"Downtime Face" Winner #1!


We asked the Internet to show us your best “Downtime Face“.

You know, that face you make when one of your servers goes off-line at 2am.  (Or, even worse, 4:59pm… when you have movie tickets for 5:30.)

Whoever posted the best picture, each month, wins of those big, green, cuddly chameleons.

BobMartensDowntimeFaceAnd the winner this month is… Bob Martens!

Bob’s face is equal parts “This is bad… this is real bad” combined with “I wonder who I can pawn this off on so I don’t need to fix it?”.

Either way, the look on your face is one of pure horror.  And we feel your pain.

Here at SUSE we don’t view server downtime as an option.  Don’t be forced to make the same face as Bob.

[For those that would like a chance at winning one of those coveted Chameleons, the “Show Us Your Downtime Face” contest is still going on!  There is still a chance to win!]


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  • Avatar photo boblmartens says:

    What a terrifying day …


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