Meet the docs at SUSECON 2024


Sleep one more time. And we are finally starting our next SUSECON! After a great event in Munich in 2023, we are very much looking forward to SUSECON 2024 in our capital Berlin at the beautiful Estrel. We are very exited to be part of it again, we are prepared, and this time, we have even more to offer! On the first day of the conference, Monday, one focus will be on documentation across the company – because we have a lot to tell!

Rest assured, there is something for everyone.

Documentation sessions

Frank and John will kick things off with their surprising talk about

Technical writing at SUSE — a cherry-picking peek behind the scenes [DOCUMENTATION-1263] 

12:30 PM – 1:20 PM CEST   Raum X / 10

Technical writing at SUSE, no matter if for our Linux, Rancher or NeuVector products and solutions, is all about documenting product features. Right? Join the session, and you will find out that it comprises much more.

In parallel, I will try to encourage you to learn

How YOU can contribute to high-quality documentation [DOCUMENTATION-1067] 

12:30 PM – 1:20 PM CEST  Raum VI / 6

Documentation is an essential part of any software product. No software is so easy to use that it doesn’t require any description or examples. If you are responsible for a functioning environment and smooth processes, poor documentation might impact your success. What’s more, technical projects nowadays are highly complex, and often technical writers cannot just replicate scenarios as implemented for production, and describe them properly. In consequence, documentation projects rely on contributions from experts working on a regular basis with our products and solutions. Learn how you can contribute — it is not rocket science.

Immediately afterwards, Tanja and Daria invite you to delve deeper into

How to write technical documentation that actually works [DOCUMENTATION-1256]

1:30 PM – 2:20 PM CEST   Raum VI / 6

A key factor for technical documentation is how easy it is to understand and process — both for a global audience and for chatbots. But how to make that work? You write some technical content already? You want to improve your skills with regards to understandability and readability? Then this session is for you! First, get to know three basic principles for technical writing that help focus on the target audience and improve the structure of a text. Next, let’s analyze the strengths and weaknesses of an example text. Finally, let’s have a look at the original and  an optimized text version side by side and see what a difference it makes. No prior experience is necessary!

Next on stage is Nuno, who tells you more about the journey

From code to docs at cloud native speed [DOCUMENTATION-1265]

3:00 PM – 3:50 PM CEST   Raum VI / 6

Cloud native evolves at lightning speed. And while new working methods, paradigms and overall organizations evolved, documentation teams and practices also had to adapt in order to keep the quality at its highest quality and be up-to-date. Customers, partners and community members will gain an overview on how SUSE teams from different functions work together and how some parts are automated to ensure the best documentation quality and relevancy.

Finally, Frank will end the doc session round dance with an absolute highlight that is relevant for everyone:

SUSE documentation redefined: the new documentation portal [DOCUMENTATION-1259]

4:00 PM – 4:50 PM CEST   Raum VI / 6

SUSE is going to launch a new documentation portal shortly before SUSECON. Learn how to benefit from new features and advanced navigation and filter capabilities. Discuss future plans with the doc team and share your requirements. Help shape further doc portal development by sharing feedback and making suggestions in an open discussion. This session covers all products and solutions offered by SUSE.

Demo kiosk in the Technology Showcase

After the sessions end, the Technology Showcase will open its doors for the welcome reception at 5:30 p.m. We look forward to welcoming you to the SUSE documentation demo kiosk. Talk to us about our modular, flexible approach to documentation. Discuss your ideas and suggestions for SUSE Best Practices papers. Take part in the current documentation survey directly at the stand to show us where we need to improve. Chat with us about doc tools and formats during the evening activities 😉. And – most importantly – take a look at the new documentation portal and tell us what you think of it.

You can also meet us at the demo kiosk during the following conference days – we are there, not only during coffee breaks and lunch. And finally, we hope for good discussions during the conference party on Tuesday evening.

And now: enjoy and have fun!

Disclaimer: The text at hand has been written by a non-native English speaker. If you find typos or language mistakes, please send them to me ( – or if you like them, just keep them and feed them. 😁


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