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By: Neuvector

September 18, 2017 3:18 pm


Equifax Data Breach Analysis – Container Security Implications

By Gary Duan The Equifax data breach is one of the largest and costliest customer data leaks in history. Let’s take a closer look at the vulnerabilities and exploits reportedly used. Could the use of containers have helped protect Equifax? We’ll examine how proper security in a container based infrastructure helps to make […]

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By: Neuvector

September 13, 2017 12:45 pm


Web Application Firewall vs. Container Firewall

How is a Container Firewall Different Than a Web Application Firewall? By Gary Duan Application containers provide an efficient way to deploy and manage applications, including web facing ones. But with containerization, securing applications has become even more challenging. I often get asked for the comparison of a web application firewall vs. container firewall. I […]

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By: Neuvector

September 8, 2017 2:47 pm


Next Generation Firewall vs. Container Firewall

What’s a Container Firewall? And how is it different than a Next Generation Firewall? By Gary Duan Containers and microservices are revolutionizing computing. But can firewalls help secure these? Next Generation Firewalls (NGFW) were supposed to handle the latest threats and data center designs, but fall short in the new cloud microservices environments. Here’[…]

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By: Neuvector

January 5, 2017 3:01 pm


How Docker Swarm Container Networking Works – Under the Hood

By Gary Duan, CTO, NeuVector Docker 1.12 is a release loaded with a lot of great features. With built-in orchestration and by removing dependencies on the external KV store, Docker Swarm allows DevOps to quickly deploy a multi-host docker cluster that “just works.” Although not without controversies, when compared to Kubernetes, Docker […]

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By: Neuvector

October 4, 2016 3:09 pm


Securing East-West Traffic in a Container-based Data Center

Enterprise applications moving into the cloud, either public or private, is one of the most prominent trends in the tech industry. A lot of attention has been placed on how to setup the data center environment and deploy applications in recent years, but little attention has been paid to securing east-west traffic. As the infrastructure […]

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