August 1, 2016

Datalounges, SUSE Linux Enterprise & OpenStack

When the cool companies of the world think “OpenStack”… they think “SUSE”. […]

August 1, 2016

Enterprise Storage: How to Manage the Inevitable

The vast majority of IT departments are experiencing enormous increases in the demand for storage and computing power. Few ― […]

July 25, 2016

Do you want a pound of feathers or a pound of gold?

There’s an old brain teaser that asks “Which is heavier: a pound of feathers or a pound of […]

July 25, 2016

Convergence: the Open Source game of ‘join the dots’, and an existential threat to the proprietary world.

If you think about it, pretty much all proprietary product development is done in parallel. Company A, which competes with […]

July 22, 2016

Plasma Desktop, KDE Frameworks 5 and KDE Applications available for SLE12

If you’re using SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 (or SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 with a graphical interface) and […]

July 18, 2016

OpenStack 6 years on: thriving, expanding and maturing

This week marks the 6th anniversary for OpenStack cloud software. What began in July 2010 with a first design summit […]

July 14, 2016

Learn about SUSE Enterprise Storage 3 and Ceph Jewel at our upcoming webcast

As I discussed in a previous blog SUSE Enterprise Storage 3.0 the first commercial distribution based Ceph Jewel is […]

July 8, 2016

SUSECON or Bust!

There’s something about attending industry events and trade-shows that always feels new to me (even year after year). Personally, […]

July 8, 2016

Struggle of existence

Today’s businesses are challenged by keeping up with constantly, rapidly changing customer demands and new market trends. This puts […]