It’s THE time: SUSE doc survey 2023 ‘call to action’

Thursday, 29 June, 2023

You might already have noticed: I never tire to emphasize that documentation is an essential part of any product. This is especially true for enterprise software which covers many use cases. Most software solutions only become usable thanks to detailed documentation. We’ve got direct feedback from you, our customers and partners, how much you rely on documentation to get your tasks done. Being responsible for a functioning IT environment and smooth processes, missing or poor documentation can impact your daily work and even the success of your business.

Shaping the docs

Our high demands to ourselves are to produce and deliver high quality documentation and localization services. But we need your help: you are using the docs for your daily work, you know where they are lacking, or where they are good enough. Thus, every year we–the SUSE (BCL) documentation team–conduct a global survey to gather your concrete feedback. Of course, we do not just “listen to” and “read about” your insights. We want to understand how to provide you better services. Because our goal is to continuously improve the documentation to make it easier for you to use.

Some actions taken

Thanks to your survey feedback of the last few years, we have already been able to improve a number of things. One major pain point with the docs, so the survey findings, was the ‘ease-of-use’. Another requirement was to focus more on the explanation of specific solutions and use cases. In 2021, we enhanced the online appearance of our documents for better user experience. We introduced a three-column design and several useful additional functionalities for an easier navigation. Additionally, we started to work on a new approach to documentation.

Smart new approach

Even if huge monolithic product manuals and guides are still useful and might never completely vanish, we realize that they are difficult to consult during your daily business. The SmartDocs are a project to address, among others, the above mentioned requirements for general ease of use and enhanced navigation capability. Our first priority hereby lies with the user not with the product. Thus we

  • try to write in a way that helps you complete tasks, instead of lecture you about the product,
  • focus on our users’ needs, and not on the product’s features,
  • and aim to instruct you how to solve a problem, and not just how to use the product interface.

Our goal is to move more and more towards modular documentation. Providing solution- or topic-based information (as we already do with the SUSE Best Practices and the Technical Reference Documentation) will speed up productivity.

Another important aspect is further improved navigation options. Modularity helps to enhance readability and makes consumption of topics easier for you. And finally, small articles have better search engine results than huge manuals. Also, they can easily be consumed by AI tools. We already see that our SmartDocs rank higher in Google search results. So, in future, when you are searching for content or for help, you hopefully will have the respective information quickly at your fingertips.

Striving for perfection

Well – let me be clear: we are not living in a perfect world. And there will never be perfection in the software business 😁. However, we will never stop pushing things forward. And to understand what information is vital to the usage of SUSE products and solutions, how the requirements evolve, and what we could do better in future. To keep us going, we heavily depend on feedback from … YOU!

Sharing is caring

So, this call goes out to the whole ecosystem: Please donate a small amount of your time and fill out the survey. Be assured, everyone will benefit. Let’s countercheck with you some of the actions we’ve taken so far. Tell us where you still see lacks and gaps in the documentation. Feel free to let us know what you think is good 😉. And simply share your thoughts.

This is possible in many different languages. And it’s easy: choose from preset options, share additional comments if you feel like it, and provide the level of feedback that you are comfortable with. The survey is open for participation until the end of September. As a small token of our appreciation, we raffle off some SUSE gift packages. Now, just have a look yourself:

And don’t forget to have a lot of fun!


Disclaimer: The text at hand has not been reviewed by a native speaker. If you find typos or language mistakes, please send them to me ( – or if you like them, just keep them and feed them. 😁

Empowering retailers to innovate and scale fast

Thursday, 29 June, 2023

Guest blog – Inside the partnership: Flooid and SUSE

Retailers moving to the ‘store of the future’ require new levels of speed, flexibility and open innovation, without compromising on security or performance. In this hyper-connected world, success depends upon transferring real-time information seamlessly between the cloud, the store estate and tens of thousands of devices at the edge.

Flooid is equipping its customers to reap the benefits of this interoperable, information-rich, agile environment. And as part of our value-add approach, we ensure our clients have access to best-of-breed partners and technology, so they can stay ahead of both the competition and customer demands.

One of our key ecosystem partners is SUSE, a technology leader that enhances open innovation through Enterprise Linux solutions, edge-enablement and containerization services. SUSE Account Manager Jeff Mazar explains more.

