New on-demand class: Secure the Edge with K3s and Traefik Proxy


SUSE One Gold partner, Traefik Labs, recently delivered a SUSE & Rancher Community Kubernetes Master Class: Secure and Control the Edge With K3s and Traefik, and now they’ve both added new and repackage class content making it super convenient to consume. We’ve invited Traefik Labs to author a guest blog so you can take advantage of the latest and greatest. ~Bret

Adrian Goins, Head of Developer Relations, Traefik Labs

Free, on-demand class in the new Traefik Academy

Do you skip webinars or long videos and tell yourself that you’ll watch them later? How many of them do you go back and watch? For me that number is embarassingly small. I always intend to watch them, but life and work get in the way take priority, and things just fall by the wayside.

On February 8, Robert Sirchia and I taught a Master Class for the SUSE and Rancher Community that explained how to use K3s with Traefik Proxy. It was a huge success, with an active, live audience asking great questions and many people watching the replay afterward. Simon Flood created an article that added additional steps for Rancher Desktop, and we saw a flurry of post-webinar activity on Twitter, Discord, and in our respective communities.

In the days leading up to the class, Robert and I spoke about the challenges that come with watching replays of webinars or other long videos, and we came up with an idea on how to help you continue to learn and keep your skills sharp.

We both enjoy creating content for you, and we want you to have as many ways to consume that content as possible. The current workflow is to deliver a live webinar, followed by a month of access to the replay through the signup link. The video then gets published to YouTube for the general public, which makes it visible to anyone who may not have even known that the webinar happened. Those videos do well, but they’re long, and we know it’shard to commit to an hour when you’re just browsing YouTube in the moments between doing other things.

We decided to add a fourth step: repackage the webinar as a free on-demand class in the new Traefik Academy.

During the last month I re-recorded the instructional portion of the master class and converted the demonstration portion to text lessons that you can download and complete on your own, in your own environment. I also added a new section about using the HelmChart and HelmChartConfig resources to customize Traefik Proxy on K3s, which is information that wasn’t in the original master class.

You can now watch the material in short videos as time permits. The entire class takes less than two hours to complete, with most of that spent applying the skills to your K3s or Kubernetes clusters.

This is how I like to consume information: in small bites that I can refer back to as I need them. If you’re at all like me (read: busy), then I hope that it’s also useful for you.

This free class is available today in the Traefik Academy. Even if you attended the webinar, there’s something new for you to learn and practice. Sign up today, and you’ll be the first to hear about new classes about concepts like GitOps and OIDC, and tools like Rancher, RKE, and RKE2.

Adrian Goins is the Head of Developer Relations at Traefik Labs. After starting his career building physical infrastructure for an ISP and moving on to building data centers for large media companies, he flipped the switch and dove headlong into the virtual world, surrounding himself with clouds, containers and Kubernetes. He enjoys storytelling and building communities, and he really loves teaching people the things that they want to learn.

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Bret Dayley Bret has spent 30+ years in high tech roles with various software companies. A fan of open source and all things good, Bret enjoys making things happen and having a good time while doing it. While fascinated with technology, on the weekends you're likely to find Bret enjoying the great outdoors on a dual sport moto... with some gadgets along for the ride.