November 2, 2016

Come and Party with us at SUSECON 2016

SUSECON 2016 starts Monday and it’s definitely crunch time around the SUSE offices. So far, we’ve given you […]

November 2, 2016

Digitale Transformation mit Open Source im Behördenumfeld

Digitale Transformation bedeutet Umbruch für alle Beteiligten. In der Wirtschaft erleben wir den Wandel der Geschäftsmodelle und der […]

November 2, 2016

Salting Spacewalk and SenseHat …

Most pull requests on GitHub aren’t that newsworthy, but there are two that were accepted into the Salt […]

October 31, 2016

Embedded Systems Add Another Notch in SUSE's Belt

For more than 20 years, SUSE has been a leading force in the development and advancement of Linux software solutions. […]

October 31, 2016

New! SUSE StandUp: Gain Technical Knowledge In Only 15 Mins.

Looking at the high quality of our current SUSE Webinars and our excellent presenters, I bet that most of you […]

October 28, 2016

What? A dozen analysts from 5 different firms all agree? No way!

I didn’t think it would ever be possible for a dozen analysts to ever agree to anything let alone […]

October 27, 2016

Highlights from OpenStack Summit Barcelona

What a great week at the OpenStack Summit this past week in Barcelona! Fantastic keynotes, great sessions, and excellent hallway […]

October 26, 2016

Eye-opening exchanges at SAP TechEd / Las Vegas

Despite the oddly low ceiling in the exhibits hall this year, SAP TechEd rose to new heights for this attendee […]

October 26, 2016

SUSE gives a fig about Newton

The 14th version of OpenStack – code named Newton is the upstream release on which SUSE OpenStack Cloud 7 […]