Choice Happens: Why Mixed Platform IT Environments Foster Resilience and Freedom of Choice

Friday, 21 July, 2023

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of technology, businesses face a crucial decision – whether to adopt a single-platform IT strategy or embrace the potential benefits of mixed platform environments. While some argue that a single-platform approach streamlines operations, compelling reasons suggest that mixed platform setups are the way forward. In this blog, we will delve into the reasons why mixed platform IT environments contribute to organizational resilience and freedom of choice, effectively mitigating the risks of vendor lock-in and cultivating a healthy IT ecosystem.


Redundancy and Resilience

One of the most significant advantages of a mixed platform IT environment is the enhanced redundancy and resilience it offers. Relying solely on a single vendor for all IT solutions can create a vulnerable single point of failure, jeopardizing the entire organization during unexpected disruptions. By diversifying the IT infrastructure across multiple platforms, businesses can distribute risk effectively, ensuring that failures in one area do not cripple the entire system.

SUSE Manager (SUMA) is a prime example of how mixed platform environments bolster resilience. Designed to manage heterogeneous IT environments comprising various platforms’ hardware and software, SUMA efficiently handles diverse operating systems like SUSE Linux Enterprise, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Ubuntu and more. By supporting multiple platforms, SUSE Manager empowers customers to evade the limitations of single-vendor environments, thereby promoting flexibility and adaptability.

SUSE Manager managing a mixed environment of SLES and Ubuntu


Innovation and Agility

Mixed platform IT environments foster healthy competition among vendors, propelling innovation and agility within the ecosystem. Each provider strives to outperform its competitors by continuously enhancing products and services. As a result, businesses benefit from a dynamic and innovative IT landscape, where vendors develop cutting-edge technologies, adapt to emerging trends, and promptly address customer needs.

The freedom to choose from various platforms enables organizations to select solutions that align perfectly with their specific requirements, budget, and long-term vision. This ability to customize IT components fosters adaptability, empowering businesses to respond swiftly to market changes and capitalize on new opportunities.

Rancher is an outstanding example of how mixed platform environments drive innovation and agility. By empowering development teams with a distro-agnostic Kubernetes management platform, Rancher accelerates the adoption of ground-breaking solutions, thereby promoting the growth and advancement of the Kubernetes ecosystem.

Rancher managing RKE2 on Digital Ocean, AKS and a local installation of K3S


Cost Optimization

Mixed platform environments offer a lesser-known benefit: the potential for cost optimization. Relying solely on a single vendor can lead to higher costs, as they may dictate pricing and license fees. Conversely, having multiple vendors to choose from enables businesses to negotiate better deals, drive competitive pricing, and avoid falling into vendor lock-in traps.

The diverse range of technology choices available in mixed platform environments provides organizations with substantial leverage during negotiations. This becomes especially valuable when businesses must implement budget cuts without sacrificing operational efficiency.


Mitigating Vendor Lock-in

Recent incidents, like Red Hat’s decision to restrict RHEL source code access to its customers, remind us of the genuine concerns organizations face regarding vendor lock-in. Overreliance on a single vendor’s offerings can hinder exploration of alternative solutions. Being tied to one vendor’s products, services, or technologies can pose significant challenges when transitioning to more suitable or competitive options.

Embracing a mixed platform strategy helps prevent vendor lock-in, allowing businesses to remain agile and adaptable. The flexibility to switch platforms when necessary, ensures organizations retain control over their IT destiny, unbound by the limitations or restrictions of a single vendor.



Mixed platform IT environments offer an array of advantages that promote resilience and choice over the potential drawbacks of vendor lock-in. From increased redundancy and agility to optimized costs and enhanced interoperability, businesses benefit from a healthier IT ecosystem when they embrace diversity. By fostering competition among vendors and enabling organizations to choose the best solutions for their unique needs, mixed platform environments lay the foundation for sustained growth and success in today’s dynamic business landscape.

