Explore the Future of Linux at SUSECON Digital 2022


I cannot wait to join you all at SUSECON Digital 2022 on June 7-9, when I will again have the pleasure of leading the Business Critical Linux keynote.

  • In keeping with SUSECON Digital 2022’s Future Forward theme, we’ll be shining a light on the latest and greatest in SUSE Linux Enterprise, and on the path SUSE is taking towards becoming the most trusted and secure open source infrastructure stack in the market.
  • Today, as you will hear in many of our SUSECON keynotes, top of mind for many of our customers is security – both preserving a software supply chain securely in their own businesses and ensuring their clients’ data is protected.
  • At the risk of giving away spoilers ahead of June 7, our innovations in the SLE 15 SP4 family can be bucketed into three key areas: new capabilities like security, resilience, and management of infrastructure for SAP applications, new platform support for cloud, chipsets and hardware vendors, and lifecycle innovations.
  • Our next release of SUSE Linux exemplifies one of our main mantras – the notion of innovation without disruption. Innovating without adversely affecting application certification and customer experience is achieved through our support for the latest hardware and cloud platforms.
  • In my keynote I’ll be deep diving into each area and getting into the critical detail of how we’ll be addressing customer needs. Of course, it wouldn’t be SUSECON without a demo and the team will be sharing a brand-new demo to bring everything to life.
  • I am also delighted to announce that you won’t just be hearing this from me. You’ll be hearing from our customers and partners. There is nothing more compelling than the voice of our customers and partners and hearing first-hand their experiences with SUSE and their vision for the future.
  • In fact, I started this blog on my way back from visiting our friends at ElectronicPartner, to record their contribution to the Dawn of Linux keynote. You can look forward to them telling their story at SUSECON Digital 2022.
  • Please mark June 7-9 in your diary. I cannot wait to join you for another fantastic SUSECON experience.
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