Jeff, how do Flooid and SUSE work together?
“We’re a true partnership, one in which each technology provider enhances the performance of the other. Flooid is a leading unified-commerce platform provider, helping Top Tier retail leaders to transform and innovate in the way that they sell to customers — often across multiple retail verticals and almost always across physical and digital channels. SUSE complements Flooid with opensource capabilities, and an additional layer of security and resilience across critical systems, ensuring near-zero vulnerabilities during periods of rapid digital transformation.

Since 2008, we’ve been working with Flooid to help retailers change the way they operate in line with industry trends. Our partnership is truly global. We’ve worked together on projects for large retail supermarket, convenience and fast-moving consumer goods businesses in the UK, South Africa, Canada, the USA, and specialty businesses in Europe.”

How do retailers benefit from the partnership?
“The common strand is we enable retailers to evolve the way they sell and serve the customer, faster, more securely and with reduced cost and risk. Every ambitious retailer is trying new concepts and looking to scale new capabilities, such as checkout-less stores, artificial intelligence, self-service models and modern inventory techniques. With Flooid and SUSE, retailers benefit from a unified, adaptable commerce platform, and the open architecture that gives them the agility they need to try, test and scale new concepts.”

Can you explain a little more about the technology?
“In a nutshell, Flooid provides the omnichannel point-of-service (POS) technology, and SUSE provides the Linux operating system on which the POS runs. Business-critical workloads move across cloud and resilient on-premise devices while containerized applications maximize development agility — including in edge use cases, which are of course of increasing interest to ambitious retailers.”

What are the key challenges for retailers now?
“Customer expectations are evolving faster than ever. This necessitates new technical solutions, but to innovate at the speed required, retailers need a flexible core, rather than a series of monolithic systems that operate in siloes. Going digital is not enough; because much customer experience differentiation will take place at the edge, retailers must adopt end-to-end infrastructure that can cope with real-time transactions and insights from tens or hundreds of thousands of endpoints. Business critical applications, such as the POS platform or ERP, need to stay up and running around the clock. And in straightened post-pandemic conditions, retailers need to find a way to ‘get to great’, while driving down cost, and ensuring no disruption to business as usual. That’s where Flooid and SUSE can help.”

Where does the cloud fit in?
“Retailers are at different stages of their cloud journeys. It’s true that the cloud aids flexibility, can drive down costs, and increase security, but perhaps its most striking feature is its ability to help retailers to innovate faster. With SUSE, Flooid and Flooid’s cloud partner Google, retailers can use open-source technologies to make the difference for their business. Containers, essential to running cloud-native applications for core to cloud to edge, can be easily managed with SUSE solutions. Kubernetes – the de facto standard for developing and running software – can also be utilized.”

What are SUSE’s core value propositions for the retail industry?
“With SUSE, you are a step closer to realizing your store of the future. As an opensource edge solutions provider, we support retail customer experience transformation by enabling agile, secure, and optimized infrastructure. Our purpose is to give customers the freedom to innovate everywhere. We put the ‘open’ back in open source, giving customers the ability to tackle innovation challenges today and the freedom to evolve their strategy and solutions tomorrow.”

Any final words on the Flooid/ SUSE partnership?
“Transformation is not just an option for retailers – it’s a necessity. From fixed POS systems to fully autonomous shopping experiences, each retailer is at a different stage on their transformation journey. But every retailer shares common goals – to delight consumers, drive efficiencies and open new revenue generating opportunities. All face a similar challenge; to securely manage end-to-end infrastructure while grappling with budget, legacy IT, and integration constraints. Flooid and SUSE believe and have demonstrated that transformation can be enhanced and accelerated by open innovation. The most successful retailers will be those that capitalize on interoperable solutions that let them harness modernization, no matter where it occurs. Successful retailers will be those that can unlock technological potential to create their store of the future — working with Flooid and SUSE puts them on the right path.”


Looking back and ahead: doc team @SUSECON 2023

Thursday, 29 June, 2023

Over. And way too fast. During the three days of being onsite at SUSECON 2023 in Munich, time literally just flew. I promised you a vibrant atmosphere, an impressive agenda, energetic tech talks, lively discussions, thrilling evening events, and a great time with the legendary SUSE Band. I didn’t promise too much, did I?

