Category: SUSE in the Cloud
May 24, 2023 1:04 pm
1,151 viewsSUSECON 2023: hibrid konferencia a legújabb open source trendekről
Categories: Cloud and as a Service Solutions, Containers, DevOps, Digital Transformation, Enterprise Linux, Events, IT Infrastructure Management, Mission-Critical Computing, SAP Solutions, Software-defined Storage, SUSE in the Cloud, SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications, SUSE Manager, SUSECON
July 13, 2022 2:53 pm
1,619 viewsA konténerek biztonságához elengedhetetlen az átláthatóság és a következetesség
Categories: Announcements, Containers, DevOps, SUSE in the Cloud
May 18, 2022 7:31 am
1,252 viewsA Rancher 2.6.5 újdonságai:
Categories: Containers, DevOps, Digital Transformation, Hungarian, News, SUSE Cloud, SUSE Cloud Application Platform, SUSE in the Cloud
May 18, 2022 7:27 am
3,421 viewsNulla bizalmon (zero trust) alapuló, nyílt forráskódú, felhő-natív biztonsági modell
Categories: Announcements, Cloud Computing, Compliance, Containers, Containers as a Service, Kubernetes, News, SUSE Cloud, SUSE in the Cloud, SUSE NeuVector, SUSE News
May 18, 2022 7:21 am
1,588 viewsA SUSE NeuVector 5.0 egy hatékony nyílt forráskódú szoftver biztonsági platform
Categories: Announcements, Cloud Computing, Compliance, Configuration Management, Containers, Containers as a Service, Digital Transformation, Kubernetes, News, SUSE Cloud, SUSE in the Cloud, SUSE NeuVector, SUSE News
April 27, 2020 4:44 am
2,824 viewsIngyen szoftver és tudás a válsághelyzet könnyítésére
Tags: "SUSE Enterprise Storage", ingyenes, innováció, konténer, Kubernetes, nyílt forráskód, Open Source, SUSE CaaS Platform, SUSE Cloud Application Platform, szoftver alapú tárolás, szoftveresen vezérelt tárolás
Categories: Digital Transformation, Free Tools, Kubernetes, Popular Topics, Products, Software-defined Infrastructure, Software-defined Storage, Solutions, SUSE CaaS Platform, SUSE Cloud Application Platform, SUSE Enterprise Storage, SUSE in the Cloud
October 8, 2018 2:17 pm
2,275 viewsItt az első, Azure-re optimalizált vállalati Linux!
Tags: Azure, SLES, SUSE Linux
Categories: Server, SLES on Azure, SUSE in the Cloud, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server