Leading A New Learning Landscape


The last few months have forced everyone to look differently at how we communicate, educate, socialize and do business. The way people learn and teach might never quite be the same, so we are here to support any social changes and physical adjustments our societies force us to take. We wanted to highlight a few ways SUSE is already adapting and providing new virtual learning experiences.


Last week marked the launch of SUSECON Digital, a newly re-imagined event featuring technical seminars and keynote talks from industry leaders such as Accenture, Microsoft and SAP. One of the most inspiring messages actually came from our CEO, Melissa Di Donato, about supporting academia during these challenging times.

University of Erfurt: One of the oldest universities in Germany wanted to digitize their massive amount of educational resources for student use remotely. They’ve choose SUSE Enterprise Storage to expand internet based access to more than 500 databases and 9000 online journals and digital publications.

Read the success story: https://www.suse.com/c/success/university-of-erfurt/

Going digital with SUSECON also opens the door for everyone to participate. Regardless if you are an open source practitioner, student or just want to know what this Open Source world is all about, we encourage you to see for yourself all SUSECON has to offer.

While we don’t have the luxury of enjoying a drink together in person, you can still network directly with hundreds of experienced industry professionals, play games and even take a much needed coffee break.  SUSECON will add an additional 30 sessions per week on May 27, June 3 and June 10, so be sure to return weekly to see what’s new! All of the content in the SUSECON experience will remain available through September 19.

For more information visit: SUSECON Digital 2020.

Developer Community

Kubernetes, SUSE, Cloud Foundry

SUSE recently launched a new developer community, a cool new place for people to build, test and run apps on a fully automated cloud platform. We wanted to make it easy for developers to benefit from the best practices that have evolved from the cloud native application delivery and provide a place to create applications that can run anywhere.

One of the best “perks” of this community, is free access to the Cloud Application Platform Developer Sandbox. In the sandbox, you are able to build practically… anything! It comes with a “Getting Started Guide” which walks you through the basics of the Cloud Foundry command line interface and the browser-based ghraphical user interface Stratos. Whether you are a student who is interesting in exploring what life is like as a developer or a veteran in the game, the sandbox can be place to experiment with random ideas and see if they actually work.

Hear from the experts themselves (Webinar): https://www.brighttalk.com/webcast/11477/401277

For more information visit: https://www.explore.suse.dev/

Academic Community

As you would imagine, demand has gone through the roof for virtual education and alternative learning solutions. One of the best parts about SUSE’ Academic Program is it’s already 100% digital. The SUSE Academic Program has always been open and freely accessible from any device, anywhere and at any time. A simple internet connection provides students, faculty and academics access to our library of online technical training courses, virtual lab environments, curriculum and more. If you haven’t already, we encourage you to check it out and become part of this community at no-cost.

For more information visit: https://www.suse.com/academic/

Building Communities

It’s during these times where building each other up is more important than ever. As our societies prepare to enter a “new normal”, all with different roadmaps, it’s critical we support each other as one greater global community.

As the largest independent Open Source software organization in the world, it is our corporate social responsibility to share our expertise, technology and innovations with the academic community. We look forward to embracing these new challenges and blazing a new path to learning for the future.

Help Us Help You

While no one yet knows for certain what the future holds, keeping an open mind is critical for navigating a new learning landscape. Feel free to send any suggestions how SUSE can better support students and our academic communities to brendan.bulmer@suse.com .

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