Looking back!

Frank and I had the pleasure to join our wonderful colleagues Cesar Herrera, Mark Gradwell and Justin Garlick at the Global Services kiosk of the Technology Showcase. There (and not only there!) we had many insightful and inspiring conversations about the docs with customers and technology partners alike.


During the beach party on Tuesday at Roberto Beach, everyone had the chance to strengthen long-term and new business relationships in a relaxed atmosphere.

On Wednesday evening, the Loewenbraeukeller and all its guests experienced a concert in a class of its own with the one and only SUSE Band.

But despite the concert, the next morning the session rooms were full of people who were thirsty for knowledge. Thankfully, Frank and I also benefited from this thirst for knowledge at our presentation on the topic how to contribute to documentation, while preaching in front of an interested and interactive audience. A big thank you again to everyone who attended!

Looking ahead!

Don’t feel disappointed if you missed the onsite SUSECON! The fun is not yet over. SUSECON Digital is in full swing, with even more technical and business sessions for you. Have a look here for todays sessions. And after today, all content will be made available on demand. Best of all: registration and participation in SUSECON Digital 23 are free of charge! Make sure you don’t miss out on our doc talk TUT-1161 How you can contribute to high quality enterprise documentation. And in the meantime, enjoy some SUSE Parody songs including some fine act from the SUSE Band, visit Emiel Brok and the SUSECON 2023 Ketchups, or practice some head banging while watching the conference opening video.

Looking for us?

Even outside of SUSECON, we’d love to hear from you and get your feedback! Just recently, we kicked off our new 2023 documentation survey (hosted on the Qualtrics platform). Please take the time to fill out the survey. In the spirit of open source, by participating you contribute to the improvement of the documentation for the sake of the entire SUSE ecosystem. THANK YOU!

Disclaimer: The text at hand has not been reviewed by a native speaker. If you find typos or language mistakes, please send them to me ( – or if you like them, just keep them and feed them. 😁

SUSECON Digital 2023: SUSE powers RISE with SAP

Wednesday, 28 June, 2023

There is no doubt about it, the future of open source is now. More and more organizations, including SAP, rely on open source software for innovation, and SUSE is among the leaders in providing enterprise-grade open source solutions. To learn more about the innovations SUSE is driving, please don’t miss SUSECON Digital, which goes live today, June 28. You can register here.

In a keynote exclusive to SUSECON Digital, we are excited to hear from Lalit Patil, Chief Technology Officer, SAP Enterprise Cloud Services. SAP Enterprise Cloud Services, commonly known as RISE with SAP, is one of the largest private cloud deployments, with more than 105,00 servers running in scale in an industrial manner.

The success of such a flagship cloud service relies on the robust infrastructure behind it, as the underlying platform needs to be equally scalable, secure and compatible with the major hyperscalers. Join the virtual keynote and learn from Lalit Patel about how SAP works with SUSE to keep RISE with SAP scalable and secure.

Two years ago, SAP launched RISE with SAP, a bundling of existing SAP assets that focuses on providing customers with business transformation as a service. Today, more than 4,500 customers have adopted RISE with SAP powered by SUSE. Most of the RISE with SAP infrastructure, with over 100,000 servers and Petabytes of memory and storage, runs on SUSE products. The SUSE-based reference architecture helps customers transition to the cloud quickly and smoothly. The operating system is a core area when it comes to security and scalability. As such, SAP trusts SUSE to help achieve Zero Trust security.

Whether you’re well along your journey of digital transformation or just getting started, SUSECON Digital 2023 will inspire you with the power of possibilities.

If you haven’t registered for SUSECON Digital, it’s not too late. Register now, and you will have access to a catalog of incredible keynotes from our SUSE executive team, customers and partners, as well as technical sessions.

SUSECON 2023 – It’s all about choice

Wednesday, 28 June, 2023


SUSECON. For those of us at SUSE, the name implies more than just a conference. It is an opportunity for the larger community of customers, partners, and enthusiasts to gather and discover new open-source solutions with SUSE and partner products as well as peek at some of the great work done with the open-source community.

