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By: Mark_Smith

December 13, 2016 6:02 am


YEP – That’s Another Win for SUSE OpenStack Cloud!

The SVC Awards are always a great way to round out the year.  At an event hosted at the Royal Garden Hotel, Kensington in London, the SVC Awards recognize and reward the outstanding products, companies and teams involved in the Storage, Virtualization and Cloud sectors. We are delighted to say that SUSE won the […]

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By: Mark_Smith

August 3, 2016 9:48 am


SUSE Linux Enterprise and OpenStack: Have it All and Have it Now

I want it all and I want it now! Not only is that a great rock anthem from the 1980s, but it also reflects the demands of the modern consumer.  Living in today’s mobile-centric, social media driven, internet enabled age, consumers expect fast and convenient access to services and products on their terms.[…]

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By: Mark_Smith

July 18, 2016 4:22 pm


OpenStack 6 years on: thriving, expanding and maturing

This week marks the 6th anniversary for OpenStack cloud software. What began in July 2010 with a first design summit in Austin, Texas, has since grown into the clear leader for open source cloud solutions. Industry analyst 451 Research sees the OpenStack market growing at an impressive 35% CAGR and predicts that revenue will exceed […]

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By: Mark_Smith

May 28, 2015 8:54 am


Choosing the Right Flavor for Your OpenStack Cloud

One of the great things about modern life is that we are often spoilt for choice. As an example, many of us enjoy a good cup of coffee. In the office where I work, there are always at least four different flavor options to choose from and best of all, they are all provided free […]

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