Journey to the Edge at SUSECON Digital 22

Wednesday, 18 May, 2022

It is just a few short weeks until SUSECON Digital 2022, which goes live June 7-9, and I am thrilled to be delivering the Edge keynote at the show.

In support of SUSE’s mission to become the most trusted and secure infrastructure stack in the market I’m going to be discussing why our Edge computing offering stands out in enabling business applications to run where they are best suited.

Sounds like fun? It will be.

My intention is to deliver a session grounded in real world edge deployments, so you can readily apply learnings to your environment and use-cases. I will talk about what Edge computing means to you in relatable terms and some of the challenges that you will need to be aware of as you consider your planning and deployment phases.

I will keep SUSECON’s Future Forward theme front and centre in discussing our vision which is both future facing, but real, touchable, and practical in a way that will allow you to plan for your immediate edge computing future.

SUSE’s vision for the edge is focused and succinct.  It is to provide the simplest to use infrastructure to manage the ever-increasing world of edge devices. Despite being a simple vision, lots of complexity, challenges, and opportunity lie beneath it.

Customer challenges surrounding edge computing solutions typically fall into three distinct areas: application lifecycle management, Kubernetes lifecycle management and operating system lifecycle management.  Plus, the overarching challenge of managing all of this at scale. Security is the invisible thread, that needs to be seamlessly integrated across the layers, for a reliable and scalable solution. At SUSECON we’ll unpack these challenges alongside SUSE’s solutions and integrated roadmap.

In true SUSECON style there will be a real-life demo of lifecycle management for edge devices, as well as my favourite part of the show, hearing from our most innovative customers about how they benefit from applying Edge computing to their environments. For example, market leading organizations like Home Depot, are successfully navigating these challenges, and implementing and operating cloud-native approaches at scale. Today.

Looking forward to seeing you on June 7-9 for all this and more!

Category: SUSECON Comments (0)

Deploying K3s with Ansible

Monday, 16 May, 2022

There are many different ways to run a Kubernetes cluster, from setting everything up manually to using a lightweight distribution like K3s. K3s is a Kubernetes distribution built for IoT and edge computing and is excellent for running on low-powered devices like Raspberry Pis. However, you aren’t limited to running it on low-powered hardware; it can be used for anything from a Homelab up to a Production cluster. Installing and configuring multinode clusters can be tedious, though, which is where Ansible comes in.

Ansible is an IT automation platform that allows you to utilize “playbooks” to manage the state of remote machines. It’s commonly used for managing configurations, deployments, and general automation across fleets of servers.

In this article, you will see how to set up some virtual machines (VMs) and then use Ansible to install and configure a multinode K3s cluster on these VMs.

What exactly is Ansible?

Essentially, Ansible allows you to configure tasks that tell it what the system’s desired state should be; then Ansible will leverage modules that tell it how to shift the system toward that desired state. For example, the following instruction uses the ansible.builtin.file module to tell Ansible that /etc/some_directory should be a directory:

- name: Create a directory if it does not exist
    path: /etc/some_directory
    state: directory
    mode: '0755'

If this is already the system’s state (i.e., the directory exists), this task is skipped. If the system’s state does not match this described state, the module contains logic that allows Ansible to rectify this difference (in this case, by creating the directory).

Another key benefit of Ansible is that it carries out all of these operations via the Secure Shell Protocol (SSH), meaning you don’t need to install agent software on the remote targets. The only special software required is Ansible, running on one central device that manipulates the remote targets. If you wish to learn more about Ansible, the official documentation is quite extensive.

Deploying a K3s cluster with Ansible

Let’s get started with the tutorial! Before we jump in, there are a few prerequisites you’ll need to install or set up:

  • A hypervisor—software used to run VMs. If you do not have a preferred hypervisor, the following are solid choices:
    • Hyper-V is included in some Windows 10 and 11 installations and offers a great user experience.
    • VirtualBox is a good basic cross-platform choice.
    • Proxmox VE is an open source data center-grade virtualization platform.
  • Ansible is an automation platform from Red Hat and the tool you will use to automate the K3s deployment.
  • A text editor of choice
    • VS Code is a good option if you don’t already have a preference.

Deploying node VMs

To truly appreciate the power of Ansible, it is best to see it in action with multiple nodes. You will need to create some virtual machines (VMs) running Ubuntu Server to do this. You can get the Ubuntu Server 20.04 ISO from the official site. If you are unsure which option is best for you, pick option 2 for a manual download.

Download Ubuntu image

You will be able to use this ISO for all of your node VMs. Once the download is complete, provision some VMs using your hypervisor of choice. You will need at least two or three to get the full effect. The primary goal of using multiple VMs is to see how you can deploy different configurations to machines depending on the role you intend for them to fill. To this end, one “primary” node and one or two “replica” nodes will be more than adequate.