This year, SUSECON provides attendees with physical and digital choices. Our on-premises event took place last week. As our CEO Dirk-Peter van Leeuwen reflected, SUSECON 2023 last week was “a chance for our open-source community to re-connect in the same physical space for the first time since 2019”.

And starting today, you can enjoy SUSECON Digital 2023. It’s free and it’s a great way to learn about what we’re doing at SUSE and to hear from our partners and open-source thought leaders.

Expanding the concept of choice – Our partner ecosystem:

I mentioned SUSECON delivery choices during the introduction. For a SUSECON attendee to have a choice, there must be options from which to choose.
The same could be said about the SUSE ecosystem. Customers choose to work with us for many reasons: Providing a wide range of options combining SUSE and partner products to create a solution meeting their requirements is likely a top consideration.
It’s in the context of the larger partner ecosystem that I want to highlight the activities of two key Silicon Design and four ISV technology partners that participated at SUSECON:

Intel® – Intel and SUSE have been partners for over thirty years. Our collaboration spans the entire SUSE product portfolio. This year, we have four sessions highlighting some of our collaboration:


Arm – The collaboration between Arm and SUSE is going through what I would call a growth phase. What started as a collaboration on SUSE Linux Enterprise has now expanded to address a larger portion of our product portfolio and across multiple routes to market (IHVs, and CSPs).   Our friends at Arm are presenting the following sessions:


SUSE also has a growing ISV ecosystem, and I would like to showcase four INNOVATE partners and their collaboration:

Traefik Labs – Traefik Labs is known for their Kubernetes ingress controller, but they also recently announced the Traefik Hub solution – A Kubernetes-native API Management solution for publishing, securing, and managing APIs, with support for multiple third-party ingress controllers. Traefik’s SUSECON Digital Session is:


Read more about how SUSE and Traefik Labs offer a compelling value proposition for organizations looking to streamline their API management and Kubernetes operations.


SynadiaSynadia invented the open source connective technology,  With NATS you can easily connect all your applications and data at a global scale, no matter what language they are written in or where they are running. (source: Synadia’s SUSECON Digital Session is:



Clastix – Clastix is a leader in Kubernetes multi-tenancy solutions. Clastix’s Kamaji solution turns a Kubernetes cluster into an admin cluster to orchestrate hundreds and thousands of clusters called tenant clusters, enabling a cost effective way of running control planes at scale. Kamaji is available for deployment via the built-in Rancher Apps catalog.Clastix’s SUSECON Digital Sessions is:


Read more about how SUSE and Clastix enable multi-tenancy at scale at fraction of the cost.


SEP – SEP is a long-term SUSE partner.  They provide a wide range of comprehensive, scalable data protection solutions and have been doing so since 1996.  SEP’s SUSECON Digital Session is:




The open-source community has always been about providing a choice to developers and end-users alike. SUSE, in collaboration with its partners, supports the growth of this ecosystem and empowers users with options as they build and deploy their solutions. It takes a community to deliver on the open-source promise and we’re glad to have these partners join us on our journey.

Call to action:

  • Register for SUSECON digital if you haven’t done so already. ( It’s free to everyone.
  • Choose from the different sessions on Linux, Kubernetes Management, and associated topics on deploying these products and/or solutions at scale.
  • Visit the SUSECON Ketchup videos on YouTube and gain a better description on what our partners are building, and how their products could help address your operational requirements.

Reconnecting and co-innovating: Reflections on SUSECON 2023

Tuesday, 27 June, 2023

At SUSECON 2023, I found a forum to collaborate, innovate and find solutions, face to face, with customers and partners. It was a chance too for our open source community to re-connect in the same physical space for the first time since 2019. And it was an opportunity for me to listen. 

Enterprise open source isn’t just a business, it’s a passion for many people too. Much of our success comes through the efforts of developers in the upstream community – it was great to meet some of you again and good to see the openSUSE stand getting lots of visitors.  

In the enterprise world, the needs of your customers and partners drive your best ideas and solutions. Great products are often not enough.  So, again, it was great to meet those customers and partners, working with us – and sometimes even with competitors in their own industries – to make their world better with open source.  

Two more things struck me this time in Germany.  