Stay tuned for upcoming announcements about more SUSE innovation designed to promote user choice not vendor lock-in.

At SUSE We Make Choice Happen

Tuesday, 11 July, 2023

For over 25 years, open source has revolutionized our world. From the growth of Linux to virtualization, to the move to the cloud, and more – many, if not most major advances in technology have had open source innovation as a driving force. For me, it’s obvious why. You want to have as many minds as possible working to find solutions – under a framework where those developments are then given back, so everyone benefits. When problems are found, many eyes make all bugs shallow. At the heart of it all is a view that software should be able to be “freely accessed, used, changed, and shared (in modified or unmodified form) by anyoneand that restricting customers from sharing the source they are given by their vendor limits their ability to collaboratively (as users) analyze and audit the final software they depend on. 

SUSE stands behind this view 100 percent. Becoming more proprietary should not be the basis for competition between open source companies. We have all contributed to the open source community – just as in the same way we have all benefited from it. It’s something bigger than the sum of our parts.   

At SUSE, we actively collaborate with the open source community to build enterprise grade products from open source projects. Our customers do not pay for the software, but for the ability to run it in a business-critical environment with long term 24/7 support, security, a certified stack and for being represented in the open source community. This is where we compete to be the best, most reliable and cost-effective vendor for our customers. 

With the latest restrictions to source code availability, we believe that the competitive landscape is shifting in the wrong direction.  

A key priority is to continue to provide choice for customers. SUSE announced today we will build, support and contribute a hard fork of the RHEL codebase to the community. This is what we excel at, and it will give long-term compatibility and choice for customers.  

The best way to explain this is by the following comparison: 

If you are a mobile phone user, you want the ability to switch telco provider while keeping your number, to maximize the value you are consuming. 

Equally, as an Enterprise Linux user, you can switch to SUSE while keeping your existing Linux. At SUSE, we are experts at providing enterprise value to users of open source software in a highly competitive way without compromising what is important to customers. 

SUSE is uniquely placed to do this. We have over 30 years of engineering expertise contributing to Linux and ensuring it is ready for mission-critical workloads. Our team is highly experienced in supporting mixed environments. Last year, we successfully introduced SUSE Liberty Linux for our customers who need CentOS and RHEL support. Furthermore, SUSE Manager has long been renowned for its ability to efficiently manage a wide range of Linux distributions, showcasing our dedication to empowering users with flexibility and choice. SUSE is steadfast in its commitment to share this work. We will ensure others have free and open access to the source code and that the project will never be restricted.   

One more point I want to add. It goes without saying that SUSE remains fully committed to SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE) and Adaptable Linux Platform (ALP) solutions as well as the openSUSE Linux distributions. We want to ensure that enterprises and communities remain empowered to innovate freely across mixed environments. 

If you are as excited as we are about making choice happen, then join us.  Get in touch with us:

Choice Happens! 


NeuVector by SUSE release 5.2 is now available!

Thursday, 6 July, 2023

I am pleased to announce the availability of version 5.2 of the NeuVector container security platform. This release packs a significant number of valuable enhancements and bug fixes for users requiring full-lifecycle security for their Kubernetes container pipeline and deployments. 

Vulnerability scanning and admission controls are critical NeuVector features for ensuring supply chain security. In NeuVector 5.2, users can require NeuVector to verify that images are signed by specific parties before they can be deployed into the production environment, through an integration with Sigstore/Cosign. Scanning enhancements include a pluggable Harbor adapter, a new CVE database lookup service, and scanning of Golang dependencies.

As we recently announced, NeuVector 5.2 supports monthly usage-based billing through the AWS Marketplace and will be followed by similar billing options through Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure. As we see increased public cloud and hybrid cloud usage for business-critical workloads, our customers are requesting convenient billing options for NeuVector subscriptions. 

