I've looked into your soul…
So much of what any of us do is through a computer screen, which is why we love our SUSE Expert Days tour–these events are lively and noisy and interactive. Obviously, we want to make these events better for our guests, which is what I was looking to find out how to do from a ton of number crunching. The SUSE Expert Days tour in North America wrapped end of May, and thanks to our newly expanded North American marketing team, I’ve finally had the time to dig into the data from the tour to uncover the clues of what we should do next year.
So what did I learn? Basically, one size does not fit all. Of course, this should be obvious especially to a marketer such as myself. This is just the kind of nebulous speak we marketers live by. To save you from all the boring details, this is what I mean. SUSE Expert Days will not look the same in New York as it does in San Francisco. Of course, the presenters and venue will be different, but so will the content and overall execution. Historically, the slide deck was made and that’s what was presented in each city, but not for the next round.
Data is the window to the soul of the customer, and the soul of each city we visited last year told me it needed something different than any other city. So that’s what you have to look forward to next year–SUSE Expert Days will be made for your needs in your city.
Can’t wait to tell you all the details in December!
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