If you are not familiar with hypervisors and how to deploy VMs, know that the process varies from tool to tool, but the overall workflow is often quite similar. Below you can find some official resources for the popular hypervisors mentioned above:

In terms of resource allocation for each VM, it will vary depending on the resources you have available on your host machine. Generally, for an exercise like this, the following specifications will be adequate:

  • CPU: one or two cores
  • RAM: 1GB or 2GB
  • HDD: 10GB

This tutorial will show you the VM creation process using VirtualBox since it is free and cross-platform. However, feel free to use whichever hypervisor you are most comfortable with—once the VMs are set up and online, the choice of hypervisor does not matter any further.

After installing VirtualBox, you’ll be presented with a welcome screen. To create a new VM, click New in the top right of the toolbar:

VirtualBox welcome screen

Doing so will open a new window that will prompt you to start the VM creation process by naming your VM. Name the first VM “k3s-primary”, and set its type as Linux and its version as Ubuntu (64-bit). Next, you will be prompted to allocate memory to the VM. Bear in mind that you will need to run two or three VMs, so the amount you can give will largely depend on your host machine’s specifications. If you can afford to allocate 1GB or 2GB of RAM per VM, that will be sufficient.

After you allocate memory, VirtualBox will prompt you to configure the virtual hard disk. You can generally click next and continue through each of these screens, leaving the defaults as they are. You may wish to change the size of the virtual hard disk. A memory of 10GB should be enough—if VirtualBox tries to allocate more than this, you can safely reduce it to 10GB. Once you have navigated through all of these steps and created your VM, select your new VM from the list and click on Settings. Navigate to the Network tab and change the Attached to value to Bridged Adapter. Doing this ensures that your VM will have internet access and be accessible on your local network, which is important for Ansible to work correctly. After changing this setting, click OK to save it.

VM network settings

Once you are back on the main screen, select your VM and click Start. You will be prompted to select a start-up disk. Click on the folder icon next to the Empty selection:

Empty start-up disk

This will take you to the Optical Disk Selector. Click Add, and then navigate to the Ubuntu ISO file you downloaded and select it. Once it is selected, click Choose to confirm it:

Select optical disk

Next, click Start on the start-up disk dialog, and the VM should boot, taking you into the Ubuntu installation process. This process is relatively straightforward, and you can accept the defaults for most things. When you reach the Profile setup screen, make sure you do the following:

  • Give all the servers the same username, such as “ubuntu”, and the same password. This is important to make sure the Ansible playbook runs smoothly later.
  • Make sure that each server has a different name. If more than one machine has the same name, it will cause problems later. Suggested names are as follows:
    • k3s-primary
    • k3s-replica-1
    • k3s-replica-2

Ubuntu profile setup

The next screen is also important. The Ubuntu Server installation process lets you import SSH public keys from a GitHub profile, allowing you to connect via SSH to your newly created VM with your existing SSH key. To take advantage of this, make sure you add an SSH key to GitHub before completing this step. You can find instructions for doing so here. This is highly recommended, as although Ansible can connect to your VMs via SSH using a password, doing so requires extra configuration not covered in this tutorial. It is also generally good to use SSH keys rather than passwords for security reasons.

Ubuntu SSH setup

After this, there are a few more screens, and then the installer will finally download some updates before prompting you to reboot. Once you reboot your VM, it can be considered ready for the next part of the tutorial.

However, note that you now need to repeat these steps one or two more times to create your replica nodes. Repeat the steps above to create these VMs and install Ubuntu Server on them.

Once you have all of your VMs created and set up, you can start automating your K3s installation with Ansible.

Installing K3s with Ansible

The easiest way to get started with K3s and Ansible is with the official playbook created by the team. To begin, open your terminal and make a new directory to work in. Next, run the following command to clone the k3s-ansible playbook:

git clone

This will create a new directory named k3s-ansible that will, in turn, contain some other files and directories. One of these directories is the inventory/ directory, which contains a sample that you can clone and modify to let Ansible know about your VMs. To do this, run the following command from within the k3s-ansible/ directory:

cp -R inventory/sample inventory/my-cluster

Next, you will need to edit inventory/my-cluster/hosts.ini to reflect the details of your node VMs correctly. Open this file and edit it so that the contents are as follows (where placeholders surrounded by angled brackets <> need to be substituted for an appropriate value):

<k3s-primary ip address>

<k3s-replica-1 ip address>
<k3s-replica-2 ip address (if you made this VM)>


You will also need to edit inventory/my-cluster/group_vars/all.yml. Specifically, the ansible_user value needs to be updated to reflect the username you set up for your VMs previously (ubuntu, if you are following along with the tutorial). After this change, the file should look something like this:

k3s_version: v1.22.3+k3s1
ansible_user: ubuntu
systemd_dir: /etc/systemd/system
master_ip: "{{ hostvars[groups['master'][0]]['ansible_host'] | default(groups['master'][0]) }}"
extra_server_args: ''
extra_agent_args: ''

Now you are almost ready to run the playbook, but there is one more thing to be aware of. Ubuntu asked if you wanted to import SSH keys from GitHub during the VM installation process. If you did this, you should be able to SSH into the node VMs using the SSH key present on the device you are working on. Still, it is likely that each time you do so, you will be prompted for your SSH key passphrase, which can be pretty disruptive while running a playbook against multiple remote machines. To see this in action, run the following command:

ssh ubuntu@<k3s-primary ip address>

You will likely get a message like Enter passphrase for key '/Users/<username>/.ssh/id_rsa':, which will occur every time you use this key, including when running Ansible. To avoid this prompt, you can run ssh-add, which will ask you for your password and add this identity to your authentication agent. This means that Ansible won’t need to prompt you for your password multiple times. If you are not comfortable leaving this identity in the authentication agent, you can run ssh-add -D after you are done with the tutorial to remove it again.

