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By: Tim Irnich

March 17, 2021 3:49 pm


Moving a Cloud Foundry Hello World App to Kubernetes: How Hard Can It Be?

Essentially, I've spent most of last year figuring out Cloud Foundry and then telling others about it. And, believe it or not, I sort of fell in love with the simplicity of pushing a changed code base to the platform with one simple command (aka the "cf push experience" ). The step from running […]

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By: Tim Irnich

February 5, 2019 9:55 pm


Containerized desktop applications with podman

Everybody is talking about containers these days, however most of the discussion revolves around use cases in the context of server applications. Today I’d like to discuss a maybe slightly unusual, but nonetheless interesting use case for containers: running Linux desktop applications within a container with otherwise unchanged look & feel. To add […]

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