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By: pete_chadwick

October 26, 2016 12:10 am


SUSE gives a fig about Newton

The 14th version of OpenStack - code named Newton is the upstream release on which SUSE OpenStack Cloud 7 is based. In an earlier post I  explored the relation between Isaac Newton's Laws of Motion and Openstack, but didn't really talk about the good things that are in this release. While there are enhancements […]

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By: pete_chadwick

May 16, 2014 12:29 pm


OpenStack Summit Days 4&5 – The Suits Have Left the Building

The OpenStack Summit consists of two somewhat separate parts - the original OpenStack Summits were all about getting developers together to share ideas and plan the next release. In Atlanta this week, that means the Juno release planned for October. With the increasing interest in the project (estimates are over 4500 attendees in Atlanta) the […]

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By: pete_chadwick

October 26, 2012 9:45 pm


OpenStack Summit Recap – Rolling Through San Diego

Several of us at SUSE spent last week in San Diego at the OpenStack Summit, which combined design discussions to drive the next release as well as a user conference. In addition to engineering participation in the design sessions, we did the standard trade show routine – networking, presenting and listening (maybe even some dancing) […]

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By: pete_chadwick

October 4, 2012 11:27 pm


OpenStack gets an “A” for its “F” release

On September 28th, the OpenStack Foundation announced general availability of Folsom, the next stable release of the leading open source solution for building infrastructure-as-a-service clouds. This is the sixth release from the project (Yes, “F” as in Folsom, is the sixth letter in the alphabet). While there are significant enhancements to all of the […]

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