We continue to enhance the security of NeuVector itself by supporting token-based access to the REST API (in addition to username/password), admin controls of user sessions and passwords, encrypted (TLS) SYSLOG alerts, and distinct least-privileged permissions for each of the NeuVector containers. 

NeuVector 5.2 also continues support of regulated and government use cases where customizable login banners, logos and agreements as well as classification headers and footers ensure proper access to NeuVector. 

Other enhancements for NeuVector paid subscription customers include: 

  • A new Vulnerability (CVE) Database lookup service.  This new SaaS service provides an online database lookup for any CVE in the latest NeuVector CVE database. It also provides views of vulnerabilities by OS, application, package or library as well as unfixed vulnerabilities. This service can be accessed by requesting it through the SUSE Customer Center (SCC) and the SUSE Collective service for customers.
  • Advanced performance and tuning guide and advice. Also available through SUSE Collective is a new performance-tuning asset to assist customers with properly sizing and tuning deployments of NeuVector in large clusters, edge (constrained resource), or heavy security feature usage environments. Support subscribers can also query the NeuVector support team for assistance as well as engage SUSE professional services for more complex deployments. 

We’re excited to bring these security enhancements to the Kubernetes and container community to help our users worldwide achieve the visibility, protection, and defence in depth needed for critical cloud-native workloads. 

NeuVector is available on docker hub with full documentation available and helm-based installations supported. 

SUSE Embedded Program

Wednesday, 5 July, 2023

The SUSE One Partner Program has evolved recently to provide a flexible and modern structure within specific Specializations. These specializations allow partners to focus on their business objectives.

One specialization area of the program that has evolved significantly is the Solution partner. This specialization area has been specifically designed for partners that build, sells, and supports innovative products, solutions, and/or services using SUSE software. This allows partners to develop their products and provide a reliable, secure, and scalable infrastructure with full life-cycle management that is a critical component to their customers success.

SUSE has developed the embedded program for just that reason. The program is tailor-made to meet the specific requirements of partners using SUSE software to simplify and de-risk an open-source infrastructure. By using SUSE’s proven technology you can scale your Engineering/Developer team to focus on adding unique features while accelerating the time to market for your product or service.

SUSE takes the input from 100’s of 1000’s of Developers that contribute to Linux and Kubernetes open source technologies, packaging them up into stable, certified and fully supported distributions. Providing the secure building blocks and infrastructure, that you need to develop great products.

The SUSE Embedded program sits within the SOLUTION Specialization of the SUSE One Partner Program. As a SOLUTION partner you can reduce the time from concept to production with any or all of the SUSE standard products/subscriptions. 

Simply put, there is not a more stable foundation for building certified and supported products and solutions, with a faster time to market, than using SUSE’s open-source platform. Explore the content and developer resources via our partner portal and reach out to our team to get started on your next project. 

So, why partner with SUSE? Here are just a few reasons:

  • Enterprise-Ready Distributions:
    • Our Linux and Kubernetes distributions are enterprise-grade and come with long-term lifecycle support of up to 13 years (with XLSS is up to 19 years). This ensures that your solutions are secure, reliable, and scalable for the long haul.
  • Secure and compliant:
    • SUSE offers enhanced security standards, compliant with FIPS 140-2, DISA SRG/STIG, Common Criteria EAL4+, and integration with CIS certified configurations.
  • World-Class Support:
    • SUSE offers support options including an initial response time of 15 minutes or less. Our team of experienced professionals are available 24/7 to help.
  • Flexible Commercials:
    • We offer a tailor-made pricing model that matches your application requirements. This ensures that you get the most value for your investment and that your solutions are priced competitively in the market.
  • Royalty Reporting:
    • We offer a pay-after-use model, which means that you only pay for what you use. This helps you optimize your costs and ensure that you’re not overpaying for infrastructure that you don’t need.
  • Legal Framework:
    • Our contracts include extensive rights for partners to deliver solutions based on SUSE offerings. This ensures that you have the legal framework you need to create and deliver innovative solutions to your customers.