Once you have added your SSH key’s passphrase, you can run the following command from the k3s-ansible/ directory to run the playbook:

ansible-playbook site.yml -i inventory/my-cluster/hosts.ini -K

Note that the -K flag here will cause Ansible to prompt you for the become password, which is the password of the ubuntu user on the VM. This will be used so that Ansible can execute commands as sudo when needed.

After running the above command, Ansible will now play through the tasks it needs to run to set up your cluster. When it is done, you should see some output like this:

playbook completed

If you see this output, you should be able to SSH into your k3s-primary VM and verify that the nodes are correctly registered. To do this, first run ssh ubuntu@<k3s-primary ip address>. Then, once you are connected, run the following commands:

sudo kubectl version

This should show you the version of both the kubectl client and the underlying Kubernetes server. If you see these version numbers, it is a good sign, as it shows that the client can communicate with the API:

Kubectl version

Next, run the following command to see all the nodes in your cluster:

sudo kubectl get nodes

If all is well, you should see all of your VMs represented in this output:

Kubectl get nodes

Finally, to run a simple workload on your new cluster, you can run the following command:

sudo kubectl apply -f

This will create a new simple pod on your cluster. You can then inspect this newly created pod to see which node it is running on, like so:

sudo kubectl get pods -o wide

Specifying the output format with -o wide ensures that you will see some additional information, such as which node it is running on:

Kubectl get pods

You may have noticed that the kubectl commands above are prefixed with sudo. This isn’t usually necessary, but when following the installation instructions, you can often run into a scenario where sudo is required. If you prefer to avoid using sudo to run your kubectl commands, there is a good resource here on how to get around this issue.

In summary

In this tutorial, you’ve seen how to set up multiple virtual machines and then configure them into a single Kubernetes cluster using K3s and Ansible via the official playbook. Ansible is a powerful IT automation tool that can save you a lot of time when it comes to provisioning and setting up infrastructure, and K3s is the perfect use case to demonstrate this, as manually configuring a multinode cluster can be pretty time-consuming. K3s is just one of the offerings from the team at SUSE, who specialize in business-critical Linux applications, enterprise container management, and solutions for edge computing.

Get started with K3s

Take K3s for a spin!

Ondat and SUSE Rancher – run your stateful applications everywhere

Wednesday, 11 May, 2022


Rodney Karemba, Customer Solutions Architect, Ondat


Stateful applications are essential to your business, and you need to ensure that your Kubernetes landscape is up to the task of supporting them.  Bringing together the Ondat data plane with SUSE Rancher enables enterprises to design, deploy, and manage robust, multi-cloud Kubernetes landscapes along with scalable, highly available, and performant persistent storage. ~ Terry 


SUSE | Ondat - a solution stack for your stateful applications


SUSE Rancher and Ondat – Enable your multi-cloud Kubernetes strategy

In many organizations, multi-cloud and hybrid IT environments are inevitable, preferable, or both. There are large global operations that have simply evolved, over time, across multiple platforms; users might be leveraging hybrid environments to reduce costs in any number of ways; it could be that applications demand a modern edge/core architecture; or increasingly, that savvy organizations are choosing to hedge their bets, avoid lock-in to a single platform, shop around and increase their leverage when negotiating with suppliers.

One of the compelling benefits of Kubernetes is to provide a common container orchestration environment across disparate, underlying platforms: build your containerized applications once and run them anywhere.  And in many ways, Kubernetes is evolving beyond container orchestration to become a broader, common API for a distributed estate of heterogeneous infrastructure.  But, as ever in the IT industry, the reality for both platform/operations teams and developers is that the standard is far from unified.

As enterprise vendors and Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) have added platform-specific tools, features, practices, management and developer interfaces, the unified vision for Kubernetes has been eroded. The reality becomes a series of platform-specific Kubernetes enclaves: where overarching management and the movement of developers, ops teams, and applications between them becomes complex and costly.

SUSE has built a strong industry reputation for delivering enterprise-hardened, open and interoperable solutions, and SUSE Rancher is designed to address this problem for Kubernetes.  Rancher delivers unified Kubernetes management to help organisations accelerate digital transformation, providing consistent operations, workload management, and enterprise-grade security – from core to cloud to edge.

With SUSE Rancher, operations teams can easily manage multi-cluster and multi-cloud Kubernetes environments.  Rancher delivers streamlined cluster operations, full visibility and monitoring, and unified security and governance.  Rancher supports any CNCF-certified Kubernetes distribution, including AKS, EKS, and GKE, ensuring that platform and continuity engineers can design Kubernetes landscapes that are truly resilient and flexible to meet their business requirements.


