Category: SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop
May 24, 2023 1:04 pm
1,113 viewsSUSECON 2023: hibrid konferencia a legújabb open source trendekről
Categories: Cloud and as a Service Solutions, Containers, DevOps, Digital Transformation, Enterprise Linux, Events, IT Infrastructure Management, Mission-Critical Computing, SAP Solutions, Software-defined Storage, SUSE in the Cloud, SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications, SUSE Manager, SUSECON
January 11, 2016 5:18 am
3,607 viewsDr. Kaméleon az egészségügyi eszközök fejlesztésében is segít
Categories: Chameleon, Enterprise Linux, Integrated Systems, Server, SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop, Technical Solutions
December 13, 2015 2:43 pm
2,764 viewsKivesézzük a YES tanúsítványt
Categories: Integrated Systems, SUSE Linux Enterprise, SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, Technical Solutions