April 29, 2022

Why Expanding Open Source Skills is Good (For You & Your Business)

The world and the workforce is forever changed. Many people say that Covid is the reason, but the truth is […]

April 29, 2022


SUSECON is back! And once again (hopefully for the final time!) it will be a virtual conference. While many […]

April 29, 2022

SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 Service Pack 4 Public Release Candidate!

We are thrilled to announce this important milestone for SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 Service Pack 4 labeled as PublicRC-202204. Please […]

April 28, 2022

Safeguard Your SAP Operations with Trento 1.0 GA

Following the successful launch of the ‘RampUp’ phase of Trento announced in December 2021, today we are delighted […]

April 28, 2022

SLES for SAP HANA Maintenance Procedures – Part -1 (Pre Maintenance Checks)

This two-part blog is targeted for OS and HA administrators who has to support HANA Workloads on SLES for SAP. […]

April 27, 2022

Join us at HPE Discover 2022

SUSE will be a platinum sponsor at HPE’s annual Discover show in Las Vegas. June 27-30 We will […]

April 26, 2022

Join us for SUSECON Digital 2022

With every passing day, we are reminded about how the open source movement continues to shape our world. From assisting […]

April 25, 2022

We Can’t Contain Ourselves! NEW AWS Competency

Bad pun aside, we are truly excited about being a launch partner for this new AWS Competency – Enterprise Container […]

April 18, 2022

AWS Summits Are Back!

AWS Summits are back! And I for one, can not be happier! Post-COVID, Post-Pandemic, we all would like to see […]