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By: Marita Werner

January 8, 2014 1:00 am


The new Partner Software Catalog: compatibility icons for HA, Virtualization and Integrated Systems

6 weeks ago I introduced the new data structure of the Partner Software Catalog, now I want to go into more details and explain the little icons that are visible if you drill down into a product or a special product version. Once a catalog user has triggered a search and clicks on the green […]

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By: Marita Werner

November 28, 2013 3:02 am


Why a new SUSE Partner Software Catalog?

On November, 21, SUSE relaunched the newly designed and implemented SUSE Partner Software Catalog (PSC). What exactly was the reason for this brand new and improved catalog? Besides the fact that the old SUSE Partner Software Catalog needed a technical and design overhaul, the core argument for the relaunch of our new catalog is the […]

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By: Marita Werner

September 16, 2013 12:11 am


PartnerNet: cool tool but how do I get in?

This summer I guided several of our new partners through the PartnerNet registration process and could see that it is quite a hurdle to finish registration. Now I want to give you a short introduction to that process and make clear that it is a 2-step process. First: go to PartnerNet and click on „[…]

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By: Marita Werner

March 13, 2013 1:24 pm


openSUSE release & openSUSE conference: registration and call for papers

I am very excited about the new openSUSE release 12.3 and I am looking forward to downloading and installing it as soon as possible. There is still 1 hour to wait … In other news the openSUSE conference oSC13 is open for registration. From July 18 to July 22, 2013, hundreds of hackers are […]

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By: Marita Werner

October 11, 2012 6:22 am


SUSE Partner Software Catalog: growth in quantity and quality

It has been quite a while since Darren pointed out the positive feedback of our ISV partners about SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2. Meanwhile the Partner Software Catalog (formerly ISV Catalog), that lists the SUSE Linux Enterprise-certified products of our ISV partners, has grown in both size and quality. Today, the number of applications […]

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