February 13, 2017

Are YES CERTIFICATION bulletin Config Notes from “the Dark Side” of hardware compatibility?

The easy answer is nope—no way! That comes from a person with years of YES Certification experience, not some […]

February 9, 2017

SUSE Enterprise Storage 4 – Le Software Defined Storage avec CephFS

Que diriez-vous d’avoir les résultats d’une vaste étude d’évaluation du coût total de […]

February 8, 2017

Digitale Transformation für den Channel

SUSE hat seine Partner aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz zum Partner Summit 2017eingeladen, und über 80 Partner […]

January 26, 2017

Rocking January for SAP users in AWS EC2 and Azure

Drum-roll please, announcing SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1 and SP2 For SAP Applications available as on demand in Azure. […]

January 25, 2017

Is Open Source open to women? Three amazing women offer insight at SUSECON

For the first time at SUSECON, women took center stage in our keynotes – and not just one, but THREE […]

January 25, 2017

Comment réduire 5 heures de mises à jour à moins d’une heure !

Notre partenaire oXya est un intégrateur de systèmes et un infogéreur spécialisé dans les solutions SAP. […]

January 24, 2017

Join us at a North American SUSE Expert Day!

When I started at SUSE – the first thing I got to work on with the rest of the […]

January 19, 2017

Software-Defined-Infrastructure – Empfehlungen von Entscheidern für Entscheider

Software Defined Infrastructure ist ein umfassendes Konzept zur Flexibilisierung und Automatisierung des Rechenzentrums.“ (IDC) Auch wenn Software-Defined-Infrastructure ein noch […]

January 19, 2017

Three-O-Three is out! What’s new in SUSE Manager 3.0.3?

If you are a regular reader of my blog posts, chances are that you are at least slightly interested in […]