By partnering with SUSE, you gain access to our global network of customers and other potential business opportunities.

If you’re a partner looking to simplify your open-source infrastructure and deliver innovative solutions to your customers, look no further than SUSE’s embedded program. We’re here to help you succeed.

Download our datasheet here 

You can find a short video to learn more, please click here

For additional information please contact our team at


The SUSE Graduate Program in South Africa

Monday, 3 July, 2023

SUSE Graduate Program 2023

The local SUSE Team in South Africa are planning to run a unique graduate program for previously disadvantaged youths. This initiative will provide these individuals with the opportunity to gain valuable skills not only in theory but also with on-the-job training while completing the certifications at SUSE Partners

What makes this program different is SUSE’s contribution and commitment to developing critical skills in a market where the are very few.

In the previous quarter of 2022, South Africa’s youth unemployment rate stood at 45.5%, which is a slight improvement over the rate of 45.3% in Q3. This indicates a total of 4.6 million unemployed youths in the country.

Due to the success of the SUSE Graduate program in 2018, the SUSE team has been approached by numerous financial institutions and partners to revisit the program. In the previous iteration, twenty graduates were selected out of a group of over one hundred delegates to participate. These graduates were placed at partner organizations to gain on-the-job experience and receive mentorship from individuals within those organizations.

The 2023 program will follow the same initiative as in 2018 but with additional specializations within the containerization field as well as in business-critical Linux. Training will be provided by SAB&T, SUSE Certified Training partner. These certifications are in high demand and recognized internationally.

In addition to the SUSE Certifications the graduates will also complete an NQF certification on IT System support through CTU.

Utilizing the power of the channel the local distributor Axiz will be assisting in facilitating this program with the team from SUSE. The distributor will be managing the HR functions as well as the sourcing of the students.

This program aims to draw on the strength of the community, to train enable and make opportunities available to individual that would not have otherwise been exposed to.

If you are interested in the program and would like more information, please contact:

Navigating Changes in the Open Source Landscape

Thursday, 29 June, 2023

Red Hat last week made a substantial shift in its source code access policy. The implications for vendors, developers and users are significant, and the move has caused some concern within the open source community. I want to shed as much light as I can on the decision and provide reassurance to the community in general, and SUSE’s customers and partners in particular.

What has happened?

Red Hat has decided to remove public access to the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) source code. It’s a big change in its source code access policy and this decision has caused significant concern within the open source community. That’s understandable. RHEL’s existence owes much to the collaborative efforts of many upstream projects, including the Linux kernel developed by many different contributors, among them SUSE. At the center of our world is innovating together. We are all working to build something greater than the sum of all our parts. We are all interdependent.

Navigating Changes in the Open Source Landscape

Upholding Open Source Values

At SUSE, the principles of open source and power of collaboration are dear to us. While changes in the open source landscape may shift dynamics, we firmly believe that the freedom to access, modify, and distribute software should remain open to all. Our commitment to customer satisfaction, stability and reliability remains unwavering. We will continue to invest in robust support infrastructure, deliver timely updates and provide a best-in-class user experience to our community users and customers.

Our Commitment to SUSE Liberty Linux Customers

SUSE helps many enterprise customers run and manage heterogeneous environments including CentOS and RHEL. Our solution for these customers is SUSE Liberty Linux. We want to reassure our customers that we remain fully committed to delivering a seamless experience for SUSE Liberty Linux. Red Hat’s decision does not change that. We will continue to collaborate with our partners in the open source community and leverage our decades of expertise to provide Red Hat binary compatible updates and security fixes going forward.

Looking Ahead

SUSE also recognizes that open source innovation thrives on collaboration, extending beyond code availability. We remain dedicated to fostering a vibrant ecosystem around the openSUSE community, with Adaptable Linux Platform  and our SUSE Linux Enterprise suite, by actively engaging with industry experts, developers and partners. We are committed to strengthening the open source movement and ensuring a prosperous future for all stakeholders.

