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By: Erin Quill

July 28, 2023 1:34 pm


Step by Step instructions for building a Multiple Architecture openSUSE Leap PXE Server

Making life easier with PXE Welcome to Part Two of our journey into setting up a network-based installation environment. Having already established our openSUSE Installation Server in Part One, we're now ready to dive into the next exciting phase: Installing and Configuring PXE. Preboot eXecution Environment (PXE) is our key to booting up an operating […]

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By: Erin Quill

July 18, 2023 8:41 pm


Step by Step instructions for building a Multiple Architecture OpenSUSE Leap installation server

I'm back to Building Servers from Scratch Playing around with Kubernetes and Edge Computing has opened up a world of possibilities for me, especially when it comes to breathing new life into the older equipment in my lab. Take, for example, my old Intel NUC i5 with 16GB RAM. It used to be a virtual […]

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By: Alexandra Settle

July 5, 2023 3:26 pm


Announcing Our New Strategic Partnership for Ceph Users: SUSE & Clyso

At SUSE, we have always believed in the transformative power of open-source technology and its potential to redefine the world of enterprise software. As part of this journey, we have had the privilege of contributing significantly to the Ceph project, while also offering an enterprise storage solution based on it. However, in the pursuit of […]

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By: Meike Chabowski

May 31, 2022 2:42 pm


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By: Benoit Loriot

April 7, 2020 11:32 am


Move objects between Storage Classes using S3 Bucket Lifecycle Management

Let's take advantage of S3 Bucket Lifecycle Management to move objects between storage classes so that they are stored cost effectively throughout their lifecycle. We will describe the steps to transition objects between STANDARD and COLD Storage Classes after 7 days. Adding a Storage Class To add a new storage class named COLD to the […]

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By: Brendan Bulmer

June 24, 2019 10:25 am


SUSE Academic Program to be present at 2019 UCISA SSG Conference

Engaging with the community has always been important for SUSE and this is no different for our Academic Program. That is why next week, the SUSE Academic Program is excited to attend and participate in a three day event hosted by one of the most respected networks in UK education. “UCISA is the member-led […]

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By: Stacey Miller

May 15, 2019 8:40 pm


SUSE Support Treats You “Like Family”

If you’ve spent any amount of time watching television in the US in the past few years, no doubt you’ve seen the advertisements for The Olive Garden, boasting “When you’re here, you’re family!” But when was the last time you felt like that when calling on technical support? The […]

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May 7, 2019 5:53 pm


Things happen in 3’s

They say things happen in 3's and it's about that time for me at SUSE. When I started here 5 months ago, it was heads-down building and preparing for 2 significant launches. The first was supporting my colleagues on our SUSE for SAP solutions team on our very significant sponsorship at SAPPHIRE NOW 2019. I'm […]

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By: Chris Lentricchia

April 22, 2019 5:15 pm


SUSE CaaS Platform at Open Infrastructure Summit

If you’re attending Open Infrastructure Summit this year and have in previous years as well, you might be noticing something a bit different; this year it’s not called OpenStack Summit. While we expect much of the talk will still be about OpenStack, we thought it might be a good idea to include other […]

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