Digital Transformation is Hard, Let Global Services Make IT Easy!


Digital Transformation is HardWe’ve all heard the mantra by now:  It’s time for every business to transform to become a digital business.  You know this is the truth – your customers demand it in this “always-on, I want it now world” that we live in.  And, if you are not even thinking about digital transformation, you’re being surpassed by your competitors.

Consider this, from a recent IDG paper:

  • 89% of organizations have adopted or have plans to adopt a digital strategy
  • More than 1/3 of businesses have started their transformation journey
  • Almost 50% of businesses are in the very early stages (gathering information or starting to formulate a plan

If you fall into the last category, what is holding you back?

Maybe it’s the need to maintain your day to day operations AND the need to transform.  And, you are expected to do this all with the SAME staff that is already overworked and overwhelmed.  Maybe you don’t have the correct skill set.  Or maybe you are facing culture issues. (read Ryan’s blog on adopting a software-defined infrastructure).

How Do I Start My Transformation?

Great question!  And I’ve got three answers!

  • Come to SUSECON ’19 next week in Nashville! There’s still time to register and if you don’t attend you’ll have to wait a full year for SUSECON ’20!   We’re rolling out the green carpet for you with:
    • 150+ sessions
    • 100+ hours of hands-on technology
    • 35+ partners in the technology showcase
    • 20+ expert led demo stations
    • 10+ complimentary certification exams
  • Stop by the Services Kiosk. Talk to one of the many SUSE technical and product experts that will be staffing the kiosk.  While you’re there, enter to win one of the daily drawings for up to one full week of complimentary consulting. Use those consulting hours to solve some of your biggest headaches… from defining your business outcomes to integration with your legacy solutions to migration issues and knowledge transfer.
  • Check out our SUSE Global Services offerings. Engage with the trusted partner that built your solutions.  From discovery and design workshops to premium support services offering and more, SUSE Global Services is here and dedicated to your business success. We’ve got the answers you’re looking for.


SUSECON:  The Place to Be!

Yes, transformation is hard.  But it doesn’t have to be.  Come to SUSECON ’19 and learn how SUSE, the open, open source company is all about helping you to build “Your Kind of Open.”

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Stacey Miller Stacey is a Principal Product Marketing Manager at SUSE. With more than 25 years in the high-tech industry, Stacey has a wide breadth of technical marketing expertise.