Ondat | SUSE Rancher architecture diagram for supporting stateful applications

The strength and relevance of what SUSE Rancher offers are why we at Ondat are so proud and excited about our joint capability.  Because, ever since users started building stateful applications on Kubernetes, persistent volumes and storage have been problematic.

Whether leveraging on-prem storage arrays or CSP storage services, the underlying storage has been an impassable chasm in the quest for a genuinely unified and unfettered Kubernetes experience.

For developers, basic elements like storage classes have been different across platforms.  Infrastructure-as-code, GitOps and Kubernetes operators for popular applications need to be amended for each different platform.  And developers need to know this issue exists to avoid hours of fruitless debugging.

And for the platform team, someone has to create all those different storage classes to accommodate developer needs across disparate underlying infrastructure.  This often involves painstakingly integrating external storage services (with incompatible security schemas) into the Kubernetes environment.  The resulting confusion often leaves them fielding developer inquiries and defeats the whole point of DevOps to streamline deployment and accelerate development.

Try building cluster resiliency across multiple availability zones, using snapshots, and implementing data encryption-at-rest; it’s going to be different everywhere you go, and in some places, it is going to be impossible.

You might think that department execs, product owners, and management are impervious to these concerns, but you would be wrong.  When simple tasks take days and projects are delayed, when all the nuanced technical differences between platforms elevate the risk of things going wrong – resulting in application downtime, service outage, and data loss – the consequences can be dire.

Ondat delivers the same fast, resilient, Kubernetes-native data services on the node, wherever your application workload is running.  For operators and platform engineers, Ondat makes storage simple to set up and even simpler to manage.  And like SUSE Rancher, Ondat does not skimp on features.

Quite the opposite, Ondat adds value to platform-specific storage and even lets cloud users leverage lower-cost services in the process.  Ondat delivers resilience to fast, low-cost, node storage, enabling highly available storage services even on platforms where this isn’t an option.  With topology aware placement, encryption at rest and in transit, and snapshots – tasks available through simple checkbox options in the user interface – Ondat removes the complexity from Kubernetes storage management.

Ondat and SUSE Rancher are an unmatched solution for managing and operating Kubernetes across multi-cluster, multi-cloud and hybrid IT infrastructure.  This not only impacts operational efficiency, but also enhances observability, simplifies policy and governance and strengthens application security.  Working in combination, these solutions create the unified environment needed to mitigate risk, conflict and confusion, and to capture the full efficiency of DevOps, GitOps and CI/CD pipelines.

Together, Ondat and SUSE empower enterprises to capture the full benefits of their infrastructure – whether on-prem or in the cloud or a combination of the two.  Application availability, security, scalability and flexibility are all essential drivers in digital transformation.  Leveraging SUSE Rancher with Ondat delivers concrete improvements in all these areas, while allowing customers to simultaneously reduce costs and retain independence and ongoing freedom of choice around cloud and platform providers.


Ready to learn more?

Check out our getting started guide and the companion demonstration video , then join us for a live SUSE One Partner Solutions Showcase webinar on Tuesday, 24 May 2022, at 5pm CEST / 11am EDT / 8am PDT – register here.




SUSE One Partner Solution Stacks are featured, co-innovations that help arm organizations to address a broad spectrum of challenges.  Solution Stacks can be leveraged by SUSE One Partners of all specializations and tiers to deliver unique value to our clients.  SUSE One partners can learn more and access resources for this and other solution stacks through the Partner Portal.


Explore the Future of Linux at SUSECON Digital 2022

Tuesday, 10 May, 2022

I cannot wait to join you all at SUSECON Digital 2022 on June 7-9, when I will again have the pleasure of leading the Business Critical Linux keynote.

  • In keeping with SUSECON Digital 2022’s Future Forward theme, we’ll be shining a light on the latest and greatest in SUSE Linux Enterprise, and on the path SUSE is taking towards becoming the most trusted and secure open source infrastructure stack in the market.
  • Today, as you will hear in many of our SUSECON keynotes, top of mind for many of our customers is security – both preserving a software supply chain securely in their own businesses and ensuring their clients’ data is protected.
  • At the risk of giving away spoilers ahead of June 7, our innovations in the SLE 15 SP4 family can be bucketed into three key areas: new capabilities like security, resilience, and management of infrastructure for SAP applications, new platform support for cloud, chipsets and hardware vendors, and lifecycle innovations.
  • Our next release of SUSE Linux exemplifies one of our main mantras – the notion of innovation without disruption. Innovating without adversely affecting application certification and customer experience is achieved through our support for the latest hardware and cloud platforms.
  • In my keynote I’ll be deep diving into each area and getting into the critical detail of how we’ll be addressing customer needs. Of course, it wouldn’t be SUSECON without a demo and the team will be sharing a brand-new demo to bring everything to life.
  • I am also delighted to announce that you won’t just be hearing this from me. You’ll be hearing from our customers and partners. There is nothing more compelling than the voice of our customers and partners and hearing first-hand their experiences with SUSE and their vision for the future.
  • In fact, I started this blog on my way back from visiting our friends at ElectronicPartner, to record their contribution to the Dawn of Linux keynote. You can look forward to them telling their story at SUSECON Digital 2022.
  • Please mark June 7-9 in your diary. I cannot wait to join you for another fantastic SUSECON experience.

