November 18, 2016

SUSE Partner Summit 2016: Another one for the books

Last week we had another great SUSECON. To kick off the week we did it in style: we invited partners […]

November 18, 2016

SUSECON – what a wild GREEN ride!

We planned for it. We sweated it. We got excited for it. And it was… worth it. SUSECON 2016, my […]

November 17, 2016

Software Defined Infrastructure – Ein Ueberblick

Für viele Unternehmen steht die Flexibilisierung und Agilität der IT-Infrastruktur ganz oben im Pflichtenheft. Denn die schnelle Verfü[…]

November 17, 2016

Q&A with openATTIC Engineering Team Lead

Last week, we announced that SUSE was acquiring the openATTIC project. So I sat down with Lenz Grimmer — […]

November 16, 2016

SUSECON 2016: Open Technology, Passionate Users & A Real Sense of Community

Before SUSECON 2016, I shared some of my thoughts about the evolving theme of SUSECON and looking forward to this […]

November 15, 2016

Meet SUSE at HPE Discover London

If you are a Hewlett Packard Enterprise customer or partner, you may be preparing to head to London in a […]

November 15, 2016

Democratization of Supercomputing

Last week SUSE played the T.R.U.M.P. card in Washington D.C. as Thomas and Ralf Unveiled […]

November 11, 2016

Two Really Good Reasons to Keep an Eye on SUSE’s Lifecycle Page

End of January marks the end of some important events in our product lifecycle calendar. Lifecycle page snippet: SUSE Linux […]

November 10, 2016

Day 3 at SUSECON 2016

Down with the end of SUSECON Day 3 started with Michael talking about the theme ‘Down with Downtime&[…]