First, watching customers chat to my colleagues on the keynote stage, and meeting them afterwards, it was amazing just how different all their use cases are for SUSE products and services. The variety of our ecosystem has been fundamental to the continued success of open source over these last three decades. This was evident again in Munich. 

It is fantastic to see Orange using open source software to transform their industry to a disaggregated, collaborative and cloud native model.  

Similarly, SUSE has successfully helped BMW to innovate and drive its cloud native agenda.  

In a totally different industry, US defense and security solutions leader, Kratos, has disrupted the space industry using SUSE’s Edge solution.  

By making the right partnerships through the stack, with Rancher, and the open source community, Fujitsu are helping organizations in the UK Public Sector, the German Federal Employment Agency and a large player in the financial services industry to accelerate necessary change. 

From on premise to the edge and everywhere in between, we are there providing support and ideas. We have been a leader in open source for over 30 years. We’ve seen many waves of innovation – from the rise of virtualization and the emergence of cloud computing to rapid progress in cloud native, Edge, and AI. There’s so much choice now, and we’re helping customers navigate it. 

The second thing that stood out was just how highly many customers and partners rated the quality of support they get from us. This is the core of being a true enterprise open source partner. Your customers have to trust that you will help them navigate an increasingly complex world. They told me we are configurable. We offer excellent value. We provide security, speed and deployability. That’s a great foundation to build SUSE on. 

Open source is all about having the freedom to innovate at speed. You can only do that with the connections that we’ve made. With customers large and small across so many different sectors, and across so many different use cases. Also, connections with partners: with hyperscalers, ISVs, distributors, and hardware vendors. And with upstream developers, without whom enterprise open source providers like us can’t thrive. This is our ecosystem that comes together at events like SUSECON.  

The shared kernel of our ecosystem is having the same set of values: it’s about technology that’s open. Technology that understands customer needs. Technology that connects upstream with enterprise.  

I’d like to thank everyone who helped to put SUSECON together. It’s a lot of work and a great effort to organize.  

You can see the keynotes, and so much more on SUSECON Digital – do sign up to this link. It’s entirely free, and it’s a great way to learn about what we are doing at SUSE and to hear from some of the best minds in the opensource. It starts on Wednesday this week (28th June). 

Reflecting on the last few days in Munich, I feel energized and inspired. This event represents the best of open source.  

I’m excited about all that we will achieve together between now and SUSECON 2024. 

Harnessing the Power of Kubernetes-native API Management with Traefik Hub and Rancher Prime

Thursday, 15 June, 2023

SUSE guest blog authored by:

Erwan Paccard, Head of Product at Traefik Labs


As digital transformation accelerates at an unprecedented pace, several design patterns and architectural choices have emerged to keep up with the rapid change. Microservices, multi-cloud deployments, Kubernetes, and APIs are not just buzzwords; they are critical components of the contemporary digital landscape, driving business agility, application agility, digitization, and B2B value creation.

The surge in digital services has led to a scenario where API requests comprise over 80% of all traffic types and continues to grow, with 90% of digital services being built using public & internal API-delivered services. APIs, therefore, form a critical component of digital transformation, and participating in the API economy has become a top priority for most organizations.

Amid this backdrop, today we’re going to explore the joint value proposition of Traefik Hub and Rancher Prime, two powerful tools that, when combined, can supercharge your digital transformation journey.


Embracing Kubernetes-native API Management

Traefik Hub is the industry’s first Kubernetes-native API management solution. It extends the Kubernetes capabilities with API Management through CRDs, seamlessly integrates with its API, enabling automatic discovery of services, and delivers Kubernetes native ways to publish and manage APIs. This provides a significant operational advantage over proprietary solutions that are not Kubernetes-native. Traefik Hub Kubernetes-native approach based solely on CRDs unlocks operational excellence with scalable and highly available deployments, a full GitOps compliance for powerful automation with tools like Helm, Terraform, and ArgoCD for repeatability and auditability. It also eliminates vendor lock-in by supporting any Kubernetes distribution and ingress controller, and offers a lightweight, portable, and efficient solution with separate control and data planes.