Six SUSE Leaders Named on CRN Women of the Channel List

Monday, 9 May, 2022

CRN’s Women of the Channel Annual List recognizes the incredible accomplishments of the female leaders from all corners of the IT channel. It gives us great pleasure to announce that an outstanding six SUSE leaders have been recognized on the 2022 list. 

  • Rachel Cassidy, SVP Global Partner Ecosystem
  • Joanne Ayres, Director, Global Partner Marketing
  • Miriam Kang, Senior Marketing Manager, Program & Channel Marketing
  • Jamie Rahbany, Director, Americas Marketing
  • Marlen von Roth, EMEA Sales Director Managed Service Providers
  • Sherry Yu, Director of SAP Success Architect


What is the CRN Women of the Channel List?

Every year, CRN researches and acknowledges exceptional women in the channel for their strategic vision, thought leadership, and channel advocacy that has impacted growth and innovation in the channel. The resulting list represents the top female leaders of the IT channel who have brought innovative concepts, strategic business planning, and comprehensive channel initiatives to life.  

For such a large number of SUSE employees to be recognized is a testament to the phenomenal talent we have in our business, and the strides they have made for the greater good of both the channel and SUSE. Here is a little insight about their success:


SUSE’s CRN Women of the Channel 2022

1. Rachel Cassidy, SVP, Global Partner Ecosystem

Rachel has developed and leads the award-winning, five-star rated SUSE One Partner Program and is being honored for the third consecutive year in this list.  This year, a few of Rachel’s many accomplishments include successfully leading the integration of Rancher into SUSE One and uplifting the program to better suit the needs of Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and ISV partners.

2. Sherry Yu, Director of SAP Success Architect

Sherry is once again being honored as a CRN Woman of the Channel following an incredible year expanding her role to serve as advocate and leader across product management and engineering. Reporting into Rachel Cassidy, Sherry is recognized as a technology leader and trusted advisor supporting the technical alliance with SAP and focusing on growth as her number one goal.

3. Joanne Ayres, Director, Global Partner Marketing

Joanne has been responsible for building and managing a high performing marketing team who have developed creative and relevant content for SUSE partners. Through implementing processes, structure and focus, Joanne has enabled and empowered her team to better support channel partners in generating and developing new leads.

4. Miriam Kang, Senior Marketing Manager, Program & Channel Marketing

Miriam reports into Joanne, who highlights Miriam as ‘a rising star’ from her team who ‘makes things happen’. Some of Miriam’s accomplishments include her use of social media to increase brand recognition of SUSE One Partner Program and formulating new virtual partner events, increasing opportunities for partners to engage with SUSE.

5. Jamie Rahbany, Director, Americas Marketing

Jamie, who leads Americas marketing at SUSE, is being recognized for the second consecutive year. She leads by starting with the end in mind – building strategies and tactics to create measurable results. This last year, the Rancher acquisition led to strong strategic and innovative plans that created the highest achieving marketing program in fiscal Q3.

6. Marlen von Roth, EMEA Sales Director, Managed Service Providers

Marlen is also being recognized for the third year in a row of this esteemed list of leaders. This year, she has lead a team of executives to launch Rancher to MSP’s, resulting in over 70 new MSP partners in EMEA (a growth of 56%) and achieving double and even triple digit growth in bookings. 


Congratulations From All of Us at SUSE

We are proud that our colleagues have been recognized for their achievements for SUSE and our partners. In what has been another unprecedented year, all six of these women have demonstrated the innovation, skills and creativity that we value so highly at SUSE that are integral to our success.

“We are proud to once again recognize the remarkable leaders on this year’s Women of the Channel list. Their influence, confidence, and diligence continue to accelerate channel success significantly,” said Blaine Raddon, CEO of The Channel Company. “Their accomplishments will inspire others, and we look forward to witnessing their future contributions to the channel.”

Bravo to Rachel, Jo, Miriam, Jamie, Marlen, Sherry. We’re excited to see what you do next!

Indorama Ventures drives growth and boosts operational efficiency with SUSE

Monday, 2 May, 2022

“Creating a single, shared ERP solution gives us the opportunity to reduce licensing and operating costs associated with our previous infrastructure.” Pavan Gupta, JVP, Information Technology, Indorama Ventures.

After years of growing its global operations, world-class chemical company, Indorama Ventures had developed a complex IT infrastructure comprising multiple ERP systems.

Indorama Ventures has expanded its operations by acquiring leading companies in the chemical manufacturing sector. Motivated by a desire to improve business continuity, Indorama Ventures often retained the core infrastructure and applications of acquired companies — everything from financial planning systems to enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions.

To boost efficiency, reduce costs and drive simplicity Indorama Ventures decided to replace its existing ERP systems with SAP S/4HANA. Indorama Ventures teamed up with Accenture and CS Loxinfo to build, design and deploy its new SAP solutions on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) for SAP Applications in a Microsoft Azure cloud environment.

