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By: Sören Schmidt

June 5, 2018 12:26 pm


sapconf – A way to prepare a SLES system for SAP workload – Part 1

sapconf 4 → sapconf 5 For all the people who read this post for the first time: "Nice to meet you!" And for those who came back here due to my sapconf 5 announcement: "Welcome back!" I wracked my brain if I should have a new series about sapconf 5 or […]

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By: Sören Schmidt

June 4, 2018 3:14 pm


A new sapconf is available

Those who administrate systems running SAP applications on SLES may be already familiar with the configuration and tuning tool "sapconf". For those who don't, now is an excellent time to do so! A new improved version of sapconf has been released for SLES 12 SP1 onwards. Some key improvements are: one central configuration file […]

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