Coming soon! The next step in our relationship with Fujitsu


A little over a year ago, one of our partners, Fujitsu, created its first OpenStack project, completely based on its own IP, the Open Service Catalog Manager. The company’s next big step in this context was to actively contribute to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), which is part of the Linux Foundation. While contributing to many activities including to the Linux kernel, Fujitsu has also contributed to Kubernetes and Monasca for improved container management and OpenStack cloud monitoring.

SUSE has had a very close relationship with Fujitsu, especially with the EMEIA region of the Fujitsu group. In fact, you will find SUSE technology tightly woven within the PRIMEFLEX for SAP Landscapes product. Lately we have been working closely with their infrastructure group in Japan and their software group in Germany, growing our relationship significantly.

So I’m pleased to write that SUSE has some pretty cool things cooking with Fujitsu that will get to the heart of some of the cloud and mission-critical challenges enterprises face in today’s data center. If you want to find out what we are working on, stay tuned because there is more to come!

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