Better, Cheaper, More Flexible – A Surprise Present from AWS + SUSE
Hello, SUSE customers on AWS! I know my headline is modeled after (ahem, stolen from) the Olympics Motto, but it’s for a good cause! It’s to highlight some surprising changes coming your way. Just like the Olympics Motto – Faster, Higher, Stronger, SUSE and AWS are also always striving to do more for our joint customers, deliver more value, provide more solutions, offer better services. To that end, we are rolling out some great changes this month.
- Hello, AWS Savings Plan
Who doesn’t love a good savings plan – and AWS has some great ones with super benefits! One – you get great savings: significant cost savings (60, 70 percent compared to pay-as-you-go) if you commit to a consistent amount of usage. Two – Flexibility, you get similar savings to an RI, but you can change it up. New instance types? No problem! Three – Easy Button! I’m serious, it’s like a 1 step sign up process. They even calculate and recommend the hourly amount for you based on historical usage. Starting right now – you can get all this AWS Savings Plan goodness on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server through the EC2 console.
- Additional Savings
In the same spirit of providing more for less, some of you will also see a change in price on your monthly bill, on the on-demand consumption side. Same great SLES software for less, and you didn’t have to lift a finger!
- Greener and Better for the Environment
I’m sure you know that SUSE’s lucky color is Green. We also are ardent believers of providing a greener future for the next generation. SUSE is supporting the Graviton program at AWS – not only providing the best price performance, but also with much lower power consumption. Reducing power and decreasing cost are the main reasons Graviton is so good at delivering amazing price/performance ratios. Want to learn more? There is a great SUSECON session on this very topic!
That’s a quick round up of our June surprise – now back to work – cooking up new “goodness” for all our customers on AWS!
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