Supportconfig Health Check Report Tool


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The Supportconfig Health Check Report Tool (schealth) parses and evaluates the basic-health-check.txt file generated by supportconfig. The tool is based on the concepts outlined in the article, “A Basic Server Health Check with Supportconfig”. The schealth output will be most effective to you if you have read and understand the concepts documented in the article.

Installation Instructions

  1. schealth is included in the supportutils package along with supportconfig.


schealth [-hqv]

  1. Get a supportconfig tar ball from the server.
  2. Extract the supportconfig tar ball.
  3. Change to the directory where the basic-health-check.txt file is located.
  4. schealth requires the basic-health-check.txt file be in the current working directory.
  5. Run schealth.
  6. Observe the output. The output is also stored in the basic-health-report.txt file in the current directory.
  7. Use the supportconfig output to troubleshoot in more detail any red or yellow flags reported by schealth.

Sample Output

Supportconfig Health Check Report Tool v0.95.3

Health Check Files                         [  Green  ]
Processes Waiting for Run Queue            [ Yellow  ]
 Last 1 and 15 minutes: 6 > 5 && 6 > 5

Kernel Taint Status                        [  Green  ]
CPU Utilization                            [   Red   ]
 95% meets or exceeds 90%

Interrupts Per Second                      [ Yellow  ]
 8852 meets or exceeds 8000

Context Switches Per Second                [   Red   ]
 16546 meets or exceeds 10000

Free Memory and Disk Swapping              [ Yellow  ]
 Observed: 3 MB < = 4 MB, Swapping: No

Used Disk Space                            [   Red   ]
 Some meet or exceed limits

Red Flags
/var                 96% >= 90%
/boot                93% >= 90%

Yellow Flags
/dev                 81% >= 80%

Uninterruptible Processes                  [ Yellow  ]
 3 meets or exceeds 3

Zombie Processes                           [  Green  ]

Status:   Red Flag
Checked:  /var/log/nts_jrecord1_080711_0953/basic-health-check.txt
Report:   /var/log/nts_jrecord1_080711_0953/basic-health-report.txt
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