October 27, 2016

Highlights from OpenStack Summit Barcelona

What a great week at the OpenStack Summit this past week in Barcelona! Fantastic keynotes, great sessions, and excellent hallway […]

October 26, 2016

Eye-opening exchanges at SAP TechEd / Las Vegas

Despite the oddly low ceiling in the exhibits hall this year, SAP TechEd rose to new heights for this attendee […]

October 26, 2016

SUSE gives a fig about Newton

The 14th version of OpenStack – code named Newton is the upstream release on which SUSE OpenStack Cloud 7 […]

October 24, 2016

Adapt to Win: Top SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Sessions at SUSECON

Are you ready for the software defined future? SUSECON 2016 starts Monday, November 7th in Washington, D.C. and one […]

October 21, 2016

Under Pressure in the Pursuit of Zero Downtime

The business of data center infrastructure can often feel like carpentry or home repair, as pieces need to be monitored, […]

October 21, 2016

That will be number 10 then for SUSE Enterprise Storage – Cloud Hosting Awards 2016

The winners of the 2016 Cloud Hosting Awards were announced last night at a gala event at The Cumberland Hotel […]

October 19, 2016

SUSE to showcase software-defined infrastructure @ SUSECON 16 w/ help from friends

Today we announced our SUSECON 2016 sponsors, keynote speakers and breakout session details. This year’s keynotes will take place […]

October 19, 2016

The Drs. are in: Get your Diagnosis at OpenStack Summit Barcelona

If cloud is your thing, then surely OpenStack Summit Barcelona has made your list of must attend events this year. […]

October 19, 2016

Chatting about Software Defined Storage With Intel

Intel very kindly invited me onto one of their recent podcasts to discuss software defined storage and SUSE Enterprise Storage, […]