February 28, 2014

“Into the Real-Time Age Together with SUSE”

SAP Vice President Chris Hallenbeck at SUSECon 2013: “Into the Real-Time Age Together with SUSE” “HANA is just […]

February 27, 2014

What’s Coming Next in Enterprise IT?

Flexibility, accessibility and mobility. The “walled fortress” era of enterprise computing is fading fast and being superseded […]

January 31, 2014

Cloud Computing – Enabling Change: Also First Choice for SAP HANA®

We all see it whenever we look up into the sky: clouds are transient formations. Depending on the weather conditions, […]

January 22, 2014

IBM's SUSE powered X6 Servers make me feel old… in a good way.

Some time back, in the 1980’s, I had little PC clone with a 12 MHz, 286 processor and […]

January 21, 2014

Beta Program for SUSE Customer Center

  We’ve been working hard in preparing the beta version for SUSE Customer Center, a dedicated online […]

January 8, 2014

The new Partner Software Catalog: compatibility icons for HA, Virtualization and Integrated Systems

6 weeks ago I introduced the new data structure of the Partner Software Catalog, now I want to go into […]

December 9, 2013

SUSE Cloud 2.0 Takes Top Spot in SVC Awards

SUSE recently attended the Storage Virtualisation Cloud (SVC) Awards at the Jumeirah Carlton Tower in London’s Knightsbridge and I’[…]

December 8, 2013



December 8, 2013

