June 29, 2012

OpenStack It Is!

This week has seen Red Hat Summit in Boston, and one message coming out of that loud and clear is […]

June 19, 2012

Super Chameleon takes on Supercomputers

The 2012 International Supercomputing Conference kicked off on Monday in Hamburg with an opening session that recognized the world’s […]

June 14, 2012

SUSE on Azure – fantastic first experience…

Guest blog by Michelangelo van Dam, Certified Zend Engineer & Founder of PHP Benelux: I decided to put Windows […]

June 7, 2012

SUSE Launches Private Beta Program for OpenStack-Powered Cloud Solution

Today is an important milestone here at SUSE. We’ve launched a private beta program for the industry’[…]

May 11, 2012

Why 3,500 SAP Customers Run Better on SUSE

SUSE and SAP have collaborated for more than ten years to optimize and validate SUSE Linux Enterprise for SAP applications. […]

May 8, 2012

IBM Guest Blog: Behind the Scenes of SUSE's 3.0 Kernel

Guest blog by Dan Frye, VP, Open Systems and Solutions Development at IBM IBM has been a strong supporter of […]

May 3, 2012

SHI Cloud Joins Elite Group of Cloud Providers that Prefer SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

SUSE Cloud Program offers cloud service providers a licensing model tailored to fit the cloud business model. This week, SHI […]

April 20, 2012

SUSE: New Linux jobs showing up every day

The economic slowdown has forced businesses to look at ways to cut costs while maintaining performance, both of which open […]

April 16, 2012

Virtual and cloud deployments fast and lean

We all agree that efficient software deployment is key to maximize the availability of IT solutions and the response to […]