October 21, 2020

New Zealand’s Wellington Institute of Technology students build Ceph proof of concept with help from SUSE

A team of students at the Wellington Institute of Technology (WelTec) is developing a proof of concept that involves implementing […]

October 12, 2020

Simplified access to the NVIDIA CUDA toolkit on SUSE Linux for HPC

Overview The High-Performance Computing industry is rapidly embracing the use of AI and ML technology in addition to legacy parallel […]

October 10, 2020

RGW metadata Search with Elasticsearch

(This blog is wrtiten by Xidian Chen) 1. Understand data organization and storage An object is the basic unit of […]

October 7, 2020

How to check the authenticity of Container base images

My previous blog explains how to setup a private docker registry and use docker container images for offline usage . Before […]

October 6, 2020

NeuVector Adds Production-grade Protection to VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Platform

NeuVector’s mission is to provide enterprise-ready security to companies deploying modern container and Kubernetes infrastructures. Most companies understand the […]

October 1, 2020

SUSE Linux Enterprise and Azure Hybrid Benefit

During Microsoft Ignite 2020 the support of Azure Hybrid Benefit for SUSE Pay As You Go was announced. This is […]

September 30, 2020

Running Visual Studio Code on a VPS with openSUSE

The following article has been contributed by Dmitri Popov, Technical Writer at the SUSE Documentation team.     […]

September 30, 2020

Understanding Istio and its Installation

We know that almost every organisation is working to transform their application to support microservices architecture as it provides many […]

September 17, 2020

NeuVector Integrates with Sonatype Nexus Lifecycle to Secure Containers Across the SDLC

As DevOps teams continue to ‘shift security left’ and build container security into the pipeline, integrated toolchains for managing […]