We’ll have more to share soon on how we intend to enhance our existing collaboration with the open source community to stay truly open and collaborative. It’s the best way forward, the only way forward.

Digital Trust in Cloud and Containerization: A Shift in the Security Landscape

Thursday, 29 June, 2023

In today’s digital environment, the importance of trust has taken center stage. As more businesses shift from traditional data center infrastructure to cloud and containerized environments, Digital Trust becomes more than just a buzzword; it’s an absolute necessity. 

The Necessity of Digital Trust 

The journey towards Digital Trust starts with a significant paradigm shift — from legacy environments such as data centers to the cloud. As organizations increasingly migrate their operations into public or private clouds to achieve cost efficiencies, the question of security emerges as a critical concern. 

The focus is no longer if a breach will occur but when. This realization has led to an increased emphasis on incident response and recovery. In today’s digital world, organizations need continuous visibility into their operations, not only to swiftly identify and mitigate risks but also to maintain the level of business continuity required to maintain Digital Trust with customers, partners and stakeholders.  

The transition from a completely controlled environment to a public cloud can be complex. Despite the attractive cost efficiencies, companies grapple with questions regarding the ownership and control of security parameters. This change necessitates continuous visibility into the environment to understand what mitigation factors are needed to neutralize current and future threats. 

One of the significant challenges lies in the fact that security measures are often brought into the mix at a later stage, especially when it comes to containerization. However, as this shift becomes inevitable, understanding the associated risks and planning for potential security incidents have become top priorities. 

The Importance of Effective Planning 

One recurring theme in my conversations with customers is the importance of planning. The saying, “failing to plan is planning to fail,” holds especially true in the context of Digital Trust and transitioning to the cloud. Understanding potential vulnerabilities, monitoring data and having the ability to react quickly to any suspicious activities are all crucial components of this planning process. 

Key Takeaways 

Three crucial points stand out reflecting on these insights: 

  • Understanding risks: It’s essential to comprehend the specific risks associated with your environment thoroughly. Containerization, though beneficial for its cost-effectiveness and efficient application development, presents new security challenges. It’s crucial to pinpoint and understand the potential vulnerabilities within your environment to ensure robust risk management. 
  • Network visibility: Ensuring continuous network visibility is more than just keeping track of your data; it’s about monitoring the behavior of your network in real-time. This surveillance becomes crucial to identifying and mitigating potential threats, ensuring the security and integrity of your environment amidst an ongoing data flow. 
  • Planning for the worst: Organizations must have solid contingency plans in place. These should be flexible and capable of addressing a range of potential incidents, from minor breaches to significant security compromises. Detailed, comprehensive planning will minimize damage, ensure swift recovery and maintain business continuity, which are crucial in this era of increasing and evolving cyber threats. 

The NeuVector Solution 

The NeuVector solution offered by SUSE uniquely addresses these challenges. It provides visibility based on live traffic at Layer 7 in a containerized environment, employing automated behavioral learning to identify what is deemed ”good behavior” and whitelist it. Consequently, this solution can block or deny any behavior identified as suspicious or malicious. In essence, it presents a needed proactive approach to risk management. 

To summarize, navigating the shift towards cloud and containerization requires a deep understanding of the risks, continuous network visibility, and effective planning. Organizations that can master these aspects stand to mitigate potential risks and build a foundation of Digital Trust that is critical in today’s business environment.   

Learn more about Digital Trust at SUSE. 

It’s THE time: SUSE doc survey 2023 ‘call to action’

Thursday, 29 June, 2023

You might already have noticed: I never tire to emphasize that documentation is an essential part of any product. This is especially true for enterprise software which covers many use cases. Most software solutions only become usable thanks to detailed documentation. We’ve got direct feedback from you, our customers and partners, how much you rely on documentation to get your tasks done. Being responsible for a functioning IT environment and smooth processes, missing or poor documentation can impact your daily work and even the success of your business.

