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By: Robert Schweikert

December 16, 2019 9:25 pm


Step 2 Toward Enhanced Update Infrastructure Access

Earlier this year I had the pleasure of announcing a major upgrade to our update infrastructure that serves updates to on-demand instances in AWS, Azure, and GCP. In the blog I promised that we would be enabling network traffic routing that allows you to send data from your instances in the Public Cloud through your […]

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By: Robert Schweikert

July 11, 2019 7:49 pm


A New Update Infrastructure For The Public Cloud

Our update infrastructure that provides updates for on-demand instances has been running with more or less no changes for more than 5 years and has shown great reliability over this period of time. Over time new requirements have arisen and some bugs have been worked around due to some fundamental limitations of the implementation. The […]

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By: Robert Schweikert

May 24, 2019 7:44 pm


Major Distro Upgrade In The Public Cloud Made Easy

Well, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 has been released for a while and SLES 15 SP1 is on the horizon. While there will be another service pack in the SLES 12 series, SLES 12 SP5, many people have expressed interest to move to SLES 15 from SLES 12. After providing a "Follow this long […]

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By: Robert Schweikert

February 16, 2019 11:45 am


SUSE Public Cloud Image Life-cycle

Updated Oct-30-2019:  Added new section addressing instances It has been a while since we published the original image life-cycle guidelines SUSE Image Life Cycle for Public Cloud Deployments. Much has been learned since, technology has progressed, and the life-cycle of products has changed. Therefore, it is time to refresh things, update our guidance, and clarify […]

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By: Robert Schweikert

September 26, 2018 11:20 pm


Add-Ons In the Public Cloud

SUSE offers a number of services and products around SUSE Linux Enterprise Server such as LTSS (Long Term Service Pack Support), SUSE Linux Enterprise Live Patching, and HA (SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension). While the additional products and services are agnostic to instance types and flavors (BYOS or on-demand), it is […]

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By: Robert Schweikert

August 12, 2018 1:15 pm


Changing Instance Types In AWS For SLES 12 SP2 And SLES 12 SP3 Based HVM Instances (and later)

Ever tried to switch instance types from lets say t2 to m5 on SLES 12 SP3 (including SLES For SAP)? Well if you did you were in for a bad surprise in that your instance would no longer boot. Switching the instance type back away from the newer instance types c5, m5, m5d.... and restarting […]

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By: Robert Schweikert

July 17, 2018 7:57 am


A Different Builtin Kernel For Azure On-Demand Images

The release of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 is out and with it, it brings a new kernel build, kernel-azure. The new kernel is built into our on-demand images in Azure. The -azure build of the kernel is fully supported by SUSE. For instances started from the -Standard, or -Priority images you need to contact […]

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By: Robert Schweikert

February 2, 2018 7:24 pm


Create Your Own SLES On-Demand Images for GCE

Use cases exist where it may not be desirable to start a deployment "from scratch" with a newly deployed on-demand instance from a SUSE released SUSE Linux Enterprise Server image. However, if you are on the fence and your primary concern is uncertainty about achieving an equivalent system when starting from scratch then Machinery […]

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By: Robert Schweikert

January 10, 2018 10:49 pm


A day long to be remembered 2018-01-03

When I wrote this it was Janurary 9, 2018 which was supposed to be the day of a major earthquake in the computing world. However, due to various circumstances this all happened on January 3rd, 2018 at 2 PM PST and the aftershocks as well as the queasy feelings that come along with such an […]

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