SLES for SAP Applications came highly recommended by Accenture, and other organizations in the local market. The knowledge that SUSE could provide timely, high quality local support was also a big factor in the decision.

Establishing a strong foundation for growth by running leaner IT operations

Indorama Ventures is now on a path towards significant reductions in IT workloads and improvements in strategic decision-making.

Because SAP S/4HANA is an in-memory database and SLES for SAP Applications is optimized to support this feature, Indorama Ventures will be able to find key business information and generate reports much quicker than before, improving business productivity.

By moving from multiple ERP systems to SAP S/4HANA, Indorama Ventures can reduce its overall ERP costs and enhance efficiency, especially in financial planning.

Creating a single, shared ERP solution simplifies management and gives Indorama Ventures the opportunity to reduce the licensing and operating costs associated with its previous infrastructure.

Thanks to the rock-solid stability of the SUSE operating system, Indorama Ventures have never experienced any unplanned downtime.

By 2023, Indorama Ventures aims to have migrated all its existing ERP systems to SAP S/4HANA running on SLES for SAP Applications, and the company is on track to meet this target.

Once Indorama Ventures has completed the migration of its ERP systems to SAP S/4HANA, the company will have established more efficient, standardized processes across its operations. Moreover, if and when Indorama Ventures makes future acquisitions, it will be much easier to integrate, better equipping it to drive growth in the years ahead.

Click here to find out more about how Indorama Ventures has reduced IT workloads and operational costs, whilst strengthening strategic decision-making.

Kubernetes backup with advanced cluster recovery for SUSE Rancher clusters

Friday, 29 April, 2022

SUSE Rancher includes a rancher-backup operator to easily backup, restore or migrate Rancher as well as the ability to backup and restore a Kubernetes cluster. However, for broad, ecosystem wide backup and disaster recovery, SUSE’s software development partners step in with application, data and workload-centric solutions addressing the needs of an entire Kubernetes computing landscape. Catalogic Software, a SUSE One Gold Innovate partner, delivers CloudCasa, a Kubernetes Backup and DR as a Service offering, and we’ve invited Catalogic to author a guest blog so you can learn more about their solution. ~Bret

SUSE guest blog authored by:
Mike Miracle, Chief Strategy Officer, Catalogic Software

Kubernetes backup with advanced cluster recovery features for your SUSE Rancher clusters

While Kubernetes is extremely valuable for automating cloud application deployment lifecycles and the scaling of application services, it still has many management gaps. That’s where SUSE Rancher steps in to address the operational gaps and security challenges of managing multiple Kubernetes clusters across any infrastructure.

What SUSE Rancher and Day 2 management products don’t provide is enterprise data protection and recovery for your persistent volumes and cloud databases. And while Kubernetes storage solutions can provide data protection for the storage they manage, they don’t cover the rest of your persistent data, including other data stores such as cloud databases. However, that’s not an issue given the SUSE One partner program enables additional tools and solutions from partners to be certified as SUSE Rancher Ready and deployed through the SUSE Rancher Apps & Marketplace. Let’s explore how that works for CloudCasa, Catalogic’s Kubernetes and cloud database protection service.

Why backup and recovery for Kubernetes?

While Kubernetes is designed to provide high availability, service interruptions can happen, as well as human and programmatic errors and of course the dreaded ransomware and cyber-attacks. Further, IT operations in most businesses require advanced data governance and compliance features including immutability and legal hold.

To protect and easily recover your stateful Kubernetes applications and cloud databases from the inevitable loss of data, traditional data protection methods, including snapshots, recovery points, and multiple backup copies, need to be employed. Snapshots and backup copies not only act as a form of insurance when disaster strikes, they can also be useful in the CI/CD process to provide datasets for application testing and reporting.

Get your backup app from the SUSE Rancher Apps & Marketplace

SUSE Rancher gives users the flexibility to manage their containers across any certified Kubernetes distribution and address the operational and security challenges of managing Kubernetes clusters in the data center, in the cloud and at the edge. This provides unified and consistent cluster operations, including provisioning, which SUSE has extended to partner applications in the Rancher Apps & Marketplace. This partner ecosystem makes Rancher Ready partner applications easily accessible, and it also provides a level of operational consistency and assurance that they work with Rancher.

The management of Kubernetes deployments is currently dominated by developers and DevOps engineers who don’t normally deal with data protection solutions and their governance and compliance requirements. Being able to easily access and deploy a backup and recovery application from a marketplace helps accelerate application development and deployments.

Catalogic is pleased to have the CloudCasa backup agent certified as SUSE Rancher Ready and available via a Helm Chart in the SUSE partner software catalog, and through the SUSE Rancher Apps & Marketplace as shown in the screenshots below. The Helm chart for CloudCasa orchestrates installation of the CloudCasa backup agent containers on Rancher managed clusters and connection to the CloudCasa data protection service.