Ensuring High Availability & Security

Coupling Traefik Hub with Rancher Prime, the leading Kubernetes management platform, ensures high availability with built-in HA with replicas. This redundancy is a fundamental component of high availability, as it ensures that even if one node goes down, the service remains accessible. The Traefik Hub platform, as part of its core offering, allows for easy and automatic configuration of service replicas. Therefore, if one instance faces an issue, another can seamlessly take over, reducing downtime and maintaining service reliability.

Traefik Hub and Rancher Prime also help users extend security with seamless third-party integrations. Rancher Prime provides comprehensive security features including RBAC, SSO, AD/LDAP integrations, and secrets management. Combined with Traefik Hub’s built-in high availability and security features, you get a secure, robust, and reliable application deployment pipeline.


CI/CD Compliance

The combination of Traefik Hub and Rancher Prime provides a powerful toolset for those embracing the GitOps model and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) methodologies. They offer a streamlined workflow that seamlessly integrates with your CI/CD pipeline, making it an ideal solution for DevOps teams. Rancher Prime provides built-in CI/CD pipelines that can be configured to trigger deployments based on changes to a Git repository. Rancher Prime’s multi-cluster management capabilities allow CI/CD pipelines to deploy applications across multiple Kubernetes clusters. This feature is particularly beneficial in a multi-cloud or hybrid cloud environment. With Traefik Hub providing API management across these clusters, you get a unified, efficient and scalable deployment process.

Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) in Kubernetes provide a way to define custom resources with your own API types, extending the Kubernetes API. Traefik Hub, being a Kubernetes-native solution, treats CRDs as first-class citizens. This means that it provides native support for CRDs, allowing developers to create and manage custom resources easily.


Deploy Anywhere, with Any Ingress Controller

The Traefik Hub and Rancher Prime solution supports any deployment environment and any ingress controller. This flexibility is crucial for organizations looking to deploy APIs across diverse environments, including on-premises, hybrid cloud, multi-cloud, and edge deployments. 


Modern, lightweight, and open architecture

Traefik Hub and Rancher Prime boast a modern, lightweight, and open architecture. They unlock and unleash the full potential of Kubernetes for API Management. They are lightweight, so they won’t weigh down your systems, but they are feature-packed to keep your operations running smoothly. Their open architecture speaks the language of Kubernetes, making integration a breeze. And because they are modern, they are constantly evolving to meet the ever-changing demands of the DevOps world.


Embracing Edge Computing

Edge computing, another significant trend, is fueling new edge applications and creating infinite possibilities. The broad spectrum of edge use-cases can be divided into the Near Edge, Far Edge, and Tiny Edge (autonomous vehicles, industrial robotics, drones/UAV, smart grid), with each having specific requirements in terms of devices and proximity to data centers or users.

As applications move to the edge, so do APIs. Specialized Edge APIs are emerging with the same drivers around business value and time. Traefik Hub, Rancher Prime, RKE2, and K3s are well-positioned to cater to these needs due to their flexible deployment capabilities, GitOps compliance, and support for any ingress controller.

In conclusion, Traefik Hub and Rancher Prime offer a compelling value proposition for organizations looking to streamline their API management and Kubernetes operations. By embracing these tools, you can not only keep pace with the accelerating digital transformation but also lead, compete, and thrive in the digital economy. The future of API management is Kubernetes-native, flexible, and secure, with full CI/CD compliance. Embrace this future with Traefik Hub and Rancher Prime, and unlock the full potential of your digital transformation journey.


Traefik Labs is excited to announce its sponsorship of SUSECON 2023. We invite everyone to join us at the conference, which will take place in Munich next week from June 20th to June 22nd. This is a fantastic opportunity to learn about the latest developments in open source technology, and we would be thrilled to meet with you and discuss your API management strategy and how you can make the most of it. Please contact us to schedule an onsite meeting. We look forward to seeing you there!


Author: Erwan Paccard, Head of Product at Traefik Labs

Erwan Paccard is Head of Product at Traefik Labs where he leads product management and product marketing. Previously, he held worldwide senior product management and product marketing positions at Cisco, IBM and smaller software editors for the past 25 years. Armed with a wide and deep IT knowledge, he has seen the evolution of the technology stacks from virtualization, to containers and the Cloud-Native software stacks.

