Cybersecurity Threats to SAP Systems


The cybersecurity landscape is constantly changing for SAP customers and prospects. Over the last five years, organizations have gone from being able to rely on any system on a specific network being trusted to a complex and hybrid ecosystem of solutions where completely new approaches to cybersecurity must be followed. Ransomware and malware attacks are top of mind for most organizations, but what about patching and monitoring?

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Unpatched systems are a challenge

Manual or inconsistent patch management is a leading cause of cyber-attacks. Imagine you have hundreds of systems in place. Ensuring that every system has the most critical patches in place can be difficult and time-consuming. It is difficult enough for organizations for patching let alone bring these systems down for an extended period.

  • SUSE Manager helps to secure your entire mixed Linux environment – from automated patch manager to centralized monitoring and management. Request a demo or learn more about SUSE Manager here.
  • SAP customers running on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP application benefits from SUSE Linux Enterprise Live Patching. It applies patches and critical updates to the Linux kernel. All without rebooting the systems and without the need for restarting your SAP application. Learn more about SUSE Linux Enterprise Live Patching here

Safeguard your SAP systems

SAPinsider asked about data security. Most organizations try to maintain 100% uptime on SAP systems, and having an effective recovery strategy in place is crucial. Less than three-quarters (79%) have a disaster recovery plan. Only slightly more than half (52%) have a continuity plan.

  • Say Goodbye to downtime. SUSE and SAP have worked together to reduce downtime in the data center, whether because of planned outages to fix security risks or unplanned interruptions. We have several solutions in place that help SAP customers achieve near 100% uptime for SAP systems with our tailored solutions. Learn more here.
  • We are particularly proud of a new feature in SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP applications, called Trento. Trento is designed to help enterprise and integrator system administrators avoid common infrastructure problems with SAP systems that can result in delayed service implementations or unplanned downtime. It prevents unplanned outages with ongoing monitoring, error detection, and remediation and simplifies management and control with an SAP-centric console that automatically discovers SAP system relationships, monitors for configuration errors, and recommends fixes. Learn more about Trento here.

Secure your digital enterprise

SUSE Security Solutions provide the scale, depth, and consistency required to secure today’s digital enterprise. From core to cloud to edge, SUSE provides industry-leading security and compliance solutions for the digital enterprise. Click here for a full overview


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Sabine Soellheim Sabine is Global Director of SAP Solutions at SUSE, the world's largest independent open-source company. She has 15 years of experience in collaborating with SAP and the SAP partner ecosystem to uncover co-innovation opportunities and accelerate growth. Sabine lead GTM initiatives that generate double-digit lead and revenue growth as well as market leadership.