SUSE Rancher users can now easily deploy the CloudCasa agent and activate the CloudCasa service to backup and restore clusters and persistent volumes via CSI snapshots. If you are using Rancher to manage Kubernetes cloud services such as EKS, AKS, or GKE, your application may also be using one or more cloud databases. Recognizing that this is a popular data persistence option for cloud native applications, CloudCasa also supports the protection of cloud databases starting with Amazon RDS.

Why CloudCasa for Kubernetes backup?

CloudCasa is a powerful and easy to use Kubernetes and cloud database backup service for DevOps and IT Ops teams. With CloudCasa, one doesn’t need to be a storage or data protection expert to backup and restore your Kubernetes clusters. Just install the CloudCasa agent from the Rancher Apps & Marketplace on your clusters and let CloudCasa do all the hard work of protecting your cluster resources and persistent data. Whether it’s a single cluster or you are managing a large, complex multi-cluster, multi-cloud, or hybrid environment, you can scan your clusters, set backup policies and perform advanced recovery of all your Kubernetes data and clusters from one enterprise console as shown in the dashboard below.

And the great news for developers is they can start with the free service plan for CloudCasa that has no limits on the number of snapshots, worker nodes or clusters! The free service plan provides up to 30 days of local snapshot retention, and free storage of cluster configuration and resource data on secure, encrypted storage. CloudCasa also pushes the boundaries of traditional data protection by offering Kubernetes configuration and security scanning as well as backups to ensure your data is safe and protected.

Premium service plans enable persistent volume backups to CloudCasa’s secure cloud storage, available locally in most AWS and Azure regions, or to your own object storage. Premium plans also include unlimited retention times, immutable recovery points, API access, and premium support. Plans are priced based on the amount of data you protect, not on the number of clusters you have or the number of worker nodes running.

Advanced cluster data migration and recovery use cases

CloudCasa enables advanced migration and recovery use cases to allow organizations to easily restore data across clusters, regions, cloud accounts and cloud providers. This is important for disaster recovery scenarios, for cluster migration, and replication of production environments for Dev/Test.

Some highlights of CloudCasa’s advanced capabilities are:

  • Cross-cluster restores are supported with no user intervention as long as matching storage classes exist on the target cluster. When restoring to a cluster other than the original cluster, CloudCasa allows users to browse the available storage classes in the destination cluster and remap storage classes.
  • For cross-account Kubernetes restores in AWS, CloudCasa automatically handles changing volume IDs for Persistent Volumes. Even better is the ability to automatically create Amazon EKS clusters on restore, and customize the IAM role, subnet group, security group etc. to use in a new account or region. This minimizes the need for user intervention and allows “bare metal recovery” like functionality.


With CloudCasa, we have your back! The CloudCasa service leverages Catalogic’s many years of experience in enterprise backup and recovery, including supporting advanced disaster recovery and data migration uses cases. From the SUSE Rancher Apps & Marketplace, you can easily access and deploy CloudCasa to your clusters to provide the same level of application-consistent data protection and disaster recovery for your cloud native applications that your IT department provides for their virtual and physical server-based applications today.

Watch this short video on how to install CloudCasa from the Rancher Apps & Marketplace. Learn more about CloudCasa and sign up now for our free service plan, that now also comes with free security scans, at

Mike Miracle is the Chief Strategy Officer for Catalogic Software and CloudCasa, its new Kubernetes venture. Mike is a strategy, marketing, and corporate development executive with extensive experience in storage, virtualization, and cybersecurity. Some previous fun jobs include leading M&A and investments at VERITAS Software during its high growth years, and Unix kernel development at AT&T Unix Labs, Novell, and HP.


Friday, 29 April, 2022

SUSECON is back! And once again (hopefully for the final time!) it will be a virtual conference. While many of us would love to be back together in person, there are some real benefits to hosting the conference virtually. One of these benefits is that there are no artificial limits on content, such as hotel room space, break times, etc. In a virtual conference, we can offer virtually unlimited learning possibilities!

SUSECON Digital 2022 Sessions

We just announced our SUSECON Digital 2022 Session Catalog, and it will blow you away! Last year had a lot of amazing content, but this year we have really outdone ourselves. Most of the content is listed now, but more will be added in the next couple of weeks. In total, we will have more than 200 sessions and demos in this year’s digital conference! That means 20% more Linux-related sessions, 20% more Edge sessions, 20% more demos and nearly 40% more Kubernetes sessions than last year!

In the mix with our extensive list of Technology breakout sessions this year you’ll find a couple of new arrivals for SUSECON Digital:

  • Return of the Hands-On Labs – virtually!

    • Hands-On Labs are a key staple of in-person SUSECON events. We had to take a hiatus for the last couple of years due to Covid, but this year we will bring back a limited number of opportunities to have a hands-on experience with the product software! Expert instructors will walk you through the following topics in a virtual classroom, with personal instruction and attention at your pace. Attendance in these Labs is limited, so make sure you reserve your place on May 10 when the SUSECON Digital Session Registration goes live!
      • Introduction to Harvester HCI
      • NeuVector Basic Deployment
      • Reduce downtime with SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability
  • Increased focus on business-level content.