Navigating the Ever-Evolving Landscape of Cybersecurity Threats

Wednesday, 14 June, 2023

In daily interactions with tech leaders, the term Digital Trust almost always comes up.  Organizations want to ensure that their customers feel safe interacting with them digitally, that their data is secure and that the systems they interact with are reliable. It’s apparent that building a Digital Trust relationship is a vital objective for any organization that digitally connects with its customers.


Cybersecurity: The Ever-Evolving Battle

Security threats are constantly evolving. With everything from potential nation-state threat actors to increasingly common ransomware attacks, cybersecurity leaders and their teams face an overwhelming array of challenges.

Not surprisingly, security is a particularly hot topic for Kubernetes and container management. As more business-critical applications and use cases rely on Kubernetes and containers, the scope for potential attacks grows. These systems run in various places, from data centers to multiple clouds and all the way out to the edge. This increase in connectivity and the speed at which information is shared create an expansive attack surface that is both intimidating and challenging for organizations to secure.

Organizations often express their struggle to keep up with these evolving security risks, given that they are implicitly entrusted with this task by their customers, partners and stakeholders. It’s a never-ending battle to stay one step ahead to ensure sensitive data and systems remain protected. They understand that the cybersecurity landscape is constantly in flux, and if they fail to adapt, they risk losing the Digital Trust they have worked so hard to foster.


Tackling Threats: A Strategic Approach

To navigate this expansive landscape, organizations should concentrate on three strategic areas:


  • Proactive Threat Intelligence: This is the first line of defense. It involves continually scanning the digital environment, understanding emerging threats, and being aware of potential exposure points within your organization. Robust threat intelligence programs are essential to stay ahead of potential hazards and facilitate better preparation and response to possible attacks.


  • Continuous Security Monitoring: Early detection of a threat or breach minimizes the impact on your organization. Using advanced analytics and machine learning tools for continuous security monitoring allows real-time threat detection and helps address issues before they escalate.


  • Comprehensive Data Security and Protection: Protecting data is a multi-faceted task. It requires a solid approach to authorization and authentication management to ensure that only authorized identities have access to sensitive information. Additionally, a comprehensive data backup strategy is essential to ensure data can be recovered in case of a breach or system failure. Then, a robust disaster recovery plan is necessary to restore operations after an incident.


The SUSE Approach: Security Across the Entire Stack

At SUSE, our offerings address these strategic areas comprehensively. We use our deep Linux expertise to provide secure, immutable infrastructure management at the OS level and ensure security at the application level through secure coding practices, vulnerability scanning and penetration testing.

At the container level, companies can maintain rigorous control over who can access and manage their Kubernetes clusters and what actions they can perform. With Rancher, we employ a policy-driven approach to security, allowing companies to define and enforce specific security configurations for their Kubernetes workloads. This means that the organization can define a security baseline and ensure all clusters adhere to it, minimizing the risk of misconfigurations that could compromise security.

Following our acquisition of NeuVector, we have bolstered our application layer security, making us a strong fit for organizations seeking to build secure code from the development stage to runtime. Our robust security posture allows us to provide comprehensive and integrated security solutions from the bottom to the top of the stack.


Ensuring Digital Trust

SUSE’s approach to Digital Trust combines technological solutions with our organizational and operational philosophies. We prioritize customer needs and build solutions that help them establish and sustain their Digital Trust relationships with their clients. Across our entire portfolio of Linuxcontainer management, and edge solutions, we ensure that security and Digital Trust are integral components of our offerings.


Learn more about SUSE’s approach to Digital Trust.

SUSE and Microsoft joint webinar 6/28/23: Migrating HPC Workloads to Azure using SUSE Linux Enterprise HPC

Wednesday, 14 June, 2023

Imagine if you could enable nonstop productivity for your organization, managing HPC workloads. SUSE supported HPC Linux can help you run your business more efficiently, saving you time, money and freeing your IT teams to focus on more strategic initiatives.

Join us for an insightful webinar with HPC experts, Daniel Kahn from SUSE and Andy Howard from Microsoft Azure as they discuss migrating HPC workloads to Azure with Cyclecloud leveraging SUSE’s HPC platform and SUSE’s portfolio of support options focused around HPC workloads.

Register Here: