development it-novum GmbH With the release of openATTIC version 2.0.14 this week, we have reached an important milestone when it comes to the Ceph management and monitoring capabilities. It is now possible to monitor and view the health and overall performance of […]

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By: Jason Phippen

September 15, 2016 7:12 am


openATTIC 2.0.14 beta has been released

By Lenz Grimmer Lenz Grimmer Team Lead Product Management & Development it-novum GmbH Despite the summer holidays, the openATTIC development team has been busy, adding new functionality and improving existing features. This release also includes code contributions created by developers not employed by it-novum, and we're very grateful for the support! Noteworthy new features […]

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By: Jason Phippen

September 12, 2016 7:47 am


Coasting with SUSE Enterprise Storage

A great video testimonial by long time SUSE partner and customer Novacoast. Listen to their journey with SUSE Enterprise Storage; why they selected it and how they are using it. [embed width="550"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZ2N4yNATTc[/embed]  […]

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By: Jason Phippen

September 2, 2016 2:05 pm


3 Reasons Why the Future of Storage is Open Source and Cloud

As predicted by a number of key analysts  the market has significant growth in software defined storage during 2016— and with solid reasoning. The capacity to pool storage across different arrays and applications is the latest wave in virtualization and is beginning to have the same impact on the cost and upgrade cycle for […]

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By: Jason Phippen

August 1, 2016 8:24 am


Enterprise Storage: How to Manage the Inevitable

The vast majority of IT departments are experiencing enormous increases in the demand for storage and computing power. Few ― if any ― will have the budget to meet rising requirements that continue to outpace the growth in their budgets. This raises a difficult question for IT teams everywhere: how long is the usual approach […]

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By: Jason Phippen

July 25, 2016 10:47 am


Convergence: the Open Source game of ‘join the dots’, and an existential threat to the proprietary world.

If you think about it, pretty much all proprietary product development is done in parallel. Company A, which competes with company B, does its damnedest to make the best widgets in the world, using more or less exclusively its own resources. Company B develops its products on a parallel track. Convergence does happen, but mostly […]

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