    • While SUSECON is well known for outstanding technical content, we consistently try to provide content that helps business decision makers understand the value of our open source solutions. This year we are introducing topics that are more than simplified product overviews by discussing the real business drivers that represent challenges business leaders face every day, including topics like cost optimization, digital sustainability, Green IT, secure software supply chains and digital transformation.

And there’s more… as always!

One of our core commitments at SUSE is to always surprise and delight our customers, and at SUSECON we continue to do just that. As with our in-person events, we invite you to come for the content, then stay for the experience! Besides the amazing session content, see what else SUSECON Digital 2022 will have to offer:

  • Inspiring Keynotes

    • As always, the conference will be headlined by our executive team delivering inspiring messages and laying out our company direction for the future. Our CEO, Melissa Di Donato, will lead off the keynote series this year, followed by the General Managers of our Business-critical Linux, Enterprise Container Management and Edge Solutions businesses. Be sure to read Melissa’s blog for more information about these.
    • This year we are also excited to announce the return of the Technology Demo Keynote (remember Demopalooza?!?) with our CTO, Dr. Thomas Di Giacomo. Dr.T and his team of experts will demo new solutions that underscore both SUSE’s commitment to full stack security as well as our dedication to innovation.
  • Networking with Experts

    • Have you ever had burning questions, but you just didn’t know who to ask or how to reach them if you did know? SUSECON Digital 2022 will feature a robust networking environment where attendees can meet and mingle with hundreds of SUSE employees. Meet the engineers working on your favorite project. Talk to our Product Managers and give them your input on new solutions. Our presenters will be available to chat during most session presentation times, and then will available for small group discussions at scheduled times throughout the event. I encourage you to take full advantage of the networking tools to get to know us better!
  • Leisure time

    • Speaking of getting to know us better – be sure to check out something else new this year: SUSEDoes. In this virtual arena, a few brave SUSE employees will invite you to find out more about unconventional topics at a personal level. Ranging from cake baking to cold water swimming to building off-the-grid cabins, this will be a fun way to get to know us better!
    • When your brain just can’t absorb any more information – take a break and have some fun! The SUSECON Digital 2022 portal will have some retro games and light-hearted entertainment features as well to provide some much-needed downtime.

There are still a lot of great reasons to attend a virtual conference. So if you only do one this year, SUSECON Digital 2022 should be that one! Register today and we’ll see you June 7-9!

Join us for SUSECON Digital 2022

Tuesday, 26 April, 2022

With every passing day, we are reminded about how the open source movement continues to shape our world. From assisting in the roll-out of life-saving vaccines – to providing governments with the technological resources needed to build the sustainable cities of the future – open source has proven its power in addressing the greatest challenges facing humanity. 

SUSE continues to play a leading role in open source innovation. As we celebrate our 30th anniversary, I couldn’t be happier to invite you to join us for SUSECON Digital, taking place between 7-9 June, 2022.Registration is now open!  

Whether you’re already on your journey of digital transformation, or just getting started, SUSECON Digital 2022 will inspire you with the power of possibilities. You’ll hear from experts and leaders in our industry. We have keynotes, business-relevant content, technical workshops, interactive breakout sessions and live demos to empower you with knowledge about current technologies and upcoming innovations.  You’ll also hear from customers such as Airbus and BMW along with partners including Dell, Microsoft and Fujitsu. 

I am thrilled to be joined by the following leaders on the virtual keynote stage this year, who will share our vision and updates for our products and solutions:   

  • Dr. Thomas Di Giacomo, Chief Product & Technology Officer   
  • Greg Muscarella, General Manager, Enterprise Container Management   
  • Keith Basil, General Manager, Edge solutions   
  • Markus Noga, General Manager, Business-critical Linux 

SUSECON Digital this year will feature three virtual Eras, each with their own unique content tracks focused on technologies essential for digital transformation: Business-critical Linux, Enterprise Container Management and Edge Solutions: 

  • Witness the Dawn of Linux to hear from SUSE customers who are deploying one of the industry’s most secure enterprise Linux systems to drive digital transformation. When it comes to deploying Linux-based solutions, one size certainly doesn’t fit all.  
  • Be part of the Rise of Kubernetes where you’ll find out why Kubernetes is  indispensable to cloud-native transformation and container  orchestration. Hear from experts who have been at the forefront of the Kubernetes revolution and learn  how to adopt this game-changing technology in your organisation. You’ll hear about our integration with NeuVector, a leader in full lifecycle container security that delivers even more secure, easy-to-deploy container management and Kubernetes solutions. 
  • Engage in the Edge Renaissance and  discover  how  Edge solutions are rapidly emerging askey components of customer-centric, digital transformation strategies and experiences. You’ll also find out what it takes to enhance your existing edge strategy or the steps to begin that strategy today.   

If you’re ready to accelerate your company’s digital and technological transformation – look no further than SUSE to provide solutions as your trusted partner.  

Don’t forget to register today to secure your place  at  SUSECON Digital to propel your company forward, through the best of Business-critical Linux, Enterprise Container Management and Edge Solutions.