July 14, 2022

‘Contain’ your excitement: The s3gw is in town

The Aquarist Lab team is back with an open source and cloud-native S3 service. After spending months investigating a storage […]

July 14, 2022

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server ‘Leader’ in Virtualization Software

Markus Noga, General Manager, Business-critical Linux at SUSE   I’m excited to share that SLES was recognized by […]

July 13, 2022

Harvesting the Benefits of Cloud-Native Hyperconvergence

The logical progression from the virtualization of servers and storage in VSANs was hyperconvergence. By abstracting the three elements of […]

July 13, 2022

SUSECON 2022 Fujitsu Presentations Available Now

We appreciate Fujitsu’s cornerstone sponsorship at SUSECON 2022. We are pleased to share all their presentations on a […]

July 13, 2022

Zizo partners with SUSE to harness the power of open source

Data and insights are critical assets for any company It can help assist in making data-driven decisions, which can in […]

July 13, 2022

Wie das KRZN mit SUSE Rancher die digitale Transformation von Schulen und Behörden vorantreibt

Seit über 50 Jahren verarbeitet das Kommunale Rechenzentrum Niederrhein (KRZN) Daten für die öffentliche Verwaltung. Mittlerweile zä[…]

July 13, 2022

SUSE is a Showcase Sponsor at Microsoft Inspire

As a long standing partner, SUSE welcomes the opportunity to participate as a sponsor at Microsoft’s premier Partner […]

July 11, 2022

Deploying Multicluster Day 2 Operations with SUSE Rancher, Fleet, and Kasten K10

You’ve probably heard of Veeam, which IDC just named as tied for first in data replication and protection […]

July 11, 2022

Limited Time: Platinum Sponsor IBM Sessions Available

Dig into IBM zSystems and IBM Power’s featured SUSECON ’22 sessions available for a limited time […]