Shaping the docs

Our high demands to ourselves are to produce and deliver high quality documentation and localization services. But we need your help: you are using the docs for your daily work, you know where they are lacking, or where they are good enough. Thus, every year we–the SUSE (BCL) documentation team–conduct a global survey to gather your concrete feedback. Of course, we do not just “listen to” and “read about” your insights. We want to understand how to provide you better services. Because our goal is to continuously improve the documentation to make it easier for you to use.

Some actions taken

Thanks to your survey feedback of the last few years, we have already been able to improve a number of things. One major pain point with the docs, so the survey findings, was the ‘ease-of-use’. Another requirement was to focus more on the explanation of specific solutions and use cases. In 2021, we enhanced the online appearance of our documents for better user experience. We introduced a three-column design and several useful additional functionalities for an easier navigation. Additionally, we started to work on a new approach to documentation.

Smart new approach

Even if huge monolithic product manuals and guides are still useful and might never completely vanish, we realize that they are difficult to consult during your daily business. The SmartDocs are a project to address, among others, the above mentioned requirements for general ease of use and enhanced navigation capability. Our first priority hereby lies with the user not with the product. Thus we

  • try to write in a way that helps you complete tasks, instead of lecture you about the product,
  • focus on our users’ needs, and not on the product’s features,
  • and aim to instruct you how to solve a problem, and not just how to use the product interface.

Our goal is to move more and more towards modular documentation. Providing solution- or topic-based information (as we already do with the SUSE Best Practices and the Technical Reference Documentation) will speed up productivity.

Another important aspect is further improved navigation options. Modularity helps to enhance readability and makes consumption of topics easier for you. And finally, small articles have better search engine results than huge manuals. Also, they can easily be consumed by AI tools. We already see that our SmartDocs rank higher in Google search results. So, in future, when you are searching for content or for help, you hopefully will have the respective information quickly at your fingertips.

Striving for perfection

Well – let me be clear: we are not living in a perfect world. And there will never be perfection in the software business 😁. However, we will never stop pushing things forward. And to understand what information is vital to the usage of SUSE products and solutions, how the requirements evolve, and what we could do better in future. To keep us going, we heavily depend on feedback from … YOU!

Sharing is caring

So, this call goes out to the whole ecosystem: Please donate a small amount of your time and fill out the survey. Be assured, everyone will benefit. Let’s countercheck with you some of the actions we’ve taken so far. Tell us where you still see lacks and gaps in the documentation. Feel free to let us know what you think is good 😉. And simply share your thoughts.

This is possible in many different languages. And it’s easy: choose from preset options, share additional comments if you feel like it, and provide the level of feedback that you are comfortable with. The survey is open for participation until the end of September. As a small token of our appreciation, we raffle off some SUSE gift packages. Now, just have a look yourself:

And don’t forget to have a lot of fun!


Disclaimer: The text at hand has not been reviewed by a native speaker. If you find typos or language mistakes, please send them to me ( – or if you like them, just keep them and feed them. 😁

Empowering retailers to innovate and scale fast

Thursday, 29 June, 2023

Guest blog – Inside the partnership: Flooid and SUSE

Retailers moving to the ‘store of the future’ require new levels of speed, flexibility and open innovation, without compromising on security or performance. In this hyper-connected world, success depends upon transferring real-time information seamlessly between the cloud, the store estate and tens of thousands of devices at the edge.

Flooid is equipping its customers to reap the benefits of this interoperable, information-rich, agile environment. And as part of our value-add approach, we ensure our clients have access to best-of-breed partners and technology, so they can stay ahead of both the competition and customer demands.

One of our key ecosystem partners is SUSE, a technology leader that enhances open innovation through Enterprise Linux solutions, edge-enablement and containerization services. SUSE Account Manager Jeff Mazar explains more.

Jeff, how do Flooid and SUSE work together?
“We’re a true partnership, one in which each technology provider enhances the performance of the other. Flooid is a leading unified-commerce platform provider, helping Top Tier retail leaders to transform and innovate in the way that they sell to customers — often across multiple retail verticals and almost always across physical and digital channels. SUSE complements Flooid with opensource capabilities, and an additional layer of security and resilience across critical systems, ensuring near-zero vulnerabilities during periods of rapid digital transformation.

Since 2008, we’ve been working with Flooid to help retailers change the way they operate in line with industry trends. Our partnership is truly global. We’ve worked together on projects for large retail supermarket, convenience and fast-moving consumer goods businesses in the UK, South Africa, Canada, the USA, and specialty businesses in Europe.”

How do retailers benefit from the partnership?
“The common strand is we enable retailers to evolve the way they sell and serve the customer, faster, more securely and with reduced cost and risk. Every ambitious retailer is trying new concepts and looking to scale new capabilities, such as checkout-less stores, artificial intelligence, self-service models and modern inventory techniques. With Flooid and SUSE, retailers benefit from a unified, adaptable commerce platform, and the open architecture that gives them the agility they need to try, test and scale new concepts.”

Can you explain a little more about the technology?
“In a nutshell, Flooid provides the omnichannel point-of-service (POS) technology, and SUSE provides the Linux operating system on which the POS runs. Business-critical workloads move across cloud and resilient on-premise devices while containerized applications maximize development agility — including in edge use cases, which are of course of increasing interest to ambitious retailers.”

What are the key challenges for retailers now?
“Customer expectations are evolving faster than ever. This necessitates new technical solutions, but to innovate at the speed required, retailers need a flexible core, rather than a series of monolithic systems that operate in siloes. Going digital is not enough; because much customer experience differentiation will take place at the edge, retailers must adopt end-to-end infrastructure that can cope with real-time transactions and insights from tens or hundreds of thousands of endpoints. Business critical applications, such as the POS platform or ERP, need to stay up and running around the clock. And in straightened post-pandemic conditions, retailers need to find a way to ‘get to great’, while driving down cost, and ensuring no disruption to business as usual. That’s where Flooid and SUSE can help.”

Where does the cloud fit in?
“Retailers are at different stages of their cloud journeys. It’s true that the cloud aids flexibility, can drive down costs, and increase security, but perhaps its most striking feature is its ability to help retailers to innovate faster. With SUSE, Flooid and Flooid’s cloud partner Google, retailers can use open-source technologies to make the difference for their business. Containers, essential to running cloud-native applications for core to cloud to edge, can be easily managed with SUSE solutions. Kubernetes – the de facto standard for developing and running software – can also be utilized.”

What are SUSE’s core value propositions for the retail industry?
“With SUSE, you are a step closer to realizing your store of the future. As an opensource edge solutions provider, we support retail customer experience transformation by enabling agile, secure, and optimized infrastructure. Our purpose is to give customers the freedom to innovate everywhere. We put the ‘open’ back in open source, giving customers the ability to tackle innovation challenges today and the freedom to evolve their strategy and solutions tomorrow.”

Any final words on the Flooid/ SUSE partnership?
“Transformation is not just an option for retailers – it’s a necessity. From fixed POS systems to fully autonomous shopping experiences, each retailer is at a different stage on their transformation journey. But every retailer shares common goals – to delight consumers, drive efficiencies and open new revenue generating opportunities. All face a similar challenge; to securely manage end-to-end infrastructure while grappling with budget, legacy IT, and integration constraints. Flooid and SUSE believe and have demonstrated that transformation can be enhanced and accelerated by open innovation. The most successful retailers will be those that capitalize on interoperable solutions that let them harness modernization, no matter where it occurs. Successful retailers will be those that can unlock technological potential to create their store of the future — working with Flooid and SUSE puts them on the right path.”