Does SAP Migration to Cloud have to take forever?


The short answer is NO. FFF Enterprises, a US pharmaceutical company – if you live in the US, this is where your flu vaccine came from, needed to improve their IT operations and reduce their costs. Their on-premises SAP servers were not holding up to the stress the business demanded. Knowing they needed to do something and do it quickly, they called on Managecore – experts in SAP, Google Cloud Platform, and SUSE aficionados. The folks at Managecore were able to complete the SAP migration from on-premises, with an O/S that shall not be named, to Google Cloud – using the number 1 O/S for SAP, SUSE Enterprise Linux Server. And they did it in 12 weeks!.

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Google liked it so much, they created a reference.

SUSE partner Managecore crossed the